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SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win

01-11-2016 , 01:43 AM
Updates shareholder list

267.03 AUD = 187.979 USD
Australian Dollar ↔ US Dollar
1 AUD = 0.703960 USD ; 1 USD = 1.42053 AUD

Full Package

40% SwoopAE (30% main) - (PAID)
10% LB (PAID - Bank)
10% BBZ (PAID - Stars)
6% Dougblazers (PAID - Bank)
5% Jstclkdabtn (1.12% is rollover) (Owes 1036 AUD cash in melb)
3.5% Private Investor Anon (PAID - Stars)
2% Private Investor BM (Sent - Bank)
5% mfae (PAID - Bank)
5% AAgoodfold (PAID - Stars)
2.5% Clydesdalez (Sent - Bank)
2.24% Jasbral (PAID - Rollover)
2% Maybird78 (PAID - Stars)
1.86% mwa (PAID - Bank)
1.4% Curesive - (PAID - Rollover)
1% Mattraq1 (PAID - Bank)
1% eli2012 (PAID - Bank)
1% elliot10181 (PAID - Stars)
0.5% Private Investor CM (Sent - Bank)

Main Only

2.24% Jasbral (owes 215.70 stars, but booked)
2% Private Investor Anon (PAID - Stars)
5.76% mwa (PAID - Bank)

Funds still need to be received from

Jasbral (booked; hasn't confirmed yet but booked regardless due to regular buyer)
Mattraq1 (booked; has sent bank, waiting to receive)
Clydesdalez (booked; has sent bank, waiting to receive)
Jstclkdabtn (booked; cash in Melb)
Private Investors CM and BM (booked; both sent bank; waiting to receive)

Last edited by SwoopAE; 01-11-2016 at 01:55 AM.
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-11-2016 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by Dadonk612
So .5% of entire pkg? Will take it but need to send skrill in aud/usd, can receive on Stars will that work?
Checked my PMs and had sold out via private sale before receiving this sorry; not booked/reserved and please don't send to me (will refund if you have). Have also sent PM.

Final shareholder list is in previous post unless I don't receive from anyone who has claimed to have sent.

The planned schedule at this stage is as follows

Jan 14 - $2500 HORSE

Jan 18 - $1150 PLO

Jan 19 - $1150 6Max NLHE

Jan 20 - $2500 8Game (defending champion)

Jan 23 - $1650 Bounty NLHE Special

Jan 24/25 $1150 NLHE Terminator or Hall of Fame Classic (Jan 24 or 25 respectively)

Jan 24/25/26 - $10,600 Main Event
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-12-2016 , 12:44 AM
Received from Clydesdalez, Private Investor BM and Mattraq1; all booked and confirmed as paid

Only waiting to receive from Private Investor CM and Jasbral now and both are booked regardless.
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-12-2016 , 04:17 AM
At this point just need to collect the 1036 AUD cash in Melb from Jstclkdabtn and the 215.70 Stars from Jasbral (not urgent; he can send whenever due to being a regular investor)

I had a minor panic attack today because i'm buying into all of the events online today and thought I was slightly short of what i'd budgeted... then realised i'd entirely forgotten one of my investors is paying cash in Melbourne and i'm just a ******.
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-12-2016 , 04:38 AM

Registered for the first 4 events in the package today; will be registering the 1650 Bounty and Terminator or Hall of Fame Classic using the Stars client (theyre allowing stars buyins from when the Stars team arrive which will cover both events) and i'm already registered in the Main Event in the Stars client.

