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Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring

11-06-2014 , 07:01 AM
Ended up winning $230.

Will post the additional hands tomm and some commentary.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
11-08-2014 , 04:19 PM
$2/$5 NLHE Session #1 On "The People's Bankroll"

It's a cold rainy Wednesday night in November and we're pondering whether or not we should go play poker. Much like Paco's cocaine, we weigh our choices on a scale. On one side there's eighteen year old pussy we'll have to drive a hour for and secure a hotel room to get. On the other side there is an eight hour $2/$5 NLHE session to be played on "The People's Bankroll" that is long overdue. Our poker fans and investors have been left starving like an Ethiopian child for an update.

After some careful consideration we decide to go play cards mainly because the last time we put ourselves out there to this girl in Ann Arbor, Michigan she didn't respond to our text until the next morning. She then proceeded to tell us something stupid like I was hanging out with my friends and getting high on marijjjjuana. We do not care that she is getting high. We do not care that she was most likely getting dicked down by a foreign cock. We do not care if we ever talk to her again because we have options. We only care that her text is clearly a lie or an admission that she'd rather smoke pot than return our text.

That's appalling.

People only get invested in these $hit relationships or "friend zone" situations when they leave themselves no viable options because of their own insecurities or stupidity.

We speak from experience in our past.

Through years of reading, writing, working out, gaining wealth, enjoying experience, collecting knowledge from those who know more than we do, ending all lines of communication with parasites on our happiness, and expanding our threshold of pain by conquering any and all adveristy we have become godlike.

A long time ago I never knew myself.
Then the memory of shame birthed its gift.
No more. The small one, the weak one, the frightened one.
Running from beatings, deflating. I'm becoming more
Than a man. More than you ever were. Driven and burning
To rise beyond Jesus.

I'm born again with snakes eyes
Becoming Godsize

I found my life was slipping through my hands. Perhaps
Through death my life won't be so bad.
I can see you, can fukk you, inside of you. Staring through
Your eyes. Belittle your friends to serve me, to suck me,
To realize my saving grasp. I of suicide. I the unlord.

I'm born again with snakes eyes
Becoming Godsize

We know that she's going to be there another time.

If she isn't, then that's fine to....

As long as you have money, personality, social status, good looks, or high quality drugs there will always be another girl standing in line.

Lucikly, we possess a few of the traits listed above.

Everything Ted Dibiase taught us about power and wealth is true.

So, we have no worries and it's on to play poker.

Tonight I buy in for $420 in honor of all you potheads and here we go...

