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I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker

06-10-2013 , 07:47 PM
I am thinking this all through.

If I can't get enough staking for The Main Event...

I would use staking reserved to play $500-$600 buy ins and then try to piece off a huge score/World Series Of Poker birth that way.

The next Rio Deepstacks I am playing are this Thursday+Friday.

I don't want to play Mon, Tue, Wed fields... will be most fish on Thur, Fri, Sat.
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-10-2013 , 09:25 PM
Highest % of fish will be during a 1k or 1.5k (sat/sun)
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-10-2013 , 09:46 PM
Celebrity spotted, I'm the guy in the grey hat and white shirt off u can find me, it would be an honor to shake thy hand.
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-10-2013 , 09:47 PM
Playing table diagonal from lg
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-10-2013 , 10:30 PM
.5 main event
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-11-2013 , 01:56 AM
Chatted with lg for a bit at the B. Super cool guy and his wardrobe is the mortal nuts!
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-11-2013 , 03:29 AM
Officer Sullivan

The wheels of my 2002 Hyundai Sonata were spinning westbound on Interstate 94 when one of the blue meanies on wheels appeared in my rearview mirror with his red and blue lights flashing bright as fireworks in the sky on hot summer day.

It had been a long while since I was driving anywhere with contraband and this god damn pig had definitely caught me driving dirty. In fact, I was all torqued up on adderall. The officer was definitely going to notice my dialated pupils and if he paid attention in any of his drug education classes he would surely know I was on some sort of upper.

This would lead to him asking to search the car and when I refused he'd just make up some lie like he smelled marijuana. Then, he'd search my 2002 Hyundai anyway, which would lead to him finding a mass quantity of drugs and I'd be back on my way to jail quicker than a sex starved poker player table switches to the table where an attractive woman showing off her tits is sitting.

Luckily, I have a few friends that are police officers. So, I know the best way to get myself out of a ticket and situations like this. The first thing you do is slow down and make sure the swine knows your'e not going to make a run for it. Then, you pull off on the right side of the road, roll down all the windows, kill the ignition, and place both hands on the steering wheel.

You then wait for the officer to approach the car and ask permission to open up the glove box or center console to grab any items he may request. I did all of the following but for some strange reason I forgot to turn down the radio.

As he approached my vehicle the first words that barreled out of his mouth were...

"What in the fukk are you listening to? Turn that fukking radio down."

"Soul Clap," I said. "That's a remix of a song called Extravaganza. It's about a man meeting a beautiful woman, taking her back to The Embassy hotel, and having a one night stand."

"Well, where I'm from we call that pussy ****e," he said sternly.

"And on top of that, with the way you're dressed, I don't think you're going to be getting laid anytime soon. What the fukk is with those American flag pants? You look like a queer son."

"I am on my way to Las Vegas to win The World Series Of Poker." I replied.

A thunderous roar after laughter ensued from the man with a shiny gray name tag that said Officer Sullivan before he said, "Doesn't that cost $10,000.00 to get into? I have friends who play poker with good jobs, they can't afford to play that event. Where are you getting the money to enter?"

"I've got people all over America cheering me on Officer Sullivan. They have been wiring me money, paypaling money, meeting up with me at casinos giving me money, and I also have some money of my own." I explained.

This time the Officer decided to take a knee like a boxer who was crippled from a Mickey Ward body shot. It looked as though he couldn't breathe, he just kept laughing. Finally he said, "I'm not even going to ask you for your license, registration, and insurance. I'm just going to let you keep talking. I've got another question for you, do you have any drugs in the vehicle?"

"Why?" I asked. "Would you like to buy some?"

Now the officer was bracing himself with the roof of my vehicle as he laughed hysterically and exclaimed, "Well, at least you're not a liar. If I took a look at your driving and criminal record what would I see?"

"Multiple felonies, countless misdemeanors, and probably at least one hundred parking tickets. Everything is paid for, though and I am off of probation. I've been a perfect citizen for ten years Officer."

"You mean you haven't got caught for ten years you piece of ****e. I told you not to lie to me."

The scene was tensing up and it seemed the officer was done having his fun with me. Then he said, "I just got one more thing to ask you son, out of everything you ever done wrong, what's the one thing you regret the most?"

Now, the obvious answer was to say, "Getting caught." But, took the time to reflect on my life for a few moments and decided to tell the truth.

