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MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events

03-31-2011 , 03:09 PM
Hi, my name is Matt Finn. I am looking to sell 65% of my action to 2 events in the Borgata Spring Poker Open. I will be selling at 15% MU.

I have sold 1 BAP previously and looking forward to this one having more success. The first thread shows all my online stats as well as references and other relevant info. It can be found here:

The tournaments I will be playing:

Event 1- $350+$50 100k GTD Deepstack with 1 Re-entry

Event 2- $300+$50 NLHE

Structures can be found here:

Total Buy-ins= $400 + $400 + $350 = $1150 + 15% MU= $1322.50

Round down to make it even $1320.

1% - $13.20
5% - $66.00
10% - $132.00

Please send money to PenguinHumpr on stars. I will also accept cash at Borgata if you plan on being there.

Frequent updates will be posted on twitter:!/MoneyMatt1

More indepth updates will be posted in this thread when I am on my laptop.

Thank you and gl us
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
03-31-2011 , 03:10 PM
gollyheck- 2%
megamulk- 5%
Penny Black- 10%
jiggybluff- 5%
MackB2- 5%
Private- 7%

MountainBum- 3%

28% remaining

Last edited by MoneyMatt1; 03-31-2011 at 03:16 PM.
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
03-31-2011 , 03:11 PM
Res 10%

sent from heybude on stars
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
03-31-2011 , 03:14 PM
res me 5%
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
03-31-2011 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Redgrape
Res 10%

sent from heybude on stars
Received and Booked, ty

18% remaining
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
03-31-2011 , 03:25 PM
Reserve 2% plz
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
03-31-2011 , 06:12 PM
reserve the rest, 16% i think
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
03-31-2011 , 06:58 PM
GL GL bud!!! TID
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
03-31-2011 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by acdawg712
Reserve 2% plz
reserved ty

Originally Posted by fslexcduck
reserve the rest, 16% i think
reserved and received ty

Originally Posted by Tourbound68
GL GL bud!!! TID
Thanks Mike. You going to be there?
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
03-31-2011 , 09:23 PM
gollyheck- 2%
megamulk- 5%
Penny Black- 10%
jiggybluff- 5%
MackB2- 5%
Private- 7%
acdawg- 2%


MountainBum- 3%
RedGrape- 10%
fslexcduck- 16%

Sold Out
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
03-31-2011 , 10:40 PM
hey matt i want to wish you the best of luck, you irl vamo.
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-01-2011 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by isuxatpokerbad
hey matt i want to wish you the best of luck, you irl vamo.
thanks dued

gollyheck- 2%
megamulk- 5%
Penny Black- 10%
jiggybluff- 5%
MackB2- 5%
acdawg- 2%

MountainBum- 3%
RedGrape- 10%
fslexcduck- 16%
Private- 7%

Sold Out
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-01-2011 , 05:47 PM
Hey Matt, I will pay you at Borgata. If not, I will let you know and ship on Stars.
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-01-2011 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by acdawg712
Hey Matt, I will pay you at Borgata. If not, I will let you know and ship on Stars.
Ok, sounds good. Just PM me when you know and I can give you my cell # so we can meet up there.
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-01-2011 , 05:56 PM
megamulk- 5%
Penny Black- 10%
jiggybluff- 5%
MackB2- 5%
acdawg- 2%

MountainBum- 3%
RedGrape- 10%
fslexcduck- 16%
Private- 7%
gollyheck- 2%

Sold Out
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-01-2011 , 10:38 PM
sigh i forgot to look for this earlier.

MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-03-2011 , 11:14 PM
Hey, are you only going to be down there for those events? I just looked and saw they are during the week. I'm probably not going to be down there before the events so I'll ship on stars tomorrow.
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-04-2011 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by acdawg712
Hey, are you only going to be down there for those events? I just looked and saw they are during the week. I'm probably not going to be down there before the events so I'll ship on stars tomorrow.
Yea only going Wed-Thurs because I work on the weekend
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-05-2011 , 08:12 PM
megamulk- 5%
jiggybluff- 5%
MackB2- 5%
acdawg- 2%

MountainBum- 3%
RedGrape- 10%
fslexcduck- 16%
Private- 7%
gollyheck- 2%
Penny Black- 10%

Sold Out
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-05-2011 , 09:51 PM
Shipped on Pokerstars, GLGL!
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-05-2011 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by acdawg712
Shipped on Pokerstars, GLGL!
got it. Thanks!

megamulk- 5%
jiggybluff- 5%
MackB2- 5%

MountainBum- 3%
RedGrape- 10%
fslexcduck- 16%
Private- 7%
gollyheck- 2%
Penny Black- 10%
acdawg- 2%

Sold Out
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-10-2011 , 11:40 PM
MountainBum- 3%
RedGrape- 10%
fslexcduck- 16%
Private- 7%
gollyheck- 2%
Penny Black- 10%
acdawg- 2%
megamulk- 5%
jiggybluff- 5%
MackB2- 5%

Sold Out

Will update regularly on twitter and longer updates in this thread
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-13-2011 , 01:49 PM
Money Matt your twitter Pic did not inspire confidence. I was all like "This is NOT a man I would confident backing". Get a new twitter pic, hopefully one with some pizzazz!
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-14-2011 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by KidM3
Money Matt your twitter Pic did not inspire confidence. I was all like "This is NOT a man I would confident backing". Get a new twitter pic, hopefully one with some pizzazz!
lol.. That was actually a hand where I won a lot of chips
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
04-14-2011 , 09:26 PM
Tournaments were overall a fail.

I believe I played pretty well and got coolered a couple times

Entry 1 of Event one- played a couple pots, didn't really do much or the first hour. get J9dd in the sb. Limped pot 5 ways comes 5510dd checked around. Turn Q. I bet 600 2 callers. river 8. I bet like 2300 (like 11k or so behind). Guy who had been super aggro jams. I tank call and he has Q5

2nd bullet- same as the first.. 3 bet shove 99 into JJ and don't get there. gg

Event 2- Play pretty aggressively and win a few pots early. Get KJdd 3 way pot in position raised pre by semi aggro guy. flop Axxdd Guy cbets I flat. turn K he continues. I thought about jamming here but decided against it and just flatted. river J. He insta shoves and I go into the tank. Thinking he has to have AA the way he played it or maybe a lower set or possibly AK. After not even 2 minutes of tanking, he calls the clock. Floor comes over tells me I have 1 min and I curse the guy out, tell him I am going to fold when the time is up and tell him not to take longer that 15 seconds to make a decision because I will call clock. Anyway, I end up folding. He ends up busting before me and tells me he had AA.

A few hands later I am in the SB with AKss super aggro guy raises I 3bet, he 4bets and I tank Jam (thought about flatting the 4bet but it wouldnt have made any difference on the flop). He obv has AA and I flop a K but dont get any more help.

After that hand I was left with 1.2k at 75/150. Win the blinds a couple times and we come back from break at 100/200 I have A9 in the BB with 1.6k. UTG limps CO(AA guy) makes it 700 Button flats. I shove. UTG snap isos. Other 2 fold. UTG has QQ and I get there.

End up grinding the stack back to starting stack and hover around 10k until 500/1k level. Get KJhh in Early position with about 8k. I shove, CO tank flats (4k behind after flatting) Button tanks and shoves(he had about 30k total) CO calls:

Me: KJhh
Button: 75dd

Flop: AQxdd
Turn: 10
River: Kd

gg me

I was pretty happy with my play overall. Can't really do much about the spots where I lost most of my chips.
MoneyMatt1 - Borgata Spring Poker Open Events Quote
