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Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie

07-09-2012 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Spathic
what a scumbag
LOL, at least let the man tell his side of the story before we start labeling him a scumbag and all.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-09-2012 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by brrrraat
LOL, at least let the man tell his side of the story before we start labeling him a scumbag and all.
Thanks... I've backed devon before and I never had any issue. I mean obv I would like to have him come and chime in, but as long as I get my refund I'm fine right now. no offense to hiatus, but why should we take your word on what you say is true?
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-09-2012 , 10:33 PM
I have known HiatusOver a long time, and he is not in the habit of selling wolf tickets.

He told me about a unpleasant online pro in the middle of the day yesterday then only followed up when he uncovered the twitter lies (via the HSMTT thred).

At a minimum, OP is too much of a moron to realize that the live poker world does not exist in a vacuum separate from 2+2/twitter.

Last edited by shaniac; 07-09-2012 at 11:02 PM.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-09-2012 , 10:47 PM
If you check the other thread he already admitted that he lied about the QQ vs AQ hand and the 97o hand, he also didn't deny anything. I listed many other things he lied about throughout the day and he didn't offer a rebuttal.

Check this thread, his response to me admits that he didn't get the "details" right in 2 crucial hands he played (where the strategy completely changes with new "details"). He also said one of the reasons he didn't get the tweets correct was because of in his own words TILT AND RAGE, doesn't sound like someone I would trust with money. Check out Phil Galfonds twitter feed from todays main event, that is how a professional poker player acts on twitter if they decide to live tweet the Main Event, exact details of interesting hands with no mistakes and no "tilt and rage".

Devon also didn't take the time to respond to my longer followup post where I debated the truth of parts of many other tweets from him throughout the day. If I wasn't telling the 100 percent truth I'm sure he would have taken his time over the last 5 hours to make that known.

As far as why you should take my word, I guess that is up to you but I am telling the truth 100 percent. My name is Jesse Martin, I was MazeOrBowie on Pokerstars. I have been around the poker world for 10 years now, including being on this site forever. I have both played high stakes cash games and high stakes tournaments on my own bankroll for a very long time. I have zillions of vouches in the poker world and a very solid reputation built from years of showing trustworthiness. I don't have much interest in making this some huge deal or bringing people in to it but please feel free to ask around to any big name poker player circles and my name will come through as clean as a whistle.

Reading this guys twitter feed I decided that something must be said. I would hope any of you would do the same. I am an occasional Marketplace user, I have probably bought pieces of 20+ people in my years including Oscilator and Moshman this year.

Please ask around about me if you doubt any of this but trust me everything I have said is 100 percent truth.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-09-2012 , 11:06 PM
By the way, I am not here to make the jump that Devon is someone out there trying to steal money from anyone. That is for others to decide because I never will have any business with him, I am just commenting on his incredibly weird twitter timeline that I came across where he repeatably lied throughout the 10 hour day I sat right next to him and focused on every hand. I figured the Marketplace deserved to know this and decide how they feel about it themselves and atleast not continue to believe and be subjected to lies.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-09-2012 , 11:27 PM
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 05:01 AM
im with hiatus and shaniac on this 1... lying about hands? ive heard of u just gettng up and walking around for a while but do you really not remember any hands from the main event? i mean jesus bro its the main event... you really cant remember any of the details of the hands accurately enough to post them correctly on twitter? hiatus really has no reason whatsoever to lie and start drama... refunds and explanations soon please
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by ruffrydaz
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 08:37 AM
I stayed with Devon this summer, we had a few financial transactions and he always comported himself with a huge amount of decorum and class. I think he probably made a couple of mistakes in misreporting hands over twitter but certainly didn't do it with any bad intentions, but rather didn't realize (as Shaniac alluded to) the importance of keeping details 100% accurate, and this is a genuine mistake.

I find it very difficult to believe he was an 'unpleasant online pro'.

