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01-02-2015 , 12:05 PM
Hello I'm Cliff and I'm looking for some NLHE Deep Stacked, Slow Structured coaching tips in exchange for equity in one big upcoming comp.

I have satted into the Sky Poker Tour, £1K, £1M Gtd NLHE being played 25th February to 1st March at Dusk Til Dawn, Nottingham, England. I am playing day 1d on Friday 27th February.

1st place may be around £200K+

It is a 50K stack on a 40 minute clock. All accommodation and travel already booked.

Deep stacked NLHE is my worst poker variant, shallow stacked NLHE I am good at as you will see below. Live PLO MTTs are my main game.

Hendon Mob results are here: I also have a decent record in fast structured live NLHE comps that are not listed on the Hendon Mob but have not done as well at slower structured, deeper stacked NLHE comps.

I have already made an arrangement to give 15% equity in this comp to a top live NLHE player who has impressive multiple live wins in deep stacked comps, and this 1 to 1 coaching is taking place later this month.

I have also started watching a few training videos and am reading a couple of NLHE MTT books in the run up to the event.

I am now looking to give a further 5% equity in exchange for some deep stacked NLHE MTT coaching tips.

I will not be selling or swapping any other equity, so I am playing for 80% of myself.

I will be awarding the 5% like this:

The best coaching tip: receives 2.5% Equity + a special bonus if I make the official final table, plus a very special bonus if I finish in the top 3.

For the best coaching tip winner only, if I make the final table I will add £500 to your returns. If I finish in the top 3 I will add £500 to your returns, plus I will 100% back you for £1100, €1400 or $1700 of tournaments with you keeping 75% equity and me having 25% equity.

The 2nd Best coaching tip: receives 1.5% Equity (no bonuses)
The 3rd Best coaching tip: receives 1% Equity (no bonuses)

Anything else outside of the prize pool is mine

I will post updates where possible on Twitter : @sagedonkey and will post a tournament report after the event in this thread.

I have a good rep in the poker community, please see other staking threads I have posted for references and background.

Rules of the coaching tips:

All tips to be sent to me by pm here on 2plus2.
Maximum of one pm to me per person.
You are welcome to post coaching video links etc in your pm to me but if you do you must also post some of your own thoughts and insights with it.
Closing date for entries is Friday 20th February, you can start PMing me immediately.
I will cap the number of entries I receive at 100.
I will announce the results of who has won the equity in this thread
on Saturday 21st February, or after I have received 100 valid entries, whichever is first.
I will pay out any equity winnings by UK bank transfer or by Paypal, these are the only 2 methods of payment I can make. (or by cash if you live in London)

I will post a few words only summary of the winning coaching tips on this thread along side the winners 2plus2 screen names but I will not publish the tip itself, so this will protect you from having your tip in the public domain.

e.g. "The winning tip is from SuperStacker123 who explained the concept of playing against an aggro player in the BB when in the SB against him"
(this is just an example remember and just one of a few areas I need help with please)

Okay, so in what areas do I need some tips?.......

I am very confident, although not complacent or arrogant, about my PLO and mixed games skills but I am definitely weak in a number of areas in NLHE MTTs, to the point where these weaknesses are a big handicap in me being able to progress through big fields that include a lot of top quality players.

The areas which I am competent in and indeed in some areas strong in for NLHE MTTs are shallow/shallowish stack play (<30BBs), ICM and laddering, picking up live tells, profiling players in live comps, and working out players'
opening, open shove, 3 bet, 4 bet ranges in shallow stacked play, based on stack sizes, table position, laddering, ICM, playing style and other general table and tournament dynamics etc.

This is underlined by the fact that I am very, very good at shallow, fastish clock on line NLHE sats to live NLHE comps, but then a bit rubbish at the live comps themselves!

The reason for the above is because the above group of skills are far more maths/logic based (a bit like PLO in fact) and I excel at things that are maths/logic based. The human type stuff, e.g. tells and behavioural patterns is also something I have natural ability in and which I developed even further when playing 100s of live cash game sessions (mostly PLO and Dealers Choice, and some NLHE), for 2 years at The International Club and at places like The Vic an The Empire, all in London.

I've also got a fair bit of experience of live comps. In fact I've been on the FT in 46 out of 110 live comps that I've played! This is a slightly misleading stat because of some very small fields, so a better stat is that when 40+ runners I have FTd 19 out 66 comps. So I am very used to handling pressure when decent amounts of money are at stake and at maintaining my playing level and concentration throughout.

My NLHE Deepstack weaknesses are as follows.
(these weaknesses are present against all opponents but obviously greatly amplified against good and/or aggressive opponents and of course further amplified when playing OOP against good/aggressive opponents)

Deepstack NLHE weaknesses:

In the first few levels and/or anything that is say 40+BBs I do often struggle "to know where I am in a hand".

I can get bamboozled when OOP by the 1/3rd or 1/4 small sized C bets in HU pots that good opponents make.

I am not too bad at pre-flop play when deep stacked but I can certainly improve in this area.

I struggle blind on blind OOP and am also unsure of correct strategy when in position, blind on blind!