GLHF all. Will post a tournament recap after each tourney in the thread, with regular live updates on Twitter here

The first tournament begins at 12:10 Melbourne time on January 14; please note the timezone difference if you want to check the twitter updates etc
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-12-2016 , 06:13 PM
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-13-2016 , 05:39 AM
gl Oli !
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-13-2016 , 04:05 PM
Thanks guys first tourney in a few hours. Gl. Us!
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-14-2016 , 03:25 AM
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-15-2016 , 12:15 AM
Thanks, just noting in thread I was given a small freeroll into the opening event by a friend seperate from this package; I specified before the event started on twitter that this is NOT the package's 1150 bullet (that will be used on the terminator event or hof classic), in the event I win it or something (the only way it would interfere with this package's schedule) ill offer a small MU discount to investors for the pack along with a refund for any event missed obviously - just noting that since I made day 2 with a stack n the owndime event

For the on package event, unfortunately couldnt get much going. I had a good first level and went from 12k to 14.6k which is actually pretty solid for a limit tourney, but then went totally carddead. Ate a few small coolers as the blinds went up, I got 3 bets in 3 way with KK and only lost 1 bet postflop on an Axxxx runout (one villain showed an ace when I mucked river), correctly herofolded aces up and a bricked low draw in a huge 4way stud8 pot on 7th (trips won the high and someone had a low, although my low draw and full house outs were live going into 7th) and also ran QQ into AA in LHE to lose another 3 bets pre and 2 streets post (board ran out 987xJ so river went check check), eventually blinds got up to 300/600 w 600/1200 betting and I got my last 2400 in pre with AAT8ds in o8 vs jstclkdabtn's (yes, the investor from this pack) AKQTss and it ran out 99JTx for him to scoop. Had a pretty bad table draw, only had one fish at the table and he got moved to wind up with a 7 reg table, average table in the field was split 50/50 between regs and fish.

I won't bore the thread with details of the opening event as I only played due to being given a freeroll by a friend to last min reg after I busted the horse, but basically the players were every bit as awful as expected for the most part although I did sit with a few of my aussie reg friends at various points of the day, i'd say there was roughly a 3 reg-6 fish ratio per table or so which bodes well for the remainder of the package. I hovered around 10-20bb all day without my shoves ever getting called by anyone who had over 6bb then went on a heater in the last level and stacked 2 people to end the day with 99.4k with the average at around 67k with 15% of the field left (average itm stack will be around 100k)

Last edited by SwoopAE; 01-15-2016 at 12:22 AM.
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-19-2016 , 11:22 AM
Have been doing updates on Twitter

Only person who hasnt paid yet is Jasbral for his main only shares; will sort that out later he's booked regardless

We bricked the PLO and 6max as well unfortunately, brief recaps as follows

PLO - herofold bottom set probably correctly but who knows on a bad runout, carddead for a bit, get into a big pot when I flop a nut flush draw and gutshot and end up making it against a second nut flush, shoving the river and getting called for a double. Carddead again miss a bunch of flops. Open JT99 singlesuited from MP and get 4 callers. Flop JTT, I bet just under 1/3 pot, one call from a fish. Turn 6, I bet 60% pot setting up about a 40% of pot shove on the river if called. He calls. River A. That's stupid since villain has AT a lot but he's a massive fish and I can't checkfold against this particular player so shoving beats checkcalling as he calls off KQxx and Txxx that doesnt contain an ace and may even call off AJxx etc, he calls and has AA62 with no draws, so yay for 2outers and stuff. Very confident he was calling the shove on a brick river. Remember we went 5 way to the flop and he decides to stack aces with no redraws on JTT. lol australian donkaments, etc.

6m today we got a disappointing table draw again, 5 reg 1 fish table when looking around the room most tables were 3/3 or 2/4 reg to fish splits. Hovered around 10k for a while, flopped a pair and flush draw and ended up making a third nut flush and losing two streets to drop to 8k. Grinded it back to 10k taking a couple pots with cbets, got one turn bet through multiway with a flush draw, ran a single checkraise bluff that didnt work in a decent spot BB vs BTN but naturally villain just had tptk; I snap gave up when he peeled flop cr because this guy was pretty straightforward and unlikely to fold top pair. Flopped top pair again 4 way and ended up checkfolding from the BB when it went bet, call, shove after I checked. I did not have the best hand. Got JJ once and went to 4bet-call btn vs sb, the 4bet got a fold. No other premium hands AQ+/88+ at all in the tournament. Bricked a few flops, etc.

