Shawn Quint aka squintster on stars (
Pocketfives profile). I am an American and have recently relocated to Las Vegas from Mexico/Argentina. Will be starting cosmetology school here in Vegas at the end of October and will be playing live poker 30+hrs per week (likely 40-50hr/wk the next two months). Looking currently for a live stake up to 2/5.
Played poker professionally (according to taxes) since 23yrs of age (btwn 5- 6yrs) and am 28 now. Started when I was 18 in college, online part time while working and college. I am from Memphis, TN and lived about 40min from Tunica, MS. Have logged an uncountable amt of hrs playing LLSNL and shown a good profit. Have been a tournament player online for the most part, although early on was a Stars Supernova grinding 25 and 50nl for many months before taking mtts seriously. After BF, I relocated to Tampa to grind up to 2/5 for the summer. After that summer I ended up in mexico grinding MTTs and have moved up to being a respected mid/high stakes MTT pro. Played a few mtts live in combination with some cash over the last 2 yrs.
Hendon mob has only tracked me over the last year or so, and have only played 5 or so tourneys during that time (including wsop Main and PCA main). Was roomates with one of the best midstakes HU cash players online first half of this year and took a considerable interest in the game myself. Am a member of RIO and study numerous cash vids/hh/concepts and consider myself a top notch poker player because of it.
I am searching for a staking agreement with a reputable and seasoned backer. I still have a backing agreement with my online backer that is now frozen due to my presence in the states. I don't intend to play any online at this moment. In regards to poker, majority of my time will be spent at the cash game tables. The occasional deepstack series or wsop that occurs throughout the year won't be a part of this stake.
Plenty of references available upon request from highstakes mtt regs to cash game regs alike.
Thanks for the consideration.