Kc9c on the button, 4 limpers, we raise $25, 3callers, a King comes on the flop and we cbet 50 to take it down. (+75)
22 mid position, raise $25, 4 pig fukkers call, we do not flop set so we do not cbet. (-25)
Ah7h small blind, ugly wigger kid with a chin strap goatee that probably ****ed an ex-girlfriend of mine makes a pot sweetener bet of $20, his prior openings had been $25-$35 so this tells us that he's weak. An asian calls the $20. Asians call anything. So, he's most likely weak as well. We 3bet to $65 out of the small blind and both fold. Much like a United States offensive against a 3rd world country that has oil. We win with ease. (+40)
QJ hijack, 2 limpers, raise $25, 1caller, flop comes K J 2, villain is competent tag reg, he checks, we check back, turn is the rag you used to wipe off your dick after watching some daddy/daughter porn. Check, Check again. River another rag. He leads $20,we call the $20 and he has KQ. (-45)
AK utg raise $20, 5callers, we miss the flop, give up like we did on that new years diet.(-20)
AA mp raise $20, all fold, fukking nits. (12)
55 mp limp for $5/call $25 raise, no set, no bet (-25)
99 hj raise $25 3callers, flop 9c 8d 6c, lead $75, some slob that I saw put tobasco sauce on his tuna flat calls. turn is a 7c, he slams out $150, we know we are beat but we try to fill up on river for $150. It's a brick like Kobe throws up in the 4th quarter. We fold to his river bet. (-250)
22 hj raise $20, 1caller in bb and it's an old dirty nit, flop A K 10, no cbet. (-20)
Ak utg2 raise $20, fold to same dirty nits 3bet because we don't give nits action unless we are set mining against them. (-20)
As7s mp r $20, 4c, non favorable flop, give up. (-20)
9s10s hj r $20 1c, flop top pair, cbet $25, get called, turn an A, fire 2nd bullet for $55 and villain folds out. (65)
AJ sb straddled pot, 2 limpers, raise $40, 1caller and it's the most exotic fish at the table. Flop 8c 7c Kd, we cbet $50, he calls quickly, turn is a 7d, we check, he slams $200 in the pot. We fold. He proudly shows 7Q offsuit. (-90)
Qc8c mp2 limp for $5/call $25 raise, 4 way, flop top pair on Q 9 4 board, and I choose to donk out $50 to see where I am at, folds around to pre-flop raiser and he lets us know he has an overpair by raising to $150. He even shows KK. This pre-flop limp/call was a little meh. Probably should have been a fold. (-75)
Qc6c hj 1 limper, raise $25, all fold (12)
Qh2h sb straddle pot, 4caller, flop a pair with flush draw on a 2 Kh 7h board. I lead $40. Solid ABC Tag player flats the $40. Turn is a brick. I decide to give up rather than unload a 2nd barrel. He bets $85 and I fold out. (-50)
A5 co r $20, all fold. (7)
Kh8h mp r $20, 4callers all come in behind me, K 9 3 flop, I bet $50, short stack nit goes all in for $85 and we have to call. He rolls KQ. We lose. (-105)
KK sb, 6limps, we raise $35, 4callers, flop is like Q 5 2, we cbet and win. (150)
KJ otb r $25, 2callers, Flop Jc Qd 6c, we bet $55, tag calls, 7c on the turn, check/check, 2h on river and he bets $110, this guy has a history of kind of overbetting when he has a big hand/flush. I think there is a chance he had K/10 or 9/10 here and whiffed. I make the call. I was right. (215)
9c7c utg limp/call $20 raise, 5 way, flop 5c 10c 6h, checks back around to original raiser and he makes it only $25. I put him on a flopped set or AcKc or AcQc, he's only on a $400 stack and it seems like he is just begging someone to check/raise so he can get it in. Kid in the BB raises it to $100. I go with my read and fold. Gets back to original raiser and he ships $400. BB calls with K/10. Original raiser rolls AcKc and bricks out. (-20)
Jc9c hj r $25, 3c, flop 10s 8s 4d, cbet $50, 1 caller, turn is Ks, he checks, we check, river is a 3, he bets $100, we fold. He shows us 22. We should have double barreled that favorable turn card which hit our AK range. We made a mistake in this hand. Fukkk. (-75)
QQ hj, called raise of $20 by a nitty kid who hadn't played a hand in over a hour, flop Js 6s 5h, and I was able to extract value. (205)
K10 mp2 called straddle/folded to raise (-10)
9s10s sb double barreled oesfd Js Qs 5 Q 5 runout. (-70)
A7 otb raise $25 4callers, $hit flop so we give up. (-25)
44 utg, straddle pot, limp for $10 call $45 bet, 4 way (-45)
QQ sb 3limpers, raise $25, 3callers, k high flop, cbet $55, win. (75)
AK straddle pot, called nitty kids $25 raise again, heads up, flop Ad 9d 2c, he bets $50, we call, turn is a 2h, he checks/we check because we want value from KK-1010 on the river if flush misses. River is a 4h, He checks, we bet $100 quickly, he tank calls and rolls JJ, we win. (170)
AA utg raise $20, 3callers, flop Ks 10s 4h, we lead $50, short stack shoves $160, all fold, we call. He rolls KJ and we win. (220)
KdJd co called raise of $25, 5 way, brick flop and give up (-25)

Sort of a boring session as we didn't take anyone to the taxidermist and add him/her to our mantle over the fireplace.

But, nobody took us to the taxidermist either.

I'll be playing another session today.

The People's Bankroll is currently at $6,035.00.

Last edited by LotGrinder; 11-08-2014 at 04:40 PM.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
11-09-2014 , 11:20 PM
Finished down $800 in a 9 hour session last night at MGM $2/$5.

Was down $800 two hours in.

