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WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist

04-23-2012 , 12:46 PM
Playing a tournament when you're in such a state of intoxication you're having memory lapses when having sold shares is even worse than lieing about a hand to investors in my opinion. This is just silly and I agree OP is just digging a hole for himself.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by mastr
I for one am shocked that someone of Owais' moral and upstanding character would lie in a way like this. (Oh wait, I'm not even a little bit surprised)
Reading this with Scott's voice is pretty funny. But yes, do explain..
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Jorizz
Playing a tournament when you're in such a state of intoxication you're having memory lapses when having sold shares is even worse than lieing about a hand to investors in my opinion. This is just silly and I agree OP is just digging a hole for himself.
To be fair, we don't know whether he was drinking the night before the tournament, or the night after the tournament, before he posted the hand.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by acdawg712
Reading this with Scott's voice is pretty funny. But yes, do explain..
It was explained publicly on TV during the 50k players championship and mastr commented on it so I assume it is cool to link this. If not someone let me know and I will remove the link.

Explanation comes in around the 50 minute mark:
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 03:48 PM
Very tempted to bump this every 10 minutes just to look at the hilarious responses. Not gonna lie. Good work with the CSI meme too
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 04:46 PM
Lol op. I could remember hands from five years ago no way he could just mistake a bust hand from a 10k tourney a day later. Better off just admitting u screwed up than phony long excuses.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 04:49 PM
I think this is a clear situation where a marketplace ban would be appropriate, I'd prefer a full 2p2 ban. I don't see any need for anyone to trust Owais ever again after this.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 05:01 PM
lol what a weird thread.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by FatalError
I think this is a clear situation where a marketplace ban would be appropriate, I'd prefer a full 2p2 ban. I don't see any need for anyone to trust Owais ever again after this.

Much better to out the shady people in the poker community before they can do any more harm. This guy might be fine, but now this whole thing has surfaced he can't be trusted for a while imo.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by FatalError
I think this is a clear situation where a marketplace ban would be appropriate, I'd prefer a full 2p2 ban. I don't see any need for anyone to trust Owais ever again after this.

I think a perma ban from 2+2 is excessive, haven't a lot of people stolen investors money/done way shadier **** and not gotten perma banned from 2+2? I'd say a 6 month MP ban and a psych evaluation are in order though.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 05:42 PM
The responses by him in this thread have been my comic relief for the day...such a silly hand to lie about as well
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 05:53 PM
There is just no way anyone who can make such poor decisions in a thread over and over again could ever be a good investment to begin with. Its like you have done the exact opposite of what any intelligent person would do every time you were presented with a choice, not sure I have ever seen someone dig themselves into such a deep hole over such an innocent thing.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 06:00 PM
Only way you'll save any face here is to admit you lied because you were embarrassed and move on.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by oerockets
People who know will say I am very professional and business like when it comes to the poker. I am not here to party, chase girls, prove I am a hot shot. I am here to win money.
Originally Posted by oerockets

Maybe it was the drinking plus whatever else happened the night before. Maybe that changed my perspective on the situation.
I lolled
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by oerockets
Hi everyone,

I tweeted at two players at the table but got no response. Someone on here said snowman said that hand was indeed pocket 2s. If that is so, then that's two players on the table saying the villain's hand was pocket 2s. If I was reading this thread as an observer, I would definitely think the bustout hand was pocket 2s.

The weird thing about all this is when I think back about the hand, I still see it the exact same way I described. From my point of view, I have not lied. Maybe it was the drinking plus whatever else happened the night before. Maybe that changed my perspective on the situation. I dont know, but thats not an excuse. I think back on the situation and I see the hand play in my head the same way. The funny thing is I even talked to a poker buddy about the hand before I posted it.

Its not an obligation for me to report anything on the tournament or a bustout hand - its a courtesy. I also have nothing to gain from lieing - busting a 100bb stack with Aces in a three bet pot is standard in today's aggressive no limit games. Coolers happen, its part of the game. Not only that, there were 9 other witnesses to the hand (and maybe a reporter or two observing form afar), why would I try to change the truth? Especially when I know there are other poker pros at the table that check 2+2?

Also, I don't feel embarrassed about busting out of a tournament that way - thats how I busted the 2011 Main Event. Actually, in that hand AFTER I busted, a reporter asked me what happened and I told him I busted with Kings on a Q 9 4 board vs a set of 4s on the turn. If I were going to lie and make up hands, I'd do it there.

I also busted Bay 101 with AK vs AK vs AA preflop on the money bubble with an above average money stack. That's the worst equity play in tournament poker history, so if I were to be embarrassed about something, there you go.

I guess in the end, I truly am speechless. I don't know how my recount of the situation was different than two other player's. I didn't try to be malicious, and maybe I got selective memory after the fact. I really don't know how this all went down, and I'm just as confused about this absurd situation as anyone else.