Had 6.2k at 100/200/25, guy playing 50/45ish (table cl, playing very laggy) opens to 500 (his standard open) on CO, straightforward local fish calls BTN and is basically never calling off because hes bad and incapable of being strong there (he 3bets AJ+ for sure) and I decide to squeeze shove QJ with a fairly clean image expecting to get it through a very large % of the time due to CO's wide open range plus my image (I had only 3bet twice all day and it was level 4) and the CO iso's 77 and we lose the flip. I think he's calling off something like 77+AJ+ there if I had to guess but he's opening about 50% of hands and BTN is calling the shove sub-10% of the time (probably more like 5%) so pretty sure it was fine.

8Game in the morning, i'm calling my shot and defending my title. Pretty gross to brick so far (I also bubbled opening event 3 from the money, had A6s<86o aipf when a guy jamming way too wide ripped 16bb and 99<AK both for piles; 99 hand may be ICM mistake 3 from money but CL was opening every hand and I had a pile of FE with 15bb and average was only something like 28 BB) but we still have over 3/4 of the buyins in the package left so early days.
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-20-2016 , 11:44 AM
For approximate recap see twitter but cliffs are


We made the final table of the $2500 8 Game tournament! Capitao's title defense going to plan so far after winning it last year we're coming into the final table 4/7 with 158k, average is 182k, $8xxx locked and $47xxx up top. Tournament resumes 1pm Melbourne time tomorrow for anyone who wants sweats, no idea if Pokernews is covering it or not, if not i'll do updates on Twitter.
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-20-2016 , 11:49 AM
nice work, sir. go for it, glgl
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-21-2016 , 12:24 AM
4th for 15840 had four to an eight vs Chidwick boardlocked to a nine bricked out and got called down then lost a shortstack stud flip gg
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-21-2016 , 11:38 PM
If anyone other than the 3.5% private investor who paid Stars wants to be paid AUD rather than stars let me know by tomorrow please as ill be selling some AUD for stars to send out payments etc to help out a friend. I'll be assuming everyone is getting paid via the method they paid me except Elliot will be via paypal and 3.5% private is receiving aud cash and has already been paid
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-23-2016 , 06:07 AM
Bricked the 1650; updates on twitter, lost one hand w AJ on 66TKQ where I raised river and folded to a 3bet shove and he showed 66, then lots of being carddead and eventually shoved my last 8k at 500/1k/100 with AJ and ran into AK.


Will play the main tomorrow if i'm feeling good when I wake up. If i'm not for whatever reason i'll play 1b or 1c. Will update twitter in morning with whether i'm playing tomorrow.

We have the main and one 1150 bullet left, which will likely be used for the HOF classic on 1b if i'm playing the main on 1a
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-24-2016 , 06:18 AM
Busted the Main on Day 1 unfortunately. First time i've ever busted the AM Main on Day 1. Will provide a full recap later, made a key read wrong in a major hand where I got raised on the river in a spot villain (a good reg) was polarised (in hindsight I like turning my hand into a 3b bluff or folding slightly more than the call I made) and was coolered several times in small pots, then put over a quarter of the stacks in pre with AK vs KQ and barrelled a suitable runout to get the river fold on a board with a queen and did not get the river fold (I also didn't think he was as strong as top pair)

Will be playing the NLHE/PLO mixed 1150 event with our final bullet on the package, I think this one is the best value of the remaining 1150s and a lot of regs wont be able to play it as it clashes with day 2 of the main event and 1c of the main event, plus we might get tilt-registrations from people who have busted the main