Had our QQ and KK overpairs busted up in 60bb and 70bb pots on the flop.

Full details of session coming by tomm.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
11-26-2014 , 06:29 PM
Sorry, lost details of above session.

But, regained them from my friend HBK.

Will elaborate on these hands tomm.

7c8c mp2 r$20, 4c (-20)
Ak mp, r 1l $25, 4c (-25)
QdJd sb, called r $25, 5 way (-25)
QQ otb r 3l $25, 2c, flop 9s 10s 6d (-300)

Reload to $400.

Kd8d bb r 3l $35, utg2 nit 3b, fold (-30)
K10 hj r 2l $25, 3c, flop 4d7d8, fold (-25)
KK co r 3l $30, 2c, flop Qh 7h 6c (-350)

Reload to $400.

66 hj r $20 (7)
22 bb flop set, all fold (30)
55 utg l/call $30 raise, 4 way (-30)
Js4s bb, 4way, flop top (-30)
Ac10c otb r 4l $30, 2c (215)
Jh10h hj r 1k $25 (12)
Adkd bb, straddle pot, 5l raise $50, 4c $250 pot, Ks 9s 5h, bet $175, 1 competent caller, turn brick, shove $300 (-525)

Reload to $240

AQ hj r 1l to $25, 2c, K 8 5 flop, cbet $55, (50)
AK mp2 r $20, 2c, (40)
Ks9s mp l/f (-5)
77 hj c r $20 (-20)
QQ mp2 r $20 (7)
77 utg2 (-5)
6c7c otb 5l r $35, 2c A 8 4, cbet $70 (70)
AQ mp, r $25, 4c (220)
Qs10s, 2l r $25, 4c, flop Qh 4h 6c, new abc older man from what we have seen donks $45, we make it $115, turn 7h, check/check, river 2c, he leads $150. Fold. (-140)
Qsjs utg2 r $20, 3c, rag flop (100)
Qd9d otb 7way (-55)
88 mp (330)
44 utg2 (-5)
89 hj (-5)
Qs10s utg2 l/c $30, 6way, brick (-30)
Ah2h otb 4l r $30, 4c (-30)
Kq mp2 r $25 (12)
Kq utg r $20, 3c, (-20)
JJ otb r $25 (60)
Aq co r $35 4l, 2c KcJc6 flop (-35)
A4 hj std pot, dbl barrel bluff k turn 6h 6d5 flop(-330)
Ak mp2 limp/rr all in (335)
45 sb (-40)
AQ sb c $20 raise and donk Q high flop (75)
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
11-26-2014 , 06:31 PM
Looking to tune up some of my writings, update website, play more cash sessions, and actually play some donkaments in December.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
11-27-2014 , 04:20 AM
Hey I hope all is well LG! I don't get on here much but just want to drop in and say hi and comment on your last HH. - It looks like your PFR need to be larger, it will help reduce the number of callers and help define villan's range better. Also since most of your PFR are not bluffs making them larger is for value too.
QQ otb r 3l $25, 2c, flop 9s 10s 6d
3l and $30 is way too tiny, I am making it $45 - $65 here. If other players or you feel like its too large they WILL adjust and get used to it. You might even get labeled as a big better/ aggro which is good. Good 4 value too. So yeah, please increase PFR a little! cya man.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
11-29-2014 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by bubonicplay
Hey I hope all is well LG! I don't get on here much but just want to drop in and say hi and comment on your last HH. - It looks like your PFR need to be larger, it will help reduce the number of callers and help define villan's range better. Also since most of your PFR are not bluffs making them larger is for value too.
QQ otb r 3l $25, 2c, flop 9s 10s 6d
3l and $30 is way too tiny, I am making it $45 - $65 here. If other players or you feel like its too large they WILL adjust and get used to it. You might even get labeled as a big better/ aggro which is good. Good 4 value too. So yeah, please increase PFR a little! cya man.
Agree 100%.

Although, sizing should always vary a little bit because there's some nitty ass $2/$5 games at MGM where $25 gets everyone to fold. But, $20 keeps the fish in. In both of these $2/$5 sessions I tracked you could see my sizing gradually got bigger towards the end as I was adjusting to what you pointed out.

