Originally Posted by nochtm
^This is what has been suggested and i believe c/c turn is better than jamming. I perceive flatting on this flop as a plan to steal the pot later 85% of the time.
not true at all
try to explain villains what a plan is
he has two overs that can hit, thats why he called
even vs regs that u might think that (which somehow where dumb enought to call flop and not ship), ur just putting yourself in though spots for nothing rlly
there wont be many chips left on turn... less then a psb. he might jam 96, T7 type stuff if u chk and was ******ed not to ship / fold on flop. but rlly, watch him call with a lot of random overs when u jam, and even an ocasional 96 call etc
and u have decent outs vs pairs
Last edited by Deepak; 10-31-2011 at 07:07 AM.