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WSOPC West Palm Beach Kennel Club 2/17 WSOPC West Palm Beach Kennel Club 2/17

01-20-2012 , 07:32 PM
Hey everyone,

My name is Chad Seagraves. I used to play under KaKaFC22 on tilt/stars, but then black friday happened and ive been forced to work a dumb job at a restaurant. I've also been grinding on merge, but nowhere near the volume i used to put in on tilt/stars. I have been eager to play some tournaments, and a few of my buddies from our home game in town are going to make the trip down to South Florida to play a few events in the series.

About me: I'm 26 years old, from Burlington, NC. I went to Elon University and graduated with a degree in business management in 2007. I started playing poker my freshman year of college, when a friend of mine introduced me to Party Poker. I would play occasionally on there, but my friends and I would play $5 live sit-n-go's all the time. After a while i discovered FTP and i was instantly hooked. I cut my teeth playing 90 mans, until i had enough money to play MTT's. Once i discovered MTT's, i never looked back.

Before black friday, I was staked by Doug Lang(OUDlanger610) and Howie Shen(Aznpower11) who are both active members on 2p2.

Here are links to OPR...

My live experience has been somewhat limited given the fact I live in North Carolina. I have played in a handful of tournaments at the Borgata in AC, as well as a few WSOP circuit prelims at Harrahs in AC. No big results other than a couple min cashes seen here...

This is my first time selling a package on here, but i'm hoping to sell 70-80%.

2/18-$555 1M



I would really like to just receive cash in Florida, but i just recently started a Paypal account so that method works too. Also, if you live in the NC area I will accept cash/check.
WSOPC West Palm Beach Kennel Club 2/17 Quote
01-20-2012 , 07:34 PM
reserve 25%, paypal
WSOPC West Palm Beach Kennel Club 2/17 Quote
01-20-2012 , 07:50 PM
Res the rest pending pm
WSOPC West Palm Beach Kennel Club 2/17 Quote
01-20-2012 , 10:08 PM
Backed Chad up until BF and have absolutely nothing bad to say about him. Treated the stake $ with care and was very communicative throughout.

Good luck Chad
WSOPC West Palm Beach Kennel Club 2/17 Quote
01-20-2012 , 11:09 PM
Thanks Howie

looks like we're sold out.

JW-25%(awaiting payment)
ImaWhale-45%(awaiting payment)

70% sold.
WSOPC West Palm Beach Kennel Club 2/17 Quote
01-22-2012 , 02:34 PM
Not surprised Chad sold out fast. He's a great guy with a solid grasp of the game. It was a pleasure backing him and getting to know him.

Looking forward to seeing you in West Palm man! If any of this package opens up let me know.
WSOPC West Palm Beach Kennel Club 2/17 Quote
01-23-2012 , 03:58 PM
thanks for the kind words Doug. see ya down there bud.

one minor change to the package:

private investor-10%

still 70% sold
WSOPC West Palm Beach Kennel Club 2/17 Quote
01-23-2012 , 05:16 PM
I'll take the last 10% if available.
WSOPC West Palm Beach Kennel Club 2/17 Quote
01-23-2012 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Mrnton
I'll take the last 10% if available.
sorry, i guess wasn't clear with my last post. im sold out, 70% sold, im keeping 30% for myself. i can waitlist you though Mrnton
WSOPC West Palm Beach Kennel Club 2/17 Quote
01-23-2012 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by KaKaFC22
sorry, i guess wasn't clear with my last post. im sold out, 70% sold, im keeping 30% for myself. i can waitlist you though Mrnton
Alright, just let me know.
WSOPC West Palm Beach Kennel Club 2/17 Quote
01-23-2012 , 08:14 PM
Beast cheese rules.
WSOPC West Palm Beach Kennel Club 2/17 Quote