Thanks for checking in homie.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
11-30-2014 , 11:05 PM
I'm not sure what this is or why it's here. Looks like something that either belongs in a combination of Staking Rails and Poker Goals & Challenges and/or House of Blogs. The portion tracking your results certainly belongs in Staking Rails; feel free to start a new thread there. But leave the profanity filter circumvention and linking to your site behind, please.

Edit to add: Meh, reread the last page and maybe I didn't completely understand the thread. Still think it's pushing the boundaries, but we've had not much in the way of complaints (aside from the report about profanities today), so I've reopened. Just need you to stop with what I mentioned above and the NC/LC posts, please.

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 11-30-2014 at 11:11 PM.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-03-2014 , 12:59 PM
The people on this site know exactly what they're going to get when they walk into a Lotgrinder thread.

Do I really have to pussify my writing?

The "Facebook In America" post I put up was a short masterpeice that reflects the ignorance of our society as a whole.

You should pay me to post gold like that here.

Also, the links to my own site that I am currently working on are for an interactive experience when reading my writing.

For instance, I can say...

In the meantime, here's something for you to enjoy while I am away...

or on my site I can say..

In the meantime, here's something for you to enjoy while I am away...

(And it allows me to hypelink the "In the meantime" part of the writing with a link to one of the greatest metal albums of the 90's which helps me pay homage to a band I've always enjoyed.)

I've chose to write here because for years you guys have just let me write what comes out and I don't have to pussify it.

The person who complained should identify himself as a big fat dripping wet slit and I'll sincerely apologize to him.

After that, he can go back to reading some sweet strat advice or articles in Poker Pro.

I mean what's the difference between the word "******" and "big fat dripping wet slit" anyway? (I said a deragatory word for queer there. Can I even say queer?)

Last edited by LotGrinder; 12-03-2014 at 01:20 PM.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-03-2014 , 01:06 PM
Las Vegas Dec 5th to December 8th tournament schedule and $1/$3-$2/$5 NLHE session schedule will be posted today.

If you want to sell off any shares private message me.

You may want to wait until I post, "Eat, Sleep, Break The Streak," though.

This month is going to be all about destroying bad habits, killing trends, and ending a few streaks in my life that have to stop.

The People's Bankroll is currently at $5,235.00.

Last edited by LotGrinder; 12-03-2014 at 01:17 PM.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-03-2014 , 02:27 PM
Good luck in Vegas.

Also don't let any of those broads out there do anything too weird to you. Like that guy who let the stripper circumcise him. That would be sooo wrong. How could you concentrate at the tables if your penis had a scab on it? Picture that. With pus, too. It's offensive to even think about.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-03-2014 , 04:08 PM
Las Vegas Poker Tournament/Cash Game Schedule

Friday December 5th- Venetian $200 12k Chips/30 Minute Levels

Saturday December 6th- Bellagio 5 Diamond Classic Event #2 $560 10k Chips/40 Minute Levels

Sunday December 7th- Caesars $1/$3 NLHE Cash Game

I'll be bringing $2,000.00 from "The People's Bankroll" with me for the trip.

I'll be dressed accordingly for tournament play.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-03-2014 , 04:13 PM
As promised, here's some new **** from the mountain pile of unfinished word docs on my computer......

Facebook In America

"The Top 27 Ways To Jerk Yourself Off"...."The 14 Best Celebrity Nudes From The Fappening"..."You Won't Believe What Happens Next After This Moron Takes The Ice Bucket Challenge"..."If You Like To **** Pigs You're Going To Want To Read This".. "42 Captivating Police Brutality Photos"..."27 Videos Of Young Black Males Smoking Weed That Will Make You Hate ******s More Than You Already Do"...."176 Excuses Not To Eat Your Wife's Pussy That You'll Want To Know"..."62 Household Items You Need To Beat Your Child With"..."10 Things More Fun For The Holidays Than Sticking Your Dick In The Mash Potatoes."

Lol at whoever complained about that post.

You'd be best just to shut the **** up and keep checking in here hoping I'll go broke or steal my backers money.

Until then, just let me entertain you....