I said, "I was in 5th grade. Anderson Elementary School. I was walking home to my condo on Harrison street and I watched a boy named Brad Connelly be white washed and pummeled with snow balls. Over and over. I just sat and watch as he cried. I did nothing. It ended up being his little sister that stopped the bullying. The worst thing about it Officer, was this boy used to be my best friend in 1st+2nd grade. I'd go over to his house and his Father would make me toy robots out of wood. His Mom would feed me home made cookies. Then I started to play hockey and make a new group of friends, Brad and I drifted apart. When he got picked on, I did nothing to stop it. That's really the only thing wrong I've ever done that I'm truly sorry about."

"Wow. That's fukked up son. What's your name?"

"Justin," I replied.

"My name is George, sorry I gave you such a hard time, I sort of did the same thing to one of my friends in high school. I never realized how wrong I was to do it until now." Said the officer as a cloud of remorse hung over him.

"I also cheat on my wife. I probably don't even deserve to wear this badge."

I could tell this man needed some consoling, so I replied, "Don't say that Officer, you're only human, we all mistakes, besides... she's probably cheating on you as well, it's a virtual guarantee if you see her using the computer often."

The officer stood still, looked off into the distance, took a deep breath and said, "You're probably right. I still love her, though. I wish we could communicate and make love like we used to, everything is just so stale. The marriage is nothing more than a rotted out carcass we dress up just to make look alive to our family and friends. It's sad."

"Have you ever tried MDMA?" I asked.

"No. But let me guess, that's probably the drug you're transporting in the car isn't it?"

"Yes," I replied. "I think I should give you some for you and your wife."

"So, I guess you realize I'm not going to arrest you." He said. "I think you serve a higher purpose, but if I'm wrong, you'll never make it back to Michigan from Las Vegas in this piece of ****e Hyundai anyway."

I replied, "You're probably right Officer, so what about the MDMA, would you like some before I go?"

"Absolutely." He exclaimed.

"May I step out of the vehicle?" I asked.

"Figures a piece of ****e like you would know to hide the drugs in the trunk. We're only allowed to search the wingspan of your arm length on the interior of the vehicle if we lie to the courts and say we smelled or saw contraband. Most dip****es don't even take the time to transport drugs properly. I've got high hopes for you in The World Series Of Poker kid."

As I rummaged through my viking helmet, pony stick, squirt guns, uncracked glowsticks, animal masks, and a plethora of other off the wall items one might need for a road trip across America I finally found the vitamin bottle that contained a few grams of the wonder drug.

I handed it to the Officer and said, "Here, take it, this is all I have."

"Well what about you in Las Vegas?" He asked.

I assured him, "Don't worry, I have more that's going to be mailed into me. I had planned to use what I just gave you in Chicago, St.Louis, Tulsa, and Alburquerque, but it's clear that you need it more than me, your marriage is on the line."

"Any advice for when me and my wife take it?"

"Yes." I replied.

"I recommend you take it at a concert, it will enhance the sound and you'll feel mass amounts of euphoria as the show goes on. After the concert, definitely rent a hotel room. Do not take your wife home under any circumstances. Women are always apt to do more erotic sex favors while in a hotel. For the longest time, I couldn't get my girlfriend to let me facefukk her. Then, I took her to Atlantic City and by the end of the first night she was lying on the bed, flat on her stomach, head up, as she was reached back with her arms holding her ankles to give me complete control of her mouth. Then the next time we rented a hotel after that, she let me video tape it."

"My God. Are you fukking serious?" He shouted.

"Yes." I exclaimed. "Now go home, find a good concert that's coming, plan the night out right, and fukk your wife like a pornstar. You're a cop, you should be able to think of some dirty, sick, twisted role playing fantasies, bring the handcuffs. I've got a friend who is a teacher, he still makes his wife play show and tell with her pussy once a week."

"Jesus son. I think I might drive home right now and bang my wife on the clock." He said.

"Now you're thinking Officer."

"Well, I guess this is goodbye, is there anywhere I can follow your journey?" He asked.

"Sure is..."
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-11-2013 , 06:31 AM
I'll take .5%, cheers big guy.
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-11-2013 , 06:31 AM
. Sorry posted twice.
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-11-2013 , 07:17 AM
WSOP Main Event Stakers

rponeal- .5% ($50)
Spectral Fury- .5% ($50)
Dgi Harris- 1% ($100)
Bubonic Play- .5% ($50)
polarbeat- 1% ($100)
exec771- .5% ($50)
rolledup222 .5% ($50)
TheTank .5% ($50)
Shain67 .5% ($50)
Senor Bendito 2% ($200)
el rata 1% ($100)
er7eman 1% ($100)
laxxed .5% ($50)
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-11-2013 , 08:36 AM
.5% if main event

gl gl gl
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-11-2013 , 12:32 PM
You've gotta be Hunter S. Thompson's bastard kid. Not that you write as well as him, but the idea's there.