Originally Posted by HiatusOver
Just found another lie in his twitter. He said that the 5 seat knocked out 2 people with a set of AA' time he knocked out someone with AA vs AQ on a Q high board, and the other time he knocked out an opponent with KK on a 763 board...One other guy busted from our table all day, so that is 3 people busting from our table in the day...maybe the 3rd got knocked out by a set of AA but its just weird that he tells all these white lies, seems to point to some large issue
Rather than the idea he's telling a bunch of small, irrelevant white lies, so as somehow to cover up for the other lies he's telling so that his investors think he played well when he actually played badly (in which case, why not just not say anything? not like investors have the right to find out your bustout hand and then judge you on it), it seems much more likely that either a) you're the one making mistakes in remembering how some of the hands went down as well, or b) you took a dislike to him for some reason and are now out to cause as much trouble as possible. I don't know you but it seems weird that you would track him down over twitter via 2p2 out of the goodness of your own heart and then look up his post history to find out if he was selling action, and then trash his reputation.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 09:09 AM
At least he got the thread title correct. What a mess.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by AoO
At least he got the thread title correct. What a mess.
I can tell you from experience, this is far from a mess.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 09:45 AM
Being an outsider, not an investor of the package, it can be really easy to take sides with HiatusOver and have a negative stigma associated to Devon for future packages. That's why I'm somewhat shocked that he hasn't taken the time to chime in and either dispel or confirm these rumors. The longer he stays out of this thread the worse it looks.

Wazz makes some good points as well. So I'm reserving judgement until I hear what Devon has to say about all this but the longer he waits the more it looks like he's hiding from something.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 11:42 AM
Lol @ wazz in the marketplace... He already admitted to lying about multiple hands, why are you here taking up for him? Maybe he should have gotten a few massages to help remember his hands better..
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by truesyalose
Lol @ wazz in the marketplace... He already admitted to lying about multiple hands, why are you here taking up for him? Maybe he should have gotten a few massages to help remember his hands better..
Well this shouldn't be about me, but ok, I have two successful staking threads since my MP privilege was reinstated and I have a 'clean' record since then, the EPT San Remo debacle was the only blemish in my 6-year poker career, and that consisted of me making a series of mistakes in judgement that cost no-one any money whatsoever, rather than me trying to scam anyone. My opinion might not be worth the same as others on here but it's still worth something.

Last edited by wazz; 07-11-2012 at 01:20 PM. Reason: edited for aggressive tone
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by wazz
Rather than the idea he's telling a bunch of small, irrelevant white lies, so as somehow to cover up for the other lies he's telling so that his investors think he played well when he actually played badly (in which case, why not just not say anything? not like investors have the right to find out your bustout hand and then judge you on it), it seems much more likely that either a) you're the one making mistakes in remembering how some of the hands went down as well, or b) you took a dislike to him for some reason and are now out to cause as much trouble as possible. I don't know you but it seems weird that you would track him down over twitter via 2p2 out of the goodness of your own heart and then look up his post history to find out if he was selling action, and then trash his reputation.
This post is ridiculous. Particularly where you imply that investors don't have a right to know your bustout hand if they ask for it.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 01:54 PM
I'm going to reply to this once.

Twitter has one use for me- to blurt out whatever is on my mind, clear it, so I can move on. For some reason just writing these things into notepad doesn't do it for me. Sometimes what I blurt out is a brag, sometimes it's a beat, and sometimes it is nonsense, but doing so allows me to move on. I've allready shared my bad beat story so I now don't have to go around telling the entire world. It's over. This has actually worked for me quite well, I don't talk about bad beats much anymore unless I think the hand has some kind of merit. I also don't feel the need to talk about scores etc. unless someone asks me specifically. FWIW I'm pretty sure my staker for the Main doesn't follow me on twitter.

I think all of this stems from the fact that I called you a rules nit and a dueche on twitter. You are mad that the 6 people who follow me on twitter who aren't spambots now know you are a rude angry person. Because, quite frankly, that is how you acted at the table.
You also accused me of angle shooting, while you were ranting at the dealer. I have never shot an angle in my life buddy. I completely understand why you called the floor, I never argued the ruling, or your right to call the floor, but you didn't have to be a dick to the dealer about it.

