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YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup)

10-26-2010 , 05:11 PM
Hey Jae,

nice stack, good to hear about the process. Last level for today right? Musta been exhausting. Would be cool if you could report some interesting hands or situations you were involved in and stuff that went on there.

GL in the next rounds! Ship dat thing
YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) Quote
10-26-2010 , 05:52 PM
id be more interested in table talk/funny stories...
who cares bout hands
YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) Quote
10-26-2010 , 05:55 PM
Just get some rest Jae & stay focused.
YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) Quote
10-26-2010 , 06:44 PM
I made a long post but I think it'll be bad since I'm still playing and a lot of the players at the table are still in. I will write everything up after I'm done with the tournament.

Made a big call-down to double and doubled against acoimbra with a flush. Have 78k going into 600/1200 on Wednesday.
YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) Quote
10-28-2010 , 09:01 AM
Currently @ 65K, 800-1600, 200 ante, ~40 BB left, we need some luck.
YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) Quote
10-28-2010 , 09:04 AM
Hey guys just went busto at 800/1600 with AQ<33 for 25bb. Will post my writeup from Tuesday and today's action.
YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) Quote
10-28-2010 , 09:08 AM
Day 1A

Pretty tiring but I think I played a good game.

Very first hand I raised UTG to 4x and got 3b (300bb deep). Threeway pot was like 3600 and flop was KQx suited. I got a bit eager beaverish and when it was checked to me I stabbed. 3 bettor c/red.

Few hands later I flatted AK on button. Flop A66. Original raiser c/ced my small flop bet. Turn he c/red small on like a 3 and I did not like it but called down turn and 5200 on river. He c/red AK and almost turned it into a bluff. He consistently checked a street for pot control but then just raised the next street (which puzzled me).

Started losing every pot. Stabbed dry boards, got raised. Rinse and repeat. Then I won a few pots, squeezed a few. Had TT on like Q86 and it checked through. I led turn 9 that gave me like a really disguised straight (J or 7) and the player who c/red AK raised the turn small. I flatted. River 7 I led like 1/2 pot hoping for a bluff raise or something (board was 6789) but he called.

So I was up to 31k or so and just hung around until 150/300/ante. I was very quiet and raised 45s utg to 775. Led K67dd flop and the player I had history with raised flop small to like 3500. I peeled one and he had a2dd when we checked down. Lost 5k there.

Was down to like 21k. Raised a4s utg at 200/400. Acoimbra min 3b to 2k. I flatted. Flop KdQdx. I c/c intending to evaluate. He puts like 1500 into 4k. I think he is either bladed or has nothing (he plays really really weird) so I flat. Turn 2d. I check he bets 2500. C/r is still kind of an overshove here so I just flat. River blank I check, he near pots, I crai he has KK. Takes most of his stack.

I get really quiet. Way later I have AQs at 400/800 with about 34k. Monster stack raises UTG to 18 I flat. He just recently lost a big pot where he bet flop, checked turn, called river on QJ22x and lost to AA (so I assume he had a TPish hand).

Flop is like AKx dd. He bets 2300 and I flat. Turn is a blank 6. I check he bets again. River 6d. I check he shoves quickly. Don't want to get too much into reads since we might meet again but I call after thinking it through and he mucks. So I'm up to like 60k.

I open utg at 400/800 to 1800. I've been ******edly card dead (like no AK, no pair better than 88). The hood gangster has been flatting like every single ep open and my image is bad cuz I showed down a4s and 45s. I have AQ, he min 3b to 4050. First min 3b vs me though he's been 3betting a good range. I make it 12000 with 50k behind. He flats(!).

Flop is like 942. I bet 16k and he folds. I was baffleplexed. This puts me at like 75k. I then just make a few steals and 3b's (still card dead) and finish with 78k.

Crazy stuff I saw:

The guy I played a lot of pots with was very fearless and mixing it up while making a lot of weird plays. He built a big stack. He flats out of the BB against an EP raiser. C/r a Q83 flop to like 6200 over 2500. UTG opener makes it 15k. G makes it 30k. UTG shoves 32k more and the G folds!

