5k BR
Currently 2,700 available.
Shares will be sold 1.20:1
1% = $60
5% = $300
10% = $600
20% = $1200
Coming off of a 19th place in the LAPC 1 Mill GTD with 3200 entrants.
I will be playing at least one of these weekends.
Saturday, June 09, 2012 to Monday, June 11, 2012
Event #19: No-Limit Hold'em (1,500)
Sunday, June 10, 2012 to Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Event #21: No-Limit Hold'em (1,000)
Saturday, June 16, 2012 to Monday, June 18, 2012
Event #31: No-Limit Hold'em (1,500)
Sunday, June 17, 2012 to Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Event #33: No-Limit Hold'em (1,000)
Saturday, June 23, 2012 to Monday, June 25, 2012
Event #43: No-Limit Hold'em (1,500)
Sunday, June 24, 2012 to Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Event #44: No-Limit Hold'em (1,000)
Saturday, June 30, 2012 to Monday, July 02, 2012
Event #53: No-Limit Hold'em (1,500)
Sunday, July 01, 2012 to Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Event #54: No-Limit Hold'em (1,000)
I will play any or all of these daily depending if I have busted.
$185 6pm Deep Stack
$235 2pm Deep Stack
$135 10pm Deep Stack
These are also options if they are going.
Ceasers Mega stack $350.00
Venetian Deep Stack $340
$125 WSOP satties
Seats will be sold for cash and added to the BR
The focus of this trip is Tournaments cash will only be played if tournaments are not available.
LIVE CASH (Cash will only be played if there is time and we have busted from the tournaments.)
The level of what is played will depend on game selection and how much of the BAP sells out.
Location's of where this will be played is undecided.
Fixed Limit
20/40 4k +
8/16 - 10/20 1.5k -3k
5/10 -6/12 500 - 1,500
3/6 - 4/8 500 and below
No limit
1/2-3/5 NL with max of 500 out of BR on table.
Expenses $100
About me: Hello all, my name is Jonathan and I am 33 years old. I play poker part time. I am a proven horse in MTT's and have been backed on many occasions both for live and online.
References: I am happy to provide backer references on request.
I am also the developer behind
Poker Hands & Poker Results : Poker Hub
Tournament Parser
Taxes: In an event of a large cash necessary paperwork will need to be filed and I will need specific information sent to me. You are responsible for paying taxes on your share of the winnings.
Stats: $7K in profit over PS and FTP in mtts
Majority of my past play has been FL cash which I was staked for for the 6/12 - 20/40 level.
WHITECOW Poker Results and Statistics - Official Poker Rankings
MONEYBALLONLINE Poker Results and Statistics - Official Poker Rankings
I will accept cash in person, checks, PokerStars, Merge, Cake, PP, MB or wires, ect. as I am a US player.
Note: Any event not played will be added back to the pool and distributed accordingly.
If you have any questions please feel free to PM me here or contact me via skype whitepokercow