Why are you comparing me to phil galfond? Did I ever say I was or is similar to him? or any other named pro? I'm nowhere near them in any way. You sarcastically said I was the best in the world as we were bagging to which I made some kind of needling reply of "No, but I do ok" I think. Why the venom? Was completely unnecessary.

The AQ vs QQ hand we were effectively all in preflop. There was a bet of around 650- 700? and two callers, I made it 3600 pre. Yes it was a hefty raise. As before I made the raise I checked out all of the relevant stacks: I wanted to make sure I was committing myself to this villain, and leaving room against the deeper stacked oppoonents. Who started with hand with ~11k.
The guy made a ridiculous flat pre with about 90% of a pot sized bet behind. Just because the fish didn't know we were all in doesn't mean there is any flop I'm folding to his lolflat. We were effectively all in pre. No way I'm folding. NH if you hit that flop. Next time I'll say 'effectively' all in pre. It didn't matter in the slightest and if you were paying attention to my play/that person's play/SPR you would know that.

The 97 hand. He got there by getting the one river card I'd fold to. He ended up turning over the bluff. Yes the 97 hand I was bluffed when he repped spades really well and I only fold to a spade on the river, which is what came. Possibly due to my monsters under the bed syndrome but he got there with the only card he's representing and I folded to him. And yes, I did have 66. Pretty sure they were the red ones. He 'Got there' because he knew he could only bluff a spade, which made me put him on spades, and the spade came. WP to him.
I will also note that after this hand was the only time I said something aloud to my opponent that was rude. For which I sincerely apologized later. I try really hard not to be the rude guy at the table. I've actually made several posts to that affect around these forums. The last time I did that was in April in Miami. I still feel bad about that but he probably doesn't even remember it/care because he had my chips

Not a single other hand did I lie about or come close to misconstruing. I tweeted I lost 2 5k pots with queens and one 15k+ pot with queens and then you give an example of how I lost a 5k pot with queens to say I'm lieing? I don't even understand your point. What in the world are you trying to say? That I shouldn't use twitter to rant? Then don't follow me bro.

I did call some of my opponents monkeys on my twitter feed. That is the only thing I regret saying. I think that was due to a lack of food (my service on dinner break was terrible, first people into the restaurant last ones out) which greatly affects my ability to control tilt/emotions/focus. This is probably also what led me to not put all the detail into my tweets and to put disparaging comments... but I usually don't put detail into them anyway. It's a tweet not a forum or blog.
I do completely regret insulting anyone with the term 'monkeys.' I allready made an apology on twitter after it happened. I know when I do wrong, and that was very very wrong.

I won't comment on your criticism of my play because, quite frankly, you completely unimpressed me at the table with yours. You played an incredibly straightforward TAG game that relied on flopping sets and TPTK and getting paid. You had no interest in adapting to table dynamics, never once changed your plan during a hand, and didn't adjust to changing circumstances. I'm also madly in love with your 4.2x 3b sizing.
You were incredibly rude on several occasions. After being coolered (and LOL at not figuring that one out bro before losing half your stack-everyone else in the room knew) you berated the dealer. You play ridiculously slowly.
THOSE is the hallmark of 'an unpleasant online pro'.
"Why shouldn't I yell at the dealer" Really? Come on man. Suck up, go walk off your tilt don't berate these poor guys who get yelled at enough. Did you exchange a single joke or random anecdote with any of the players at the table all day? A few well placed gripes and 'nice hands' or 'aaah no the river again' make these guys much more comfortable.

I actually never am/was an online pro. Never claimed to be. I know my playstyle on sunday seemed like it was but our table was such that that style was incredibly profitable, as you may have noticed since I kept winning millions of small pots?
I pretty much just play live. I go out of my way to thank/compliment dealers. At least once a day I pick a dealer that did well and mention their name to the floor. I've had dealers and floor personal walk up to me after games and tell me how great it is to have someone who takes the time to give a complement in the game. When was the last time you passed a complement on to anyone?

