Date: Thursday, November 4 - Monday, November 8
Allocated buy-in: $2300
EV: High
The Biloxi Circuit Event is in Biloxi starting today (October 28). I can't make it this weekend, but I'm going to drive my family down there next Thursday, November 4 to play in the daily events, including the $1600 main event on Sunday. I am looking to sell up to 60% of the my action at a 13% markup.
I play in Biloxi frequently and this is sure to be a very +EV event. The main event buy in is low, so it should get lots of stragglers.
Many of you know me because I am a frequent staker here. I have been staked once here before and the investors were happy with both my play and my level of communication. Since this will be a live event, I will be tweeting updates, as well as updating a rail thread at the end of each day.
Here are the tourneys:
Thursday, Nov 4..... 7pm...........................................$120 (1 day event)
Friday Nov 5 ..........Noon.................................... ......$345 (2 day event)
Saturday Nov 6...... 7 PM Mega Satellite to main event...$235
Sunday Nov 7........ Noon Main Event...........................$1600 (2 day event)
Total value: $2300
Share price = $2300 *1.13 / 100 = $26 per share
1% = $26
2% = $52
5% = $130
10% = $260
I reserve the right not to play in one or more of these events -- and will obviously provide refund with markup.
Previous staking here
Previous rail thread
My Stars OCR
*Note: any "added" value (ie entry to champions event or whatever it is) from binking one of these are NOT part of the deal.
10% presold
50% remains
Ship to apierce on Stars or arp123 on FTP....Thanks
Last edited by YoureToast; 10-28-2010 at 05:57 PM.