I need assistance in a general and overall sense as to an overall strategy to be used with controlled and measured aggression so that I give myself the best possible chance to have a stack big enough in the middle or latter stages so that I can both apply pressure to shorter stacks, get more walks, get more general fold equity and general fear equity of my stack size, and of course a big enough stack in the middle and latter stages so that when I suffer losses in flips or am equity priced in to certain calls that losing in these situations does not cripple me.

The whole of the paragraph above I know is very important in order to finish in the top prize heavy top places of a comp and not to just finish below those places or min cash. I know this but I don't have a firm idea or strategy of the best way of achieving it in a deep stacked, slow clock, big number of runners field.

As it stands, without any coaching and therefore marked improvement in my deep stack NLHE strategy and play I only really have two ways of playing such a comp in an attempt to cash big. It is either to completely rock up and hope I run good and that other players make quite a lot of errors, which they can often do. Or it is to play like a total maniac, hope that I run good and that "poker instincts" somehow get me there.

Clearly neither of the 2 methods above are either optimal or that likely to be successful.

So what I am looking for is a more rounded overall approach.

Thanks for reading and let's get me to the Final Table in Nottingham on March 1st!

Last edited by SageDonkey; 01-02-2015 at 12:29 PM.
01-04-2015 , 09:21 PM
Unfortunately, as of 1.25 a.m. G.M.T., I've only had 86 views of this thread since posting it and not one pm with a deep stacked NLHE coaching tip in it.

I hindsight, with all due respect to all players of all levels, the amount of equity on offer in exchange for the tips (plus their being 3 prizes from perhaps 100 entries) was probably not attractive enough for the type of investors who frequent the Selling Shares Live section here.

If I'd posted on a smallish stakes NLHE MTT discussion or strat forum I think I would have got lots of entries.

I was initially going to post the 15% Equity in exchange for coaching in my OP, plus the 2.5% + Bonus/1.5%/1% in my OP but whilst I was formulating it the player who is now coaching me came through privately with the coaching.

I still think the 5% stuff is decent, yes a long shot but if I should finish very high the 2.5% + bonus could be worth £5K and it's a nice sweat if I happen to go deep.

Because I have had no replies my OP thread has drifted out of view, so rather than flog a dead horse so to speak, and risk getting a tiny number of entries which may not necessarily be of high quality and give 5%+ equity for that, I am going to pull the offer in its original state.

However, I can see that in some respects pulling it now may be perceived as a little unethical. Plus there could be 1 or 2 people who are working on some tips and are yet to pm me with them. But I doubt it as my OP was 3 days ago and any tipster would be scared of not getting their PM to me before 100 others have first.

So to show my integrity, I am going to pull the offer as it stands, because it hasn't worked at all for me, but as a gesture of honesty, integrity and good will I am going to "raffle off" for free the 2.5% plus bonus part of the original offer. The 1.5% and 1% elements now no longer exist.

To enter the raffle simply post the word "raffle" in this thread before Saturday 17th January at 5 a.m. USA E.S.T.

I am restricting the raffle to 40 people so will close entries before that date if 40 names are already entered.

I will then later in the day on Saturday 17th January devise a raffle draw method based on some sports results
relating to fixtures being played that week end. This will determine who gets the 2.5% plus bonus.

You do not need to pm me any coaching tips or anything else, just type raffle in this thread to be entered.

Good luck and I will do my best to play optimal in the comp for the lucky winner.

This is now a total freeroll for the winner, and we all love a freeroll!

A reminder that the winner gets:
2.5% Equity + a special bonus if I make the official final table, plus a very special bonus if I finish in the top 3.

For the winner, if I make the final table I will add £500 to your returns. If I finish in the top 3 I will add £500 to your returns (not a 2nd £500), plus I will 100% back you for £1100, €1400 or $1700 of tournaments with you keeping 75% equity and me having 25% equity.

Last edited by SageDonkey; 01-04-2015 at 09:36 PM.
01-04-2015 , 09:54 PM
01-04-2015 , 09:57 PM
01-04-2015 , 10:02 PM
01-04-2015 , 10:02 PM
01-04-2015 , 10:16 PM
01-04-2015 , 10:35 PM
01-04-2015 , 10:45 PM
01-04-2015 , 11:31 PM
01-04-2015 , 11:40 PM
01-04-2015 , 11:43 PM
01-05-2015 , 12:16 AM
01-05-2015 , 12:23 AM
01-05-2015 , 12:38 AM
01-05-2015 , 12:47 AM
01-05-2015 , 01:09 AM
01-05-2015 , 03:43 AM
15 entries into the raffle so far, 25 spots left.
01-05-2015 , 03:46 AM
01-05-2015 , 04:27 AM
01-05-2015 , 04:51 AM
I bought some of your action and would be happy to talk a short bit of strat for NLHE deepstack.
01-05-2015 , 04:51 AM
Oh and raffle
01-05-2015 , 04:54 AM
01-05-2015 , 04:55 AM
Damn cliff your final table conditions are extraordinary! I hope you ship my PLO Deauville package
01-05-2015 , 04:59 AM