As to missing multiple hands/level. Coming to the first break I was hungry. I do *not* play well when when hungry. So at the first break I left 15 min early so I could use the restroom and eat before it gets full. Leaving early and missing the cheap blinds (no antes yet) is better than staying late after break. I may also have used the restroom once? I do have stomach troubles (that I had to cancel a tourny for last week because I was at the Doctor) and sometimes I am in the restroom for... an inordinate amount of time that can't be helped... Trust me I'd rather be at the table than there.
The only other time I left the table early was when I lost a big pot and there was only a few minutes until break so i took break early to make sure I wasn't steaming. That's just standard +EV...

I can't believe you didn't see the dude who limped AA and check flopAJx, call turn (checked to button, he bet i insta call and he called behind) and check river with his set (river was checked by all of us). I turned over my 42 as first to act, button immediately mucked with a grimace and then the limper proudly turned over his AA and my jaw hit the floor. He got the most out of me I guess... I'm still not sure I see your point on this one. I made a good call vs button, limper behind me slow played a set... isn't that what I said? Isn't that what happened? Again i don't know what point you are trying to make.

And umm that one guy did win massive pots with a flopped set of aces twice, I thought someone busted both. I know about his suck out on the KK hand as I tweeted that too when i was raging about how well he runs and how mad jealous I was of it. Did one guy just get ridiculously short and bust afterwards quickly? Not sure what point you are trying to make here...

The reason I didn't reply earlier is really quite simple- I don't care enough.
I am only posting because someone whose opinion i trust said I should put up my side. I think it is hilarious that you would take the time to cross reference my 2p2 name to twitter, stalk me on twitter, and then come here. I hope you found this to be a good use of your time.
There is a vast well of blackness inside of me due to many problems in my life. There is an overwhelmingly large outspring of warmth and happiness from my love of my family, my dog, my friends, and the things I enjoy. What you are saying on this forum affects me not. Could not come close to touching either of those places inside of me

IBU- Haven't we played? Don't you know me from tampa? When do you see me wandering around aimlessly during tournaments? Aside from walking off tilt/using the bathroom I just can't understand where that comes from. Completely shocked that someone who has played with me thinks I do this. I don't know why anyone thinks I have a reputation for getting up randomly. I'll give you a call and set up your refund in cash after I shower. I'll be leaving vegas tonight or in the morning so if we don't do it this afternoon it will have to be in Tampa or via chase/paypal. I'd have done it all ready but I only checked PMs the last few days and not this thread.

I've allready refunded Scan and Mitch. As always please feel free to check my math and make sure I do not owe you more/paid too much. I'm paying back $32/1% at the moment.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 02:01 PM
If you want accuracy about my bust out hands from the main here you go I tweeted briefly about them and put them in my blog here you go:

t took two hands consecutively to bust me tonight, in the last few hours of play. First...

I am the BB and Sammy Farha (120k) raises to 3k, blinds are 500/1000/100a. I have 90k and a TAG image, haven't gone to showdown but grabbed up 40k in chips since arriving at the table.
Fish on the button calls (50k), sb folds and I call with 77.
Flop T87hhs. I lead for 4600, only Sammy calls.
Turn 3s. I lead for 14500. Sammy calls.
River Kh. I lead for 12500, Sammy Shoves. FML, he always has it here. GG Sammy... I fold...

(Note-Maybe he bluffed a missed straight draw. But that is the only thing I'm beating as I don't think he turns 2pair into a bluff with my image. Also this morning I don't like my 12.5k on the river unless I'm planning to call the shove. Was trying to make it easy for him to call with 2p.)

UTG+1 is pretty tight, has 130k by getting AA and KK and AK and flopping the nuts with them 3 times and getting someone else AI drawing dead. Lucky dude. A fish on his left with 80k flats. Sammy flats. I defend my BB with T9.

