Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 1,653
Hi folks,
Im a cardrunners pro and pokerstars regular in various higher stakes games (Jackal69) and want to sell some action for the EPT main event (and possibly a bit for the 8-game). I dont play a ton of tournies nowdays (mainly just weekend events and 100r on stars) but when i have ive had good results and have won/chopped most regular events on stars at some point, such as the sunday million, multiple 100rs, most of the mixed games events. I also live in London so have home advantage ;-)
The buyin is £5250 which at the current exchange rate of around 1.6 is $8400 and i want to sell at a markup of 1.25 in min shares of 2%, which would be $210. If youre interested shoot me a pm and await further instructions, if you want a piece of the 2k 8 game or 2.5k nl at similar rate if i sell any let me know then too.