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**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages **SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages

05-15-2016 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by RockstarRossi
Updated shares as of 5/14. I have included payment type that has been planned per communication from you. If there is nothing listed next to your shares, you need to contact me prior to start of Colossus for Package A and prior to June 15th for Package B to have your reserves confirmed and paid or else I will go to the wait list. Thank you.

Package A: SOLD OUT, Back up reserves only please

LNorris 1% (PAID)
FireworKKing 1%
D&D 4% (Cash in person scheduled)
MHofer 4% (Cash in person scheduled)
Vcehorosho 5% (PAID)
Imawhale 50% (Cash in person scheduled)


fast11375 2%
JerryM 5%
jimmyc123 10%
nm14er 2%
PokerDividends 1%
slammedfire 2%

Package B: Sold out, Backup reserves only please

LNorris 1% (PAID)
D&D 1% (Cash in Person scheduled)
FireworKKing 1%
AlaskaGal 1% (Cash in Person scheduled)
fast11375 1%
APokerJoker2 1% (Cash in person scheduled)
MHofer 2% (Cash in person scheduled)
Eduardo 2% (PAID)
prideitoff 2% (Cash in person scheduled)
nm14er 2%
jtflush29 2% (Cash in person scheduled)
PokerDividends 2% (PAID)
MarkD 3% (Cash in person scheduled)
gmoney317 4%
Vcehorosho 5% (PAID)
JerryM 10% (PayPal, unpaid)
jimmyc123 10%
Imawhale 10% (Cash in person scheduled)
ZGuinn 10% (Cash in person scheduled)

Waitlist for Package B:

MarkD 2%
muckstah 10%
Updated payment information. Received payments from Eduardo and PokerDividends.
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
05-18-2016 , 07:52 PM
MarkD updated to 5% of B (cash in person) and JimmyC (tbd) updated to 3% of A.

FireworkKing shares updated to confirmed cash in person.
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
05-19-2016 , 01:50 PM
Adding 2% of A for fast11375 and payment scheduled via BofA.
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
05-19-2016 , 01:52 PM
Have up to 3% more available for Package B. Wait list is currently clear as I cannot reach the person who is next on the list!
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
05-21-2016 , 06:55 PM
Updated payments/shares reserved/available

Package A: SOLD OUT

LNorris 1% (PAID)
FireworKKing 1% (Cash in person scheduled)
fast11375 2% (PAID, BofA)
jimmyc123 3%
D&D 4% (Cash in person scheduled)
MHofer 4% (PayPal, UNPAID)
Vcehorosho 5% (PAID)
Imawhale 50% (Cash in person scheduled)


JerryM 5%
jimmyc123 7%
nm14er 2%
PokerDividends 1%
slammedfire 2%

Package B: Still have another 3% available

LNorris 1% (PAID)
D&D 1% (Cash in Person scheduled)
FireworKKing 1% (Cash in person scheduled)
AlaskaGal 1% (Cash in Person scheduled)
fast11375 1% (PAID, BofA)
APokerJoker2 1% (Cash in person scheduled)
MHofer 2% (PayPal, UNPAID)
Eduardo 2%
prideitoff 2% (Cash in person scheduled)
nm14er 2%
jtflush29 2% (Cash in person scheduled)
PokerDividends 2% (PayPal, unpaid)
MarkD 5% (Cash in person scheduled)
gmoney317 4%
Vcehorosho 5% (PAID)
JerryM 10% (PayPal, unpaid)
jimmyc123 10%
Imawhale 10% (Cash in person scheduled)
ZGuinn 10% (Cash in person scheduled)
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
05-22-2016 , 10:16 PM
Last 3% of main reserved for BBKPoker. (PayPal)
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
05-30-2016 , 04:57 PM
Had 5% of Package B open up as of today! Changing shares for JerryM down to 5% reserved instead of 10%.

Package A remains sold out and all shares confirmed paid or payment set up.

Last edited by RockstarRossi; 05-30-2016 at 05:04 PM.
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
05-30-2016 , 08:41 PM
1% main
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
05-30-2016 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by GrimeRat420
1% main

Only 4% of B available now
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
05-30-2016 , 09:45 PM
1% main (PayPal)
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
05-30-2016 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by pmarrsouth
1% main (PayPal)
Thanks, reserved!

3% of Package B still available
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-01-2016 , 02:18 AM
Updated payments/shares reserved/available

Package A: SOLD OUT

LNorris 1% (PAID)
FireworKKing 1% (Cash in person scheduled)
fast11375 2% (PAID, BofA)
jimmyc123 3% (Cash in person or BofA)
D&D 4% (PayPal $475, Cash in person rest scheduled)
MHofer 4% (PAID, PP)
Vcehorosho 5% (PAID)
Imawhale 50% (Cash in person scheduled)


JerryM 5%
jimmyc123 7%
nm14er 2%
PokerDividends 1%
slammedfire 2%

Package B: Still have another 3% available

LNorris 1% (PAID)
D&D 1% (Cash in Person scheduled)
FireworKKing 1% (Cash in person scheduled)
AlaskaGal 1% (Cash in Person scheduled)
fast11375 1% (PAID, BofA)
APokerJoker2 1% (Cash in person scheduled)
Grimerat420 1%
Pmarrsouth 1%
MHofer 2% (PAID, PP)
Eduardo 2% (PAID, PP)
prideitoff 2% (Cash in person scheduled)
nm14er 2%
jtflush29 2% (Cash in person scheduled)
PokerDividends 2% (PAID, PP)
BBKPoker 3% (PP, unpaid)
MarkD 5% (Cash in person scheduled)
gmoney317 4%
Vcehorosho 5% (PAID)
JerryM 5% (PayPal, unpaid)
jimmyc123 10% (Cash in person or BofA scheduled)
Imawhale 10% (Cash in person scheduled)
ZGuinn 10% (Cash in person scheduled)
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-02-2016 , 09:02 PM
Confirmed payments from JimmyC and FireworkKing for package A so all shares accounted for and paid! GL to us!