With one event left we just have the single cash for 15840 I believe it was (i'll double check) in the 8game so far. Hopefully I can add a second deep run.
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-25-2016 , 08:00 PM
Thanks for the payout Oliver and good luck in today's event!
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-25-2016 , 10:17 PM
Have given funds from the first cash to eli, 3.5% private investor and LB so far

Last tournament on package today hopefully we can get another deep run will start sorting payments after this event
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-26-2016 , 11:48 AM
Busted AKs<AKs aipf for 2.5 start stacks bvb 60bb eff

Will sort payouts over next few days if anyone wants a different method to what they used to pay me let me know asap please (ill do PP for elliot)

Also note to self paid jstclkdabtn via cash in melb
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-30-2016 , 11:58 PM
Final package details - cashes total 15,840 AUD

1% full share final value = 158.40 AUD / 111.50 USD @ locked rates

Main only shares value = 0 as I didn't cash the main.

Updates shareholder list

267.03 AUD = 187.979 USD
Australian Dollar ↔ US Dollar
1 AUD = 0.703960 USD ; 1 USD = 1.42053 AUD

Full Package

40% SwoopAE PAID
10% LB PAID - cash at Crown
10% BBZ Not yet paid - Stars
6% Dougblazers PAID - cash at Crown
5% Jstclkdabtn PAID - cash at Crown
3.5% Private Investor Anon PAID - cash at Crown
2% Private Investor BM Not yet paid - Bank
5% mfae Not yet paid - Bank
5% AAgoodfold Not yet paid - Stars
2.5% Clydesdalez Not yet paid - Bank
2.24% Jasbral 34.06 USD not yet paid due to not receiving main only share funds being subtracted
2% Maybird78 Not yet paid - Stars
1.86% mwa Not yet paid - Bank
1.4% Curesive - Not yet paid - Stars
1% Mattraq1 Not yet paid - Paypal
1% eli2012 PAID - cash at Crown
1% elliot10181 Not yet paid - Paypal
0.5% Private Investor CM Not yet paid - Bank

Will work my way through the list today/tomorrow and update as I pay everyone.
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-31-2016 , 12:52 AM
Elliot paid via SB tab
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-31-2016 , 01:46 AM
1% elliot10181 PAID - SB tab
0.5% Private Investor CM PAID - Bank
2% Private Investor BM PAID - Bank
1.86% mwa PAID - Bank
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-31-2016 , 02:19 AM
Will sort out Stars and PP shortly for remainder of list

10% BBZ Not yet paid - Stars
5% mfae Not yet paid - Bank - have sent skype msg to get bank details
5% AAgoodfold Not yet paid - Stars
2.5% Clydesdalez Not yet paid - Bank - have sent skype msg to get bank details
2.24% Jasbral 34.06 USD not yet paid due to not receiving main only share funds being subtracted
2% Maybird78 Not yet paid - Stars
1.4% Curesive - Not yet paid - Stars
1% Mattraq1 Not yet paid - Paypal - have sent skype msg to organise

1% = 111.50 USD/158.40 AUD

Will have the stars funds sent when a transfer im waiting on comes through (sold some aud for stars to an aussie reg to cover payouts)

If i'm missing anyone other than the 8 people listed above who have not yet been paid let me know please. Should have all payments sorted within next 24h pending receiving a transfer and receiving bank/PP details from people
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
01-31-2016 , 07:29 AM
Clydesdalez has been paid. Remaining to be paid list

10% BBZ Not yet paid - Stars
5% mfae Not yet paid - Bank - have sent skype msg to get bank details
5% AAgoodfold Not yet paid - Stars
2.24% Jasbral 34.06 USD not yet paid due to not receiving main only share funds being subtracted
2% Maybird78 Not yet paid - Stars
1.4% Curesive - Not yet paid - Stars
1% Mattraq1 Not yet paid - Paypal - have sent skype msg to organise
SwoopAE's Aussie Millions 2016: Capitao wants another ring @1.29, +350k online, 6 AM FTs/1 win Quote
