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woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread

01-14-2013 , 04:38 PM
sent 10% stars, iam...
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-14-2013 , 04:45 PM
cheers, received ty

10% - k_2

2% - eagles
30% - other
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-14-2013 , 04:47 PM
30% shipped.

Glgl man.
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-15-2013 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by thejuggernaut
30% shipped.

Glgl man.
received, ty Martin.

10% - k_2
30% - juggernaut
2% - eagles
33% - Shane Stewart

sold out the rest, thanks for the support guys. will provide updates on twitter @woollyyy.

Last edited by woolly; 01-15-2013 at 01:56 AM. Reason: added Shane
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:15 PM
Gogogogo for the Canadian Bacon!
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-19-2013 , 03:46 AM
Gl Day 2, Goooooooooooooo Wooooollllyyyyyyyy!!
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-19-2013 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by K_2
Gl Day 2, Goooooooooooooo Wooooollllyyyyyyyy!!
cheers k_2

have 44.1k chips, avg was about 68k. going to be tough to cash but I've been playing a solid short stack game and pretty pleased with my play thus far. tourney is very soft just a fast structure and poorly managed IMO.

saw duhamel, timex and gavin smith there BTW
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-19-2013 , 06:32 PM
wp sir! GG
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-19-2013 , 07:32 PM
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:56 PM
cheers guys .

so anyways I cashed for exactly $13,424 (15/462). paid 33% to Shane in cash at the casino and then took a check ($9k) for the rest. I'll do my best to pay everyone back over the next two days (maybe three) since a) I'll reach my xfer limits and b) it's a big chunk of my online roll atm lol. anyways if you want to read about my play I tossed it in the spoiler below

not too worried about grammar/punctuation/spelling since I'm dead tired and want to get drunk. running on 9 hours of sleep since thursday and drove 650km back and forth total in the last 36hrs, played about 16hrs+ of live during this time.

anyways got there today. they had the payout structure and chip counts at the registration desk. was happily surprised to see that i was 45th in chips and there a lot of guys with only a few BB left. started with 44.1k chips at 1.5k/3k (300 ante), level 15. on my 3rd or 4th hand of the day i got dealt 88 in MP at a full table and minopened. guy on the btn shoved for like 4.5bb more and i called, he flipped over A6o. i even binked a set OTT when i didnt need to just for some extra rungood. that was my 3rd KO of the event and the first of the day. during the next orbit i think like an entire table busted and were down to 56 for a while. then a few ppl busted quickly and we hit the bubble where i had around 12bb but no good spots since there was so much limping PF and just absolutely terrible open sizes like 4x+. bubble came and went (50 players) and then literally i remember looking up at the screen and seeing 43 players left probably 1-2 orbits later, still with around 12bb~. then i got dealt AA in MP1 and a shortie shoved UTG, guy that had me covered re-popped UTG+1 (yeah i know "run better") and i shoved and saw KTo and KQo respectively. again for extra rungood i flopped top set and boated up OTR. got switched to a new table and then played hand-for-hand (every payout level) which was rly slow, ended up just txting a lot here and not paying much attention to my table. new table was bit more aggro but again nothing special. still playing pretty str8 forward at this pt, stealing some blinds from BTN/CO and just folding the rest of the time rly. so many terrible players not much need for a different strategy. got moved to another new table just before the break where it stopped at 23 players. came back and managed to win a few blinds here and there with some LP minopens, but not really doing much other than that. i think the only post-flop hand i remember playing since like level 3 or 4 was flatting minopen on the btn (now with 25bb~) w/ AJo to big stack EP open. board was like 9626Jr or something, checked it thru to river where i bet 17.5k into 35k~ (didn't realize blinds had just gone up to 3k/6k, otherwise i prob would have made it like 23k~..also forgot about the antes which were kinda annoying to try to count) and got a call. prob the biggest stack in BB i had since level 4 on day 1. managed to bleed antes and blinds for a bit, and then lost like 20k~ in a limped pot (BB) where i got C/R and folded tpnk on a like 875 two tone or something to this annoying asian man who kept calling people 'cousin'. anyways after playing 7 handed for a while somebody finally busted and we had two 10 handed tables. this went to 18 players pretty quickly, then got moved to the other table. managed to steal some moar blinds here for a bit. hit 17 players (hand-for-hand was 16) and then a player on each table busted at the same time so we went to 15 skipping hand-for-hand. played here for a bit. at this time blinds were 4k/8k with 1k ante and i had 115k chips i think (i was gunna count but i got busted haha) and a guy who had my slightly covered limped his SB after it got folded to me. holding ATo, wasnt rly sure if i wanted to raise to like 2.5x-3x and call off any 3bet or not so i just decided to jam thinking it's prob fine, if hes got any kind of hand i'd 3bet AI here anyways. snap called and showed AA and that was the end of my day, binking 13.4k. other downside to busting was the dealer was this rly cute tanned girl that i kept staring at when shed look to the other end of the table (was in seat 9 next to here ). after that had to look at all the hoodrats on the rail instead which sucked. overall the play was rly bad, most players (basically everyone over like 26 lol) seem to have almost zero positional understanding and no clue about ranges or any ICM/shortstack math or anything (not that i know any icm but i think i have a bit of a feel for it not being full out 100% ******ed). ppl opening like KTo utg and calling off for their stack, stuff like that. opening sizes were way too big, very few players 2x-2.2xing. most were like 3.5x lawl. cbet sizing also terrible, either way too small or too big. staff are friendly but not very knowledgable and it seems kinda poorly run and has a generally rly fast paced structure, both which probably contribute to the series being soft. look forward to possibly playing all three events next year. cheers guys
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-19-2013 , 10:27 PM
Well done champo!
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-19-2013 , 10:31 PM
Pics of dealer....
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-20-2013 , 07:44 PM
I think I know the hot dealer you re talking about. Nice run. Woollyyy paid me out right away in cash.
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 08:55 PM
if you guys want to verify, results are posted here

almost paid everyone back. Shane confirmed, I sent K_2 two transfers (he was kind enough to send back $100 for gas and stuff, pretty cool), I have sent juggs 3k out of 4k, and have just sent another transfer. Eagles just told me to use the profit from 2% ($215) on a Sunday Million entry and we'll go 50/50 on it. so if there's no probs and everyone is good then the thread can be locked I guess
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 10:47 PM
Wp dude
woolly Fallsview Classic - interest thread Quote
01-22-2013 , 12:17 PM
Received all funds as of last night with no issues.

Was great with updates while playing as well.

Sick run woolly, would buy action again.
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