Package B remains open with 3% available for WSOP Main Event next month!
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-04-2016 , 01:32 PM
Updated Main Event shares available and confirmed PAID

Still have another 3% available

LNorris 1% (PAID)
D&D 1% (PAID)
FireworKKing 1% (Cash in person scheduled)
AlaskaGal 1% (Cash in Person scheduled)
fast11375 1% (PAID, BofA)
APokerJoker2 1% (Cash in person scheduled)
Grimerat420 1%
Pmarrsouth 1%
MHofer 2% (PAID, PP)
Eduardo 2% (PAID, PP)
prideitoff 2% (Cash in person scheduled)
nm14er 2%
jtflush29 2% (Cash in person scheduled)
PokerDividends 2% (PAID, PP)
BBKPoker 3% (PAID, PP)
MarkD 5% (Cash in person scheduled)
gmoney317 4% (BofA scheduled)
Vcehorosho 5% (PAID)
JerryM 5% (PayPal, unpaid)
jimmyc123 10% (Cash in person or BofA scheduled)
Imawhale 10% (Cash in person scheduled)
ZGuinn 10% (Cash in person scheduled)
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-06-2016 , 02:33 AM
Adding Jtflush29 to "shares paid list"

Updated Main Event shares available and confirmed PAID

Still have another 3% available

LNorris 1% (PAID)
D&D 1% (PAID)
FireworKKing 1% (Cash in person scheduled)
AlaskaGal 1% (Cash in Person scheduled)
fast11375 1% (PAID, BofA)
APokerJoker2 1% (Cash in person scheduled)
Grimerat420 1%
Pmarrsouth 1%
MHofer 2% (PAID, PP)
Eduardo 2% (PAID, PP)
prideitoff 2% (Cash in person scheduled)
nm14er 2%
jtflush29 2% (PAID, PP)
PokerDividends 2% (PAID, PP)
BBKPoker 3% (PAID, PP)
MarkD 5% (Cash in person scheduled)
gmoney317 4% (BofA scheduled)
Vcehorosho 5% (PAID)
JerryM 5% (PayPal, unpaid)
jimmyc123 10% (Cash in person or BofA scheduled)
Imawhale 10% (Cash in person scheduled)
ZGuinn 10% (Cash in person scheduled)
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-06-2016 , 04:55 AM
Needed to update post for Package A to show all shares 100% PAID. Follow results on Twitter @RockstarRossi13

Package A: SOLD OUT

LNorris 1% (PAID)
FireworKKing 1% (PAID "A only", Cash)
fast11375 2% (PAID, BofA)
jimmyc123 3% (PAID, BofA)
D&D 4% (PAID, PP+Cash)
MHofer 4% (PAID, PP)
Vcehorosho 5% (PAID)
Imawhale 50% (PAID)

Package B: Still have another 3% available
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-12-2016 , 10:23 PM
Reminder we are getting close to mid month and would like to collect for Main Event to be able to register in advance by the end of June. Please let me know timing and payment methods via PM if you haven't already done so, thanks!

Still have 3% available as well!!!
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-13-2016 , 03:31 PM
Reserving 1% for Sheggy

2% available
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-13-2016 , 06:19 PM
2% package B
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-13-2016 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Octavian_C
2% package B

B sold out but will still take backup reserves.
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-18-2016 , 12:45 PM
Update on package A prelims:

per PM sent adding in some more smaller side events to the schedule and also subbing today's WSOP #29 for either another $1500 bracelet event, or other side events, or else the full amount including mark up will be returned to ending bankroll. All events played will be updated on my twitter @RockstarRossi13 and if anyone has any questions on schedule feel free to PM me here or DM me there.
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-19-2016 , 11:36 PM
Adding "nm14er" and "gmoney317" to the PAID status for Package B. Still accepting back up reserves as I still have not heard back from one of the investors.

Updated Main Event shares available and confirmed PAID

LNorris 1% (PAID)
D&D 1% (PAID)
FireworKKing 1% (Cash in person scheduled)
AlaskaGal 1% (Cash in Person scheduled)
fast11375 1% (PAID, BofA)
APokerJoker2 1% (Cash in person scheduled)
Sheggy 1%
Grimerat420 1%
Pmarrsouth 1%
MHofer 2% (PAID, PP)
Eduardo 2% (PAID, PP)
prideitoff 2% (Cash in person scheduled)
nm14er 2% (PAID, Cash in person)
jtflush29 2% (PAID, PP)
PokerDividends 2% (PAID, PP)
BBKPoker 3% (PAID, PP)
Octavian 2%
MarkD 5% (Cash in person scheduled)
gmoney317 4% (PAID, BoA)
Vcehorosho 5% (PAID)
JerryM 5% (PayPal, unpaid)
jimmyc123 10% (Cash in person or BofA scheduled)
Imawhale 10% (Cash in person scheduled)
ZGuinn 10% (Cash in person scheduled, need to hear from)
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-20-2016 , 03:43 PM
***Main Event Shares Available***

Opening up up to 10% for Main Event as one of my reserve investors has not gotten back to me for scheduling payment
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-20-2016 , 04:04 PM
I'll take 1%
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
06-20-2016 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by benjamin barker
I'll take 1%
TY sir! Reserved!

Also reserving 5% for JGarret

Still have 4% available. Thanks guys!
**SHARES AVAILABLE**RockstarRossi WSOP 2016 Preliminary and Main Event Packages Quote
