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**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU **SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU

01-03-2013 , 08:30 PM
yep still wanna keep 5%
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-04-2013 , 07:11 AM
10% fslexcduck confirmed
5% lissi stinkt confirmed
5% Golfdish
5% zachvac
5% AAismyfriend
2% Vinny80 confirmed
2% Fresh_Oo_D confirmed
1% EasyMoney92 confirmed
1% thezemo13 confirmed
1% d7o

37% sold
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-05-2013 , 05:16 PM
Bump, looking to sell a few % more
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-06-2013 , 03:34 AM
2% pls
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-06-2013 , 09:32 AM
2% plz
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-07-2013 , 04:34 AM
Another 5% if available. Lemme know either way will send in a few days.
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-15-2013 , 01:39 PM
10% fslexcduck confirmed
5% lissi stinkt confirmed
5% Golfdish confirmed
10% zachvac res
5% AAismyfriend confirmed pending PM
2% Vinny80 confirmed
2% Fresh_Oo_D confirmed
2% LiquornPoker1 res
2% krendipont confirmed
1% EasyMoney92 confirmed
1% thezemo13 confirmed
1% alexuuus confirmed
1% d7o1d1s0 res

Sending PMs out now, would like to get funds to this soon. Thanks again to all those who invested and gl us. Will update ITT with plans for twitter etc soon.

**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-23-2013 , 07:08 PM
10% fslexcduck confirmed
5% lissi stinkt confirmed
5% Golfdish confirmed
5% AAismyfriend confirmed pending PM
2% Vinny80 confirmed
2% Fresh_Oo_D confirmed
2% LiquornPoker1 confirmed (busa83)
2% krendipont confirmed
1% EasyMoney92 confirmed
1% thezemo13 confirmed
1% alexuuus confirmed
1% d7o1d1s0 confirmed but owes 20.75$

10% zachvac
I considered zach confirmed/booked, although I haven't received yet.

Event is tomorrow gl us! Might have to skip it if I make day 2 of todays 6m though.

Last edited by OMGClayDol; 01-23-2013 at 07:16 PM.
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-23-2013 , 08:54 PM
20.75 shipped, GL tomorrow
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-24-2013 , 01:32 AM
I can't send right now but will send in the next day or two, hopefully I have a good enough rep I can be considered booked. I sincerely apologize for not sending before I completely forgot but I consider us booked and I owe the money and should be sending in the next day or two. If he bricks obviously I still owe the money and if he binks I should be owed money. I sent OP a pm please let me know if there's an issue otherwise I definitely consider us booked.
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-24-2013 , 02:19 AM
That's fine, zachvac is confirmed/booked.

There is a decent chance I might just decide not to play this, will obviously post ITT asap and refund money if I do skip it. Thanks all and gl us
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-25-2013 , 01:11 AM
Ill write a proper update when I'm on laptop and not my phone but I busted. 90% I was in for 8150. I will confirm this with the cage. Lost heaps AKs to TT, then bricked q3cc on k83ccx when I had 17ish bb cause of the ak hand. I was in the bb and checked in a 5 way limped pot lol (yes this is a 1k rebuy....) will write more and send refund ASAP sorry guys, better luck next time.
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-26-2013 , 05:51 AM
Sorry guys I've had an absurd headache for the last 12 hours or so and haven't had the time to do the math and send back. I promise I'll do this asap..

This tourney was pretty good value as I expected, and the general field had a decent number of really bad fish, as well as a number of very weak live regs and finally a few MTT regs who just aren't very good but have lots of money, lol. My starting table wasn't the greatest considering some of the others in the field, but overall it was still pretty good. It had a fish who called off 44 after he raised, someone 3-bet, someone cold 4-bet shoved, a fish who limp called KQo from EP for 13BB and was doing other silly stuff like flatting 2.5-3x raises with 12BB effective stacks. OH and of course when UTG opened, I 3-bet half my stack (12BB total or so) he cold flatted T7s from the BTN and got there vs. the initial openers AA! I had AJ, the UTG guy was pretty active, but I ended up check/folding after the fish flatted/initial raiser flatted too as I was suspicious about both of their hands.