Flop is J89r.
I check, OR makes it 6k and he always has AJ+ here.
Fish and Sammy flat call, and now I have no choice but to go all in, folding is ridiculous and calling a catastrophe. I have ~40% equity to triple up against OR when the other two never call this shove (and heck he might even fold). (There is 30k in the pot, I have 30k behind after 'calling').
OR does end up calling with KK.
Turn is a T (woohoo) river is a goddamn Q giving him a straight...
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by HiatusOver
Now this hand could have happened exactly how he claims, but I never missed a hand all day (unlike Devon who goes on long breaks and misses multiple hands a level)
Might want to clear this up too, OP.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by CBorders
Might want to clear this up too, OP.
I did towards the middle and end of my post, Cliffs:
my response is again "wtf is he talking about?
I also don't trust this guy's attention to detail as if he were paying as close attention as he claims well... he would have performed better
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 03:57 PM
Ok I lied I am going to post again.

Action is on Hiatus-
He tanks for two minutes.
Asks dealer what the action is as he is confused by something. Dealer clarifies action.
Tanks for two minutes.
Asks dealer what the action is. Dealer clarifies action.
He demands a floor person. Floor comes over and makes a (correct) ruling making me minraise which I do without comment.
He tanks for an additional 2 minutes before raising.

He took up close to 10 minutes of our time to A-force me to put 1.5 more bbs into a pot pre antes when we are like 300bbs deep (this was in the 2nd hr I think), and B-decide how much he wanted to raise with top 2 pair.

That is the kind of person who is on here besmirching my character.

He ends up being pretty (pretty obviously) coolered on that hand and afterwards starts yelling at the dealer until I tell him to knock it off. Starts going off on an entitled rant about how dealers shouldn't be bad. I tell him not to insult the dealer. He starts accusing me of angle shooting. I laugh at him and stop talking.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 04:02 PM
Wazz said....""""Rather than the idea he's telling a bunch of small, irrelevant white lies, so as somehow to cover up for the other lies he's telling so that his investors think he played well when he actually played badly (in which case, why not just not say anything? not like investors have the right to find out your bustout hand and then judge you on it), it seems much more likely that either a) you're the one making mistakes in remembering how some of the hands went down as well, or b) you took a dislike to him for some reason and are now out to cause as much trouble as possible. I don't know you but it seems weird that you would track him down over twitter via 2p2 out of the goodness of your own heart and then look up his post history to find out if he was selling action, and then trash his reputation.""""

I did not track him down over twitter, I logged on to 2+2 after our day 1 and noticed the top post was a hand from our table. I read the post, and then checked to see if he had any other recent posts. I found his marketplace post and saw his name so checked to see if he had a twitter to see what he had to say about our day at the table, never expecting to find anything postworthy, when I came across his constant ramblings and lies I was honestly blown away that someone would continuously lie all day on twitter.

I figured his marketplace investors would be reading his twitter but if he says no they don't care about his twitter, that is fine. I guess he had a private Main Event investor, but it still seems relevant to former investors this summer. I still found it my duty to bring it to their attention, just like I think anyone should in a spot like this to keep people honest.

If I was out to cause trouble I would have posted this in NVG, MTTC or spammed his twitter about it. I feel like I approached this in the least amount of trouble causing way I could, never starting a new thread and never attacking his character. Your friend has some issues with not telling the truth, it is honestly weird to read this twitter timeline of someone describing details of a day that are constantly not accurate. I have never once on here called him a terrible person or an unworthy friend to you or anyone else he knows. I have only stated facts
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 04:09 PM
Wow just read that Wazz was once banned from the Marketplace and seems to be the only guy standing up for PokerZombie. I am honestly done with this whole situation after I reply to PokerZombies long post. My reputation in the poker world is squeaky clean and I honestly wish I didn't have to deal with this stuff but I felt obligated
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 04:17 PM
Your facts are relatively accurate but your conclusions blatantly biased.

This is only happening because you realized I insulted you on twitter (if it will make you feel better I will tell you to your face next time- although I do believe I told you you were a 'rules nit' i may have left out 'dueche'). The table talk you think i'm misquoting probably involves your tirade against the dealer. I'm sorry you look bad... No I'm not actually. You shouldn't yell at the dealer. Period. If you have an issue with a dealer take it up with the floor supervisor.

