Hi my name isx. I'm selling shares for the 5k and the Main Event at the LAPC. The structures for both events are good. 10k chips 60 min levels on the 5k and 20k chips 90 minute levels on the Main Event and all but 75 150 are in there as far as standard levels go. Matt Savage even threw 900 1800 in there for the Main Event
The 5k will be more of a "pros" event, but though there will be some very good players I should have an edge over the field though I am likely a below average "name player" compared to the field. I've heard good things about the 10k. People who've played it before have told me its almost Main Event soft and it will get so many players for a 10k that a lot of them will be meh to bad by default. Some others as well as myself have seen lol bad play in the megas and theyre very crapshooty so anyone has a shot to get into the 10k for like $400
My screen names are bobboufl11 on Stars and FTP, and BUTNAHHHHHHH on Cereus. According to thepokerdb.com I'm up about 120k with about 600k earnings and an ABI over $100. In 2010 I've been focusing on live tournies and I have put up a few results
http://www.cardplayer.com/poker-play...robert-kalteux. I also took 4th in a Turning Stone $1500 for ~18k that doesn't show up there, and just recently 2nd in the LAPC 1k (6 handed at 36) for ~27k
You can buy shares of both or either one on its own..not tied together at all just keeping it in the same thread.
Not charging markup on the 5k as I have not played it and am not sure my edge will be large enough to justify it. It's actually a 4900+200 so $51=1% selling something like 30%
10k will be 20% markup. it's exactly 10k to buy in so $120=1% selling something like 50%
Last edited by orange; 10-21-2014 at 09:33 AM.