Other than that my table had Toby Lewis, some guy I don't know who he is (but pretty sure he won an event before in Aussie Millions, seems pretty familiar) - altho he was really nitty (maybe just card dead), some bad live reg, some American (?) - Asian reg who was pretty active (opened 62s utg at one point, was being kinda gambly because of rebuys and at some point Wizowizo came but just for a few hands.

There unfortunately wasn't actually any interesting hands, but a summary of a few of the "key" pots:

Shoved UTG 7 handed with 6BB, had QJo and won vs. BBs A4o
3-bet shoved 88 vs active CO open, won vs ATo for just under 30BB pot
Shoved Q9s bvb for 8BB or so, called by fishs JJ and lost

Was fairly card dead, other than that I basically had to fold a few blinds, wasn't able to open that wide so just had to rebuy a few times.

It's very rare that I play rebuys like this but I actually decided at some point due to the position in the table I was in that it would be optimal to just be fairly nitty, and only single re-buy (instead of double) when busting. The $EV may be slightly higher for double re-buying but the ROI is significantly better for a single and it's lower variance.
Depending on the blind level this was mostly between 10-20BBs. The addon was significantly better value at $3000 for 8000 chips instead of $1000 per 2000 so this was the main reason, but also I felt I would have a pretty "big" edge with a shorter stack given I had a old guy on my direct left (folds a lot etc to shoves) and a couple regs who would r/c too light cause of gambling for rebuy etc.

Anyway I ended up having a decent stack after the add-on period, maybe about 13K at 100/200/25 ante or so, and chipped up a tiny bit in tiny pots on a new table before losing AKs to TT for over 20K pot as said above, then bricking the Q3cc. The new table was REALLY good, had probably over 1/2 bad players and at least 1/2 legit fish, 5-way limped pots, ppl just being really bad in general. So losing that flip was pretty unfortunate.. I do admit the end game is reasonable tough (especially compared to other soft events) but think the value was still very good and it's basically just unfortunate that we didn't run a little better.

Thanks again for the investments, and feel free to ask any questions or make any comments. Again I will refund asap, just needa check with cage how much I was in for (again, 90% sure it's 8150) first. Fwiw I actually don't love how a live re-buy works because you just give them the cash/chips and they give you the tournament chips without any receipt etc. Obviously my reputation is extremely important, and there were a couple regs who could confirm everything I said, but I would still prefer to give you guys proof of how many rebuys I spent etc.
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-26-2013 , 10:08 AM
Cheers for the long post reporting the tourney. Really appreciate the effort you went to here. Unlucky this time. Glgl for the main.
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-29-2013 , 07:02 AM
Alright so I was definitely in for my initial buy-in of $1150, initial add-on, 3 individual single re-buys and 3x add-on for a total of $8150 x MU of 1.0535 =

So total AUD 8586.82, using same rate 1.03730 USD equivelant is $8907.10.
12075 USD was the total I collected so everyone who paid the full amount will get a refund of their share of 3167.90.

5% lissi stinkt confirmed - I sent back less because he sent a bit less initially
5% Golfdish confirmed
5% AAismyfriend - I sent back less because he sent a bit less initially
2% Vinny80 confirmed
2% Fresh_Oo_D confirmed - I sent back less because he sent a bit less initially
2% LiquornPoker1 confirmed (busa83)
2% krendipont confirmed
1% EasyMoney92 confirmed
1% thezemo13 confirmed
1% alexuuus confirmed
1% d7o1d1s0 confirmed

10% zachvac pmed
10% fslexcduck pmed

sending out now! thanks for investments again, and feel free to leave any comments or questions, suggestions etc. appreciate it a lot.
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-29-2013 , 07:40 AM
rec'd ty

gl in day 2 of the main
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
01-29-2013 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by EasyMoney92
rec'd ty

gl in day 2 of the main
**SOLD OUT** OMGClayDol 2013 Aussie Millions Side Event #6 (SNE 2012) very low MU Quote