Unable to get revenge on me at the table because you couldn't handle the pressure I put on you you come here and point out relatively small flaws in statements I made on twitter. Twitter isn't a strategy thread. I am not going to explain SPR committment and bluffing outs in 140 word bursts unless it's really interesting. And those hands weren't.

This is just trying to smear my name because it makes you feel like a slightly better person and redeems yourself in your mind for all the evils I did to you that day.

I'm sorry none of your painfully obvious light 3bets worked. Really, try playing better. Don't come on hear and add to the hate on the internet. There is plenty of hate on the internet, these days it seems that is all it's good for. Thank you for adding to that.

Wazz lived with me the last 3 weeks and obviously knows me better than you all do. He's a good Joe. But since my opinion is crap maybe i shouldn't mention that. He is also more upset about Hiatus' posts than I am.

The only thing that really upsets me is it seems people are believing that I leave the table a lot. I never leave the table without good reason as I said earlier. I'm more than willing to speak privately on any of these issues with anyone who ever bought action with me. Please feel free to PM me.
Also PM me about receiving your refunds as I am unlikely to return to this thread.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by PokerZombie

I'm sorry none of your painfully obvious light 3bets worked. Really, try playing better. Don't come on hear and add to the hate on the internet. There is plenty of hate on the internet, these days it seems that is all it's good for. Thank you for adding to that.
Lol wat?

Bluff Line Check in Main Event


20 minutes left on the night.
Hero has lost some big pots lately and is down to 40k. Image is super LAG, but big pots have either not gone to showdown or been QQ+ (and lost all big pots starting with a big PP for what its worth).

Villain has just doubled up to 30k and is mid 20s but on the tight side of TAG (I didn't know they made those).

Fish in SB is barely relevant, but he A-smells awful and B-is a terrible terrible player on a sick heater sitting on 80k+

Folds to villain on button who makes it 1k.
SB calls
Hero has Q4o and hasn't 3b in about 10 minutes so he makes it 2700.
Bu calls, SB Folds

Flop J84cc. Hero leads for 2400 and bu calls after a moment.
Turn 3c hero leads for 4600 and bu calls after a longer moment
River Kh and hero leads for 10500.

What river cards are we barreling here? IMO I was betting 10500 on any card ten or higher and giving up on everything else.
I put him on 66-TT and random 8x hands.
Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
07-11-2012 , 05:54 PM
You might think this stems from something personal but it is just a coincidence that you posted a hand on 2+2 and then I found your long list of twitter lies. I certainly did not go out of my way to find you, if I had an issue with you that was worth pursuing trust me I would have dealt with it at the table.

Anyways to address your post.

"The AQ vs QQ hand we were effectively all in preflop. There was a bet of around 650- 700? and two callers, I made it 3600 pre. Yes it was a hefty raise."

Funny how I remember your hands better than you do, you raised to 2800 and had 8200 effective behind. You definitely didn't 5x it, but then again its funny that you made fun of my 4.2x 3 bets when the only time I came close to this sizing was over a raise and 2 callers. You were in a tough spot and obviously the guy made a mistake by flatting AQ there instead of getting the money in or folding, regardless you lied about the action on twitter.

"The 97 hand. He got there by getting the one river card I'd fold to. He ended up turning over the bluff"

This one is just hilarious, if you noticed I never criticized your play in this hand, your fold was fine whatever...but to record a hand on twitter as "he got there again" when what actually happened was that some guy you referred to as a monkey bluffed and showed you 9 high after you whined about him "getting there" is beyond belief. You have issues with not telling the truth

By the way I was pretty sure he was bluffing there because when you left the table for one of your patented 6 or 7 hand walks he mentioned that he was sick of you whining all day and annoyed with you overall. His words not mine. He was ready to go after you after folding for a while to you, but since you were away from the table I guess you didn't notice the change in dynamics