When we talk about embarrassing, this is the most embarrassing thing I've ever faced. I've always tried to hold myself as a true poker professional, and people who know me can attest to that. If the hand truly went down a different way than I reported, I apologize to anyone who read it. If the hand did go down another way, now you know I 3-bet with Aces on the button and shove the turn on a Queen high board.

I know there are going to be people who read this and laugh; some will probably make fun of it, others won't believe a word. Trust me, I'm already very embarrassed about this situation and I never intended on ever lieing. I'm putting myself out here, being as honest from the heart as possible, for those who want to listen.

I want to move past this whole situation but I feel the best way to always act in this business is to be open and honest. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

Maybe in the future I will take a picture of my bustout hand and that way I won't run into this spot again.

Thanks for your time,

is this real life?

i don't even think lying about a bustout hand is that bad... i've done it before, not sure why, prolly to save the embarassment. def wrong to do it when u have investors tho. And lol at those long drawn out posts... just admit it dog.

Last edited by Kramerica; 04-23-2012 at 06:32 PM.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 06:19 PM
lol the posts by owais are so absurd...but I could've lied about this in the past, therefore I'm not lying now! wat

also his 3rd defense (i was drinking or intoxicated that i don't know what the hands are) is like WAYYY worse than just lying about the hand. if you were lying about the hand I guess it's just an ego thing or w/e, but lol, showing up to a 10k so intoxicated you cant even tell what the cards are (lol) is a million times worse

lifetime marketplace ban seems in order, idk about 2+2 though
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 06:24 PM
After reading the thread and then going back and re reading the OP/his first few responses it seems like hes probably a serial conman. Doubt this is his first time doing something dodgy, its more likely this is just his first time being caught.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 06:32 PM
So glad I came back to this thread (thx FatalError Twitter.) Seems like a lot of delusions coming from OP. My mind has been bottled.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 06:55 PM
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 07:35 PM
Safe to say OP "misremembered"
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 07:37 PM
lol birs cages
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 07:37 PM
From my point of view, I have not lied.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 07:56 PM
I don't get why everyone thinks he had no reason to lie. I think the fact that he pointed out repeatedly that he busted with over pairs to sets with big (~100bb) stacks in HUGE tourneys is actually the reason for the lie in the first place...

There are public records of bust out hands where he has done this, a few times, and here he is, on investor money, doing it again. any thinking player is going to wonder if he is leaking when he busts out the same way over and over. How many times do you stack off with an over pair on a mega dry board facing 2 pot sized bets before you realize it might be a leak/mistake? And I am sure OP is a pretty good player so I would say after 2-3 times doing it in 10-50k tourneys would be enough.

There is a high level of play expected in a WPT, and I certainly can imagine OP wanting to lie about his bustout hand if he thought he could get away with it... tempting if I wanted further staking, didn't want to look stupid, or have my play critiqued. I would tell the truth anyway, and maybe offer up that I recognize this is not a good way to go out of a tourney with 100bb stack. To me it seems he obviously felt stupid about the hand, and thought it was a low risk lie ( i mean it was, who would imagine this would happen???). That being said, I really have hopes that OP will admit to this, and horses can learn a lesson not to do stupid things in what everyone wants to be a safe honest market.

Strategy wise, I really think shoving the turn is bad play. smooth turn and call or even fold river based on action (as the hand was described by gotstago) What is calling your turn shove that you beat? 100bb deep here effective, is just really deep, and its day 1. and if you think he is bluffing, let him fire river, your in pos. I think this becomes obvious after the fact, going broke AA to a set is reasonable, but I am not so sure it is 100bb deep, day 1,non re entry, especially at a table that is so unreal mega soft that you tweeted for joy about it?

Just my worthless 2 cents, I almost invested in this horse, but he sold out,and I also might be totally wrong on my strategy critique, although I think that is not related to the reason he lied.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 08:06 PM
Give it a rest already! seriously. Guy made a mistake and now he has to live with the fact he is now being labeled that. Really doubt 2p2 needs anymore here say, honest players are still trying to sell their wsop packages.

MOD please lock thread or move it to NVG or Mtt community! for the sake of honest sellers and buyers whom want better things to do than to read everyones opinion about op.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
04-23-2012 , 08:14 PM
Wow this is really blowing up huh? Makes you think how much this actually happens IMO. The one thing that bothers me is the drinking, not so much that he drinks but the fact he harped on it so much in his OP that he's not here to party etc. When I first read that, I was like hell yeah dude focused. Now I'm like wait, what? So he is here to party and drink?

The whole lying about the hand thing is absurd, I mean alls he had to say was "Oh shyt, I must have had my head in a different place, I apologize for the confusion" Instead of digging himself a whole of perplexed psychology of his state of mind, what others interpreted that hand to be and what is actually was.

People tend to forget and it's unfortunate for them, but the marketplace has eyes and it's always watching.

Last edited by Turb0Licious; 04-23-2012 at 08:20 PM.
WPT HOLLYWOOD ME - Owais Ahmed - 2011 Bracelet Winner, 2011 WPT Final Tablist Quote
