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OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP!

10-31-2010 , 11:24 PM
Posting this here because originally posted in the wrong forum.

Selling shares for a home cash game this weekend (6-7th Nov). I feel/know I am very +EV in this game but I am pretty nitty in terms of BR and I'd like to play comfortably and therefore want to seek a partial stake. This is a very, very good deal for investors because there is no mark up or mark up equivelant.

I have plenty of successful packages in the marketplace and have handled up to $2000 of investors money at one time and shipped back promptly without ever having any problems. If necessary I can get references to post in thread and/or find links to past packages etc.

The game is mixed between PLO, PLO H/L, NLHE and very rarely
I don't want to go ahead and say this is a really soft game etc because it's obviously rude but again I honestly believe I am very, very +EV in this overall. If anyone wants more info, or has any questions at all feel free to post in the thread or PM me.

With the exception of limit razz which is 25c ante and $2/$4 (NZ$), the blinds are 25c/50c (NZ$). I want to buy in for $100 (200BB).

Looking for 3 buy ins. Obviously I will play my best and only rebuy/top up if necessary, i.e. 3 buy ins max. Fwiw, I've never rebought twice in a single session but as stated I am asking for this much as the maximum.

Selling 50%. 25% for two people, or 50% for one. Pretty simple, you get whatever % you invest of my ending money. There is no mark up or mark up equivelant. So if you take 50% that is NZ$150. If I end up down $20, you will get $140 back. If I end up $100 you will get $200 back.

The currency will be whatever xe is at the time of agreement, and all funds will be shipped back using the same exchange rate 25% is about $55, 50% is about $110.
Post in topic or PM if you are interested, Stars or FTP both fine.

This is obviously very +EV and a great deal for investors, in future I will likely include a mark up equivelant. Thanks
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 01:24 AM
Other then blind faith, how can I possibly track your results?

I met Sect7G in Auckland last year, by some coincidence, I saw he vouched for you in your other thread.

I respect that, I just hate getting freerolled.
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 01:27 AM
Good point. Sorry I don't really have proof but I can promise you I am 100% legit and an honest guy. For example, in one of my SnG packages, I was reimbursed for $320 (US) from Stars and whilst investors would have absolute no way at all to know about this I immediately posted in the thread about this and subsequently added it to cashes without a second thought. In other words I easily could have kept $320.

So hopefully that alone should be enough? If not, fair enough I really don't have any other way to prove this other than get a friend who isn't registered on here to post and confirm my summary which obviously isn't much help. Thanks and let me know if you have any other questions.

Edit: Also kind of similar but I was staked for $3.30R/A 180 mans by Sect7G (from 2p2) and was honest about over $700 in profit (which he received half of). This could have been tracked but I'm pretty sure he never looked up my stats as far as I know.
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 01:30 AM
Would you be able to supply me with text/twitter updates? I would at least like a mini sweat. I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to invest i'm just curious.

I'm probably going to PB Sect and ask about you. FYI.
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 01:30 AM
I can vouch for OMG, done few trades with him lately hes 100% legit and trustworthy with $$$. Hasnt let me down and took advantage at any point between us.

Obv my input isnt much but I can say If I had the funds I would do it myself!
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 01:33 AM
What is PB sorry? Is that PM? I am more than happy if you ask him or any other investors about me - or check my past threads. Similarly feel free to ask anything at all, I really have nothing to hide.

And I am from New Zealand so I wouldn't mind txting you if you want, however I would probably want you to pay for this? It's like 20 cents USD per text. Sorry but I don't have mobile internet so wouldn't be able to twitter or similar. I am happy to provide you with big hands that I remember etc afterwards too, rather than just saying we are up/down $x. Thanks
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by smokeys1
I can vouch for OMG, done few trades with him lately hes 100% legit and trustworthy with $$$. Hasnt let me down and took advantage at any point between us.

Obv my input isnt much but I can say If I had the funds I would do it myself!
Thanks for your support. To be fair, EfromPegTown, whilst I am happy the poster has supported me I will be honest in saying that I have just made a small backing deal with him (I stake him) so don't really think this alone qualifies to convince you.
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 01:35 AM
Yeah I meant PM sorry.

Also, I forgot about your country's horrid cell/internet rates (what's up with that btw).

We could probably forgo the text/twitter.
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 01:38 AM
Lol yeah we have like one of the most expensive I think. Sucks kinda but I'm used to it.. Meh. I think it is cool how in other countries like America the twitter/mobile system works quite well/affordable and obviously it's good for poker too. And yep sure, just let me know. If you want I can reserve you 25% or 50% for now just in case someone else posts before you confirm/decide. I am going out now to do some private tutoring but will be back later to reply to any more questions etc.
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 01:38 AM
Ok, how's this. I will buy 25% assuming someone else comes forward to buy the other 25%.

I'll ship the $55 on Stars once someone else is confirmed. If the other person wants the whole 50% that's fine.
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 01:41 AM
Okay sure. Btw the exchange rate is:

Live rates at 2010.11.01 05:40:00 UTC
75.00 NZD = 57.4956 USD


and will be the same when I ship back.
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 01:43 AM
That's fine
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 01:49 AM
i'll take it

I dont need any updates during the event.