G plays a hand against acoimbra. G 3b (Acoimbra had like 60% VPIP and was really an animal) and Acoimbra min 4b. G folds. Next time, G flats another min 4b (like 3700 over 1800). Flop 678. Acoimbra leads, G shoves. Acoimbra tanks a long time then calls getting like 2:1ish with 48s(!). G has a9s.

G plays a hand against the EPT Talinn winner (I didn't recognize him but my gf pointed him out on the Pokerstars blog). Action is winner opens, really tight guy min 3b (like 1600 over 1000), G makes it 7k, winner makes it 15k (they both have like 50k behind). G flats(!). Flop is like Jc8x. By now I'm wondering wtf is going on. Both check (winner has position). Turn is a 7c. G leads big, winner flats(!) and I'm really baffled. River K, G shoves and winner folds (he has like 10k left after folding). I thought winner had KK and G had like AA or something based on preflop tanking and action.

Sorry for the wall of text. Just got back.
YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) Quote
10-28-2010 , 09:16 AM
Day 2: I start with 78900. Very frustrating day. Levels start at 600/1200.

-I flat from the BB in a 4-way pot with 45s and c/f.

-I open QQ utg to 2900. Fish to my left flats (mega drooler) and quiet guy squeezes to 7500 with 30k behind. I put my stack in and both fold.

-I set mine with 66. Whiff.

-I set mine with 33 from the blinds. Whiff.

-At 800/1600 with 200 ante (pretty big ante, antes were alternating b/n 1/6th to 1/8th and 1/4th. I got way more active in the 1/4th levels). I open k9cc with a very quiet image. SB/BB both flat (they both seem competent and have big stacks). Flop QJ5c. We all check. Turn is a 3c giving me a flush draw. They both check and I decide against barreling. River blank -3700 for me.

- Next hand I open AQ. SB from previous hand flats on btn and bb from previous hand flats from SB. Flop J62hh. Checks around. BB leads turn and river and they both show down AJ. -3700.

- Next hand I open a7s. Thought I could sneak one through on the tight BB. But fish 3b me and shows down AKs vs short stack's AKs.

- So I'm at like 68000 now or something. Few hands later I flat player's UTG raise with 66 on btn (fish was constantly to my left speculating with stuff like 9To and never 3 betting so hugely profitable spots). Flop J82 all diamonds I have the 6d. UTG checks and I get kind of confused at what he's trying to pot control.

Turn 3h he leads like 6k into 10000 and I get confused. I eventually think he has either a high diamond he whiffed a c/r with, a big pocket pair, or maybe even air that will stab once give up. I make it 16k pretty fast intending to check back river diamonds, shove maybe t's, q's, 6's, and other stuff. I also think I take it down a good amount.

River is a bad card to bluff like 2h or something. So he checks and I debate bluffing but think I beat enough of his range where I check down. He has KK no diamond and says he was going to puke/call if I bet.

Down to about 41k at 800/1600. I open to 3700 on btn with AQ. Guy who just moved over shoves like 25bb. There's no way I can fold btn vs BB so I call. The ****** has 33 and the flop is KT5 but I brick everything and I'm out.
YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) Quote
10-28-2010 , 09:18 AM
Thanks for investing. I really have to say live poker is quite frustrating when card dead. It seems like cards tend to clump or something because a lot of the fishier players I saw who were chipping up kept getting premiums over and over.

I made do with the best I could. Most of my stack was built from controlled bluffing and light 3 betting with less than premium hands. I know it sounds really cliche to say card dead but I thought I played a very solid game and got into a lot of ev spots. Lost my first flip and that was it.
YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) Quote
10-28-2010 , 10:18 AM
Oh well, sounds like you did your best.
YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) Quote
10-28-2010 , 12:09 PM
thats why i only played turbos so far i couldnt take playin 2 days of livepoker just to bust ootm
YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) Quote
10-28-2010 , 07:36 PM
ul and thanks for the write up. I'd invest again.
YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) Quote
10-29-2010 , 02:33 AM
yeah man, thanks for the info, too bad

gl in the other events!
YugiohPro: 100% Online Roi/TLB Winner selling Shares to EPT Vienna Main Event (Reduced Markup) Quote