Last edited by LotGrinder; 12-03-2014 at 04:25 PM.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-03-2014 , 04:33 PM
I'll have to say what's up when you make out to LV. Crush it!
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-04-2014 , 11:23 AM

Are you running a separate package for the tourny's?

Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-04-2014 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by GolfPro

Are you running a separate package for the tourny's?

I may if I decide to do a 1k+ entry.

All others are going to be played on "The People's Bankroll."

If you scroll back in the thread you'll see the stock holders.

I do believe you own .75%.

If you'd like to increase that to 2% as a courtesy I'll sell you a portion of my %.

Pm for details.

Which was given away in the freeroll portion of this thread as you backed me more than ten times easily.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-04-2014 , 03:10 PM

Lotgrinder- 65.4%
CvD 5%
rponeal 3.5%
kyle r 2%
acdawg712 1.5%
Bluffymynuts 1.25%
dpcl 1.25%
clark292 1%
Flying_Fish 1%
JL514- 1%
Mdroz- 1%
pquest99- 1%
rufus2012- 1%
pghduilaw- 1%
harrythepro- .75%
golfpro- .75%
er7eman- .5%
adamschwartz- .5%
lighttower21- .5%
narcocop- .35%
lldayo- .35%
Shain67- .35%
Adam The Dealer- .35%
tmade- .35%
grindh0g day- .35%
1chipb- 35%
onesteptheface- .15%
hitsy- .15%
norcaljew- .15%
DgiHarris- .15%
Spectral Fury- .15%
rolledup222- .15%
TheTank- .15%
zima421- .15%
Senor Bendito- .15%
el rata- .15%
laxxed- .15%
card08- .15%
Batpoker- .15%
nutsbusted- .15%
deke71- .15%
epcfast- .15%
TommyD- .15%
thedinergetsby- .15%
bip!- .15%
hfrog- .15%
tiltstermc- .15%
dudeoflife- .15%
georgeluz- .15%
oveD- .15%
loonybird- .15%
shottaker- .15%
Bidz- .15%
shanywing- .15%
Aesah- .15%
nogoodtoday- .15%
5south- .15%
Bubonic Play- .15%
nbajam- .15%
king_lewis8- .15%
fsunole64- .15%
gilmore38- .15%
black aces 518- .15%
Mr.Action- .15%
ryhenicee- .15%
Checktrap11- .15%
GrimeRat420- .15%
iplaywasted- .15%
Mrtimclaum- .15%
mightyredzood- .15%
Dankness- .15%
lvpokerpro- .15%
noseeds99- .15%
thelipofund- .15%
jcorb- .1%
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-04-2014 , 04:10 PM
Bump me to 2 ball.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-04-2014 , 05:22 PM
Lol this thread is a masterpiece in the making. Good luck out in Vegas big shooter! Make them fear the wolf.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-05-2014 , 06:31 PM
Playing Venetian 7pm $200 12k stack/30 minute levels instead.

We are checked in at Ballys.

Go us.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-06-2014 , 03:10 PM
Bricked the Venetian $200.

Got flush over flushed early and managed to escape with a 3.5 stack.

Which was around 17 bigs at the time.

I refused to add on for $200 because I still felt pretty confident we could grind back on that stack.

Just started to rip everything all in when I thought I had good spots.

Got called w 9d7d once doubled. Got called with Kc3c once doubled. Got called with AsJs when we had A2 and I sucked out doubled.

Anyway, just kept grinding a mid to low stack.

Finally got taken out when we ripped our folded around to us otb KQ and got called by an exotic in the bb w with Qh3h. He smashed a 3.

Blindss were 400/800 at the time we had 10bigs.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-06-2014 , 06:19 PM
Got flush over flushed again early to lose 4k of our 10k stack.

Nothing going yet.

6k at first break.

Couple asians just got moved to my table and I plan to go "Lotzilla" and destroy their chip stacks.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-06-2014 , 07:27 PM

Level 6 in ten min.

Blinds will be 150/300.

Gonna be at least 150k in prize pool.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
12-06-2014 , 10:52 PM

Blinds 400/800.

Highest we been was 30k.

Double barreled some air into a set of 4s and lost 6k a lil before break.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