Will take 50% or 25% whatever other investor wants to do.
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 04:36 AM
Ok thanks. I will try give a brief summary afterwards, e.g. big pots or whatever. Anyway EfromPegTown please confirm if you still want the 25%, if so please ship 57.50 each. Thanks guys!
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 09:05 AM
Any more shares open?
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 02:32 PM
I'll wait to ship a bit till epeg responds, so I'll know whether to ship 50% or 25%
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 02:55 PM
Supernova can have the full 50% if he wants, it'll just be easier that way. Unless he no longer wants the other 25%.

Ill keep an eye on some of your threads OMGClay
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by phunlemon
Any more shares open?
Looks like not this time sorry. but thanks for the interest. Likely will do this again in the nearish future,
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 05:11 PM
$115 shipped on stars for 50%

OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-01-2010 , 11:10 PM
Thanks and received.
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-06-2010 , 08:28 AM
Playing soon, will update after I finish!
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-06-2010 , 02:59 PM
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-07-2010 , 06:21 AM
Up $10.50 NZ.... was up $130 at one point but swing swing swing 8 hrs of poker.. Will put details in a few hours, I txt my friend with updates so I can post a few hands.
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-07-2010 , 03:28 PM
ok was +10.50 the final amount or you were still playing?
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
11-07-2010 , 06:29 PM
Yep that was the final amount. Sorry it didn't go better. Like I said was up $130 at one point but a 8 hour session is swingy as heck.

Basically, some of the plays may look really weird/bad to you, but imo I had reasons/reads/etc that justified them. That being said I'm obviously not saying I played perfectly. It was between 5-8 handed.

I played my first hand of 2-7 triple draw, and whilst I knew a little bit about the game and what was a really good hand maybe I should have just mucked at some point, I had a 23468 and I couldn't let it go even though one guy showed a tonne of strength. That being said one person who is really fishy kept calling too so I felt I had odds (like I knew that person would be calling with almost anything, last time I went I had like 234 showing in Razz and she was calling with TTK showing????) Anyway yeah the guy had like 3rd nuts I think. That was about $40.

Another pot I fked up pretty badly, it was Hi/Lo but I thought it was just Hi. I had QQxx and I think I called someone's raise pre. Three to flop, flop comes KKrag. Checks around. Turn is a 2, I check, second to act checks, last to act bets 2/3ish pot I'm pretty sure my QQ is actually good here so I flat, the other guy calls too. On the River is another rag and completes a heart flush. I check, second guy checks, third guy bets like half or slightly above the pot. I raise to around 40, second guy is like I might get quartered but I'll call (and obviously I'm like zzz wtf lol), but the last to act tanked (not really, but thought for a minute or so) and folded the ace high flush, so a "mistake" ended up with a positive result.. The second guy just had the low, with not even a pair lol so QQ was good for high.

Another hold em hand, limps around, I just called on BTN with 56s, SB raises, everyone flats, maybe one folds. Flop comes 235, I think maybe with a flush draw. SB bets, everyone else folds, I flat. Turn 2 he bets, I shove thinking he has an overpair and is capable of laying it down, he calls with 77 which is kinda meh but whatever. Smallish pot, lost like $40-45 here? Run it twice but I don't get there. 6 is no longer an out though so this bluff was a bit meh.

Hold em hand, UTG+1 raises, I flat as SB with KQo (lol live games) BB flats also. Flop J84 with two clubs. I check, SB bets like 3 into 4.50 pot, UTG+1 calls, I raise to 13 and both fold, not sure what UTG+1 had but BB folds a weakish Jack.

PLO hand, not that interesting and can't remember details but I raise a guys flop bet that I felt weak, I had nothing and I know that's sometimes kinda bad to do in PLO (i.e. you want to at least have some equity). He thinks and calls. Turn I lead for like 40 or 50 and he folds. Said to his friend he had top two pair.

Hi/Lo I had A3JT, double suited I think.
I flop the nut low, a flush draw (J high) and a gutshot. Get it in against a guy with a 2 outer low draw (and when he hits the 2 outers it's only a split for the low) and set of 4s (which is obviously so, so, so, sooooooooooooooo bad). Decide to run it four times, I get 7/8ths lmao.

I isolated a weak player on the BTN with A8o, HU to flop. AKT rainbow, she leads, I'm like wtf lol and just flat, turn she leads the same amount (so if it was 3/4 pot on flop, it's now quite a bit less), I flat again. River AKTQQ she bets slightly more. I end up going meh and folding. She said she had a king.

I had to fold hands like bottom set, mid set etc in PLO like two or three times, standard, not a big deal but just saying.

Not much else comes to memory but that's a brief summary I guess. Like I said went from -$40 -> +$140 -> evenish -> +$100 -> even etc....

Anyway shipped:

75.00 NZD = 57.4956 USD
$119.02 to army_dunn

Let me know if you are interested in taking this same action everytime I go in the future, otherwise I will just post in the forums again and you can buy whenever you feel like. It will be the same thing as above, except a different date. Thanks!

I won't be going for a few weeks cause of exams, so I'll just PM you each time if you are interested. I still do believe what I wrote in OP which is basically this is very +EV. I may consider charging mark up eventually though/probably will, although it will be pretty small.
OMGClayDol selling shares for low stakes cash home game! Very +EV :) NO MARK UP! Quote