"I tweeted I lost 2 5k pots with queens and one 15k+ pot"

Well since you DELETED ALMOST EVERY TWEET FROM THAT WHOLE DAY LOL!!! I cannot go back and check but I am basically positive you said you lost 5K, 5K and 15K, not that those were the pot fact the one where you lost 11K and claimed it was 15K, wouldn't that one count as a 23K pot with your new definition? I guess we will never know tho since you deleted all the tweets, hilarious

"I won't comment on your criticism of my play because"

I never once criticized your play on 2+2, in fact I mentioned that you were a clear favorite at our very soft table. I never once criticized the hands you lied about as far as strategy. The only time I mentioned anything about your play was when with around 10 hands left in the day you announced that you were done playing hands (and held true to your word) and you were finally gonna make your first day 2 of the summer. Someone asked if you really were 0 for 20 on the summer on day 2's you said yes, and I jokingly said something like "I wonder why" which everyone laughed at. It was clearly tongue in cheek and me taking a layup joke you put on a platter.

"I pretty much just play live. I go out of my way to thank/compliment dealers."

Yes you do, very pleasant of you remember the one dealer all day that you didnt thank and compliment when they left tho? That was the dealer that you yelled at for announcing you called when you clearly raised a 2150 bet to 6150? By your angelic standards that was pretty out of line of you to raise your voice and say "what are you doing!" and obviously spiteful of you to not thank him at the end of his down as you did with everyone else, and I certainly could have challenged you on it after you challenged me earlier, but I figured I would let it go...we all have our moments and I had no interest in fighting with you at all.

When I did have issue with you was when I saw a marketplace thread+lies on twitter, now that was worth wasting my time getting involved for.

"As to missing multiple hands/level. Coming to the first break I was hungry. I do *not* play well when when hungry. So at the first break I left 15 min early"

You just told the whole marketplace you missed the final 15 minutes of the first level of the $10,000 MAIN EVENT because you were hungry? Thats some wild stuff right there, I wonder how many other times you didn't plan ahead and burned equity this summer. As we have both admitted we were blessed with an amazing table with at least 1 guy playing every hand and you decided to miss 15 minutes because you were hungry.........Also you left early some other level to make sure you weren't steaming, you really don't have enough self control to not trust yourself in the Main Event to not steam? And you call this +EV?

The AA hand I said maybe I missed, what is funny is that from our whole day where you tweeted probably 25 times you left only 2 tweets up. 1 about this AA hand which I didnt completely dispute and one about you 3 betting 54o and value betting small on a flush river which you reported completely accurately. The problem is that by leaving those 2 accurate hands up and deleting everything else you are admitting that you relentlessly lied all day 1 of the Main Event on twitter.

As far as you calling me or other people "haters", I have no hate for you. You whined all day about how unlucky you were but some of my friends do that too, I tell them they are being annoying but it is nothing hate able. I could be easily convinced that away from poker you are a very reasonable nice guy who is respected by friends and family, unfortunately you have some growing up with how you represent yourself and handle yourself while playing with other peoples money. We would never have had another interaction if BOTH 2 things didn't happen. 1. You didn't lie all day on twitter and 2. You didn't have a marketplace thread.

If I saw your twitter without the marketplace thread I woulda had some laughs with friends about how weird this guy is to lie on twitter about multiple hands. If I just saw your marketplace thread I obviously wouldn't have ever got involved...but lying+selling action really pisses me off.

I play my own money in poker except if I play a huge event like the 50K Players Championship that I played the past 2 years and sold a few pieces, could you imagine if I misreported hands on twitter from that event what a catastrophe that would be for my reputation and respect in poker? I also stake multiple players with various levels of backing. I take this stuff seriously and would hate to see someone disrespecting me like I felt you were doing towards your investors. You say your Main Event investor "probably" doesnt follow you on twitter, but Im sure marketplace people who had your action all summer do and I can't imagine your rants were any different.

Not Your Typical June Package-Devon Garbus/PokerZombie Quote
