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Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value)

04-08-2011 , 04:19 PM
Hey guys, my name is Andy Spears, I’m 23 years old from Buffalo, NY, and this is my first time selling action in the marketplace. I’m selling action to the $1500 DeepStacks Poker Tour main event at Seneca Niagara Casino in Niagara Falls, NY. Here’s the link: They are running a lot of satellites to the tournament, and basically everyone who plays there regularly is pretty bad of course, so it should be really soft. I think they are expecting 200-300 runners.

I have had solid online success at micro/low/midstakes playing part time over the past 3 years. I have been running good lately, recently coming in 5th in MiniFtops Event #1 in March, a $22 freezeout with over 27k runners, for $18,176. I have played almost exclusively on Full Tilt. Here are my OPR’s for Full Tilt and Pokerstars.

Full Tilt:


I also have a lot of live experience and success. I have played over 100 live tournaments, with over 10 scores in the $1000 to $5000 range. My biggest live tourney score was at Seneca Niagara (same casino as this tournament) in the October 2010 Pokerfest Main Event, a $500 buyin with about 150 runners. I finished 1st with no chop for $19,147. I also have had good success playing 1/2 and 2/5 nl cash games live.

I am selling 60% of my action at 25% markup. The minimum purchase is 5%.

$1500 x 1.25 mu = $1875

5% = $93.75
10% = $187.50
60% = $1125

I can take transfers on Stars or FTP, or I will take live cash as well if you just happen to be attending this tournament.
FTP: soccerajs77, first letter: B, Avatar: hockey player
Pokerstars: soccerajs77, United States

If I cash for a large amount, I will need correct forms and information from all purchasers to transfer tax liability.

I have a twitter account that I don’t use too much, but if people want some quick updates I could use it to post my chip counts and stuff during the tournament.

Thanks for your investment and gl us!
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-08-2011 , 04:24 PM
Res all.
Please add reference.
and gl us
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-08-2011 , 04:27 PM
Res 10%
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-08-2011 , 04:29 PM
Will have Zima421 post in thread as reference, Teodjion has it all reserved for now, will waitlist people in case something changes
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-08-2011 , 04:30 PM
I've played a bunch with OP at turning stone and online, he's def very +EV in this kind of tournament. I would also trust him with just about any amount of money.

reserve 10% please

Last edited by TheChamp11; 04-08-2011 at 04:31 PM. Reason: slow pony
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-08-2011 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Teodjion
Res all.
Please add reference.
and gl us
staked him for a while. he was a good horse and always treated my money with respect.

sent you a PM as well.
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-08-2011 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
staked him for a while. he was a good horse and always treated my money with respect.
sent you a PM as well.
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-08-2011 , 04:33 PM
Teod's post did not say reserve all when I posted. Or edited it within 20 seconds of my post. 100% positive of this

Not sure if you care but I would really like some of your action also
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-08-2011 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by APD0290
Teod's post did not say reserve all when I posted. Or edited it within 20 seconds of my post. 100% positive of this

Not sure if you care but I would really like some of your action also
well, it would show if he edited it by having a time stamp on his edit.
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-08-2011 , 04:38 PM
Hmm, well I'm not really sure proper protocol and can't see anything about his edit, so for now:

Teodjion - 60%

APD0290 - 10%
Champ11 - 10%

Really sorry about that APD, and thanks for the kind words Zima and Champ
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-08-2011 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
well, it would show if he edited it by having a time stamp on his edit.
100% he edited it

Not sure if it was <30 secs before my post went through or after but idk seems sketchy that you can just post something right away then look up results and edit your post
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-08-2011 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
well, it would show if he edited it by having a time stamp on his edit.
Pretty sure the time stamp only shows up if he edits if after 5 minutes. However, I'm also somewhat sure that mods can view all changes made to a post.
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-13-2011 , 10:39 PM
What's up Andy?..It's good to see other poker players on here from the WNY area..I live in North Tonawanda..Can you put me down on the wait list for 5%..I can pay on FullTilt or meet you at the Casino..Either way GL in the tourney..And hope to talk some poker on here..Have a good one..Kevin H.
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-14-2011 , 04:55 AM
waitlist 10%
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-22-2011 , 12:33 PM
Well, due to the tragedy of Black Friday, my shares are open again. I can now only accept payment outside of Pokerstars or Full Tilt, which makes things considerably more difficult. The only ways I can think of for payment are live cash, check, or Paypal. I am going to PM those on the waitlist to see if they are still interested in buying. I'm not too optimistic but hopefully we can still make this happen.

Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-22-2011 , 12:44 PM
I am also going to add two more Seneca Niagara events to this package and lower markup to 20%.

Friday, April 29, $400+40+10 NL Hold em - 20k starting stack, 30 min rounds

Sunday May 1, $300+30+10 NL Hold em - 20k starting stack, 30 min rounds

That makes the total package:

$1500 + $450 + $340 = $2290

$2290 * 1.2 markup = $2748, round to $2750

5% = $137.50
10% = $275
60% = $1650

Minimum purchase is still 5%. If I make day 2 of the main event, then I won't be playing the Sunday event, and the investors will be refunded the buyin with markup.

Thanks guys.

P.S. The waitlist still applies for priority of action for now.
APD0290 - 10%
TheChamp11 - 10%
Donnybrooks1979 - 5%
OneTimeNow333 - 10%

Last edited by soccerajs77; 04-22-2011 at 12:52 PM. Reason: added waitlist
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-22-2011 , 02:54 PM
Not going to buy any action after BF. Ty for the PM though and gl. Definitely a lot of value in this package, even moreso than before
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-24-2011 , 04:50 AM
slightly hopeful bump
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-27-2011 , 01:17 PM
Last ditch bump, 60% still available, just in case some hero wants to snatch it all up.
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-27-2011 , 02:33 PM
Tentatively res 25%, sending pm
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-28-2011 , 08:36 AM
imawhale26 - 25%

35% left, this is the last day to get it, I don't mind getting payment a bit late if you are a reputable poster.
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-28-2011 , 09:22 AM
I'll take 10%

I can pay cash in vegas during wsop, moneybookers or BoA xfer
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-28-2011 , 10:35 AM
Ok thanks Galen.

25% left
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-28-2011 , 05:30 PM
25% reserved to private investor, so sold out, but I will keep a waitlist in case something changes.
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
04-28-2011 , 06:14 PM
Keep me on the list for 5%..I can pay cash at Seneca tomorrow after 3:30(when I'm out of work)..I can PM you my cell # if you want to set up a time to meet..Thanks..
Seneca Niagara Casino Deep Stacks University 00 Main Event (very soft, good value) Quote