GL. Might get in on the staking depending upon how this weekend goes for me.
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-11-2013 , 12:51 PM
I'll roll my winnings from package 1 over to your ME stake, up to 5%. Right now that would be 0.5%.
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-11-2013 , 04:23 PM
I'll take at least .5% of the main,probably more if you bink something in these last 2 tourneys
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-12-2013 , 02:41 AM
Will take 10% of main
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-12-2013 , 05:52 AM
As I'll be transferring in £, if I transfer £32 (exchange rate according to google) via paypal, is that alright or do I need to add more for conversion? Cheers
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-12-2013 , 09:26 AM
.5% of the main, unless coaching from Galen happens...then I'll definitely bump it more!
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-12-2013 , 01:35 PM
.5% of the Main, plz. May add more if the bull keeps running wild.
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-12-2013 , 05:18 PM
Bull grinding Ballys 1/2 for 12 hours today.

Going to try to piece off a 1k win.

Rio Deepstack tomorrow and Friday.

Also will probably do some more writing tonight.

Planning on cashing in both these next two tournaments.

Will update soom.
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-12-2013 , 10:00 PM
Serious offer: How much do you want for an option to the movie rights?

-- Brian Boyko
-- Indie Filmmaker, Austin, TX.
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-13-2013 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by BrianBoyko
Serious offer: How much do you want for an option to the movie rights?

-- Brian Boyko
-- Indie Filmmaker, Austin, TX.
We would have to decide what the movie is going to be about, what message it's going to send to the world about the poker community, how much artistic control I could have in it, and what it's going to teach those who watch it about being themselves and having fun.

I've had a few poker players I met on this trip tell me they are weird or antisocial...maybe insecure...

If anything was ever to be wrote about me or my adventures I would hope people learn to always be yourself, always ask questions, always have fun and always say what you feel...

Because a doctor named Suess told me once, "That those who mind don't matter and the ones that matter won't mind."
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-13-2013 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by LotGrinder
We would have to decide what the movie is going to be about, what message it's going to send to the world about the poker community, how much artistic control I could have in it, and what it's going to teach those who watch it about being themselves and having fun.

I've had a few poker players I met on this trip tell me they are weird or antisocial...maybe insecure...

If anything was ever to be wrote about me or my adventures I would hope people learn to always be yourself, always ask questions, always have fun and always say what you feel...

Because a doctor named Suess told me once, "That those who mind don't matter and the ones that matter won't mind."
I'm going to be honest. I've been looking for a hook for a poker comedy screenplay. Not about the guys who are rounders, but the guys who pay the rounder's mortgages. The donks at home games with weird stories. The people who have high poker ambitions but poor impulse control.

I was thinking about basing a character off of the "you" in this thread, combined with composite characters of some of my friends.

It would portray poker positively - not the "seedy underbelly" of Runner Runner or Rounders, but the game as she as played in home games with Bicycle cards and chips bought at Kmart. Where a dealer's choice round is going to have games like "Ol' Sandusky" - so called because *someone's* getting screwed... and you have to explain that there are no blinds in Stud (but there is a Bring.)

But right now all I have is an idea. I just don't want to move forward on writing the screenplay until I at least get some tentative permission.
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-13-2013 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by BrianBoyko
I'm going to be honest. I've been looking for a hook for a poker comedy screenplay. Not about the guys who are rounders, but the guys who pay the rounder's mortgages. The donks at home games with weird stories. The people who have high poker ambitions but poor impulse control.

I was thinking about basing a character off of the "you" in this thread, combined with composite characters of some of my friends.

It would portray poker positively - not the "seedy underbelly" of Runner Runner or Rounders, but the game as she as played in home games with Bicycle cards and chips bought at Kmart. Where a dealer's choice round is going to have games like "Ol' Sandusky" - so called because *someone's* getting screwed... and you have to explain that there are no blinds in Stud (but there is a Bring.)

But right now all I have is an idea. I just don't want to move forward on writing the screenplay until I at least get some tentative permission.
When I saw the thread had this many replies, my cynical side told me the OP must have pulled a scam and had taken Marketplace investors for a ride.

I'm pleasantly surprised to see that the thread has instead taken an awesome turn. Really excited to see how this plays out.
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-13-2013 , 04:44 AM
Well, lets see where this story goes...

Bull still has two more staked Rio Deepstacks, a whole month to play cash games, and many more stories to tell.

You would see more pictures, but my co-pilot for the trip has decided to give up gambling after some tentative run bad and he hasn't came out and adventured with me.

I think he is a highly intelligent individual, a good person, and has enough talent to beat the live games...

But, I also think he lacks tilt/emotional control, is on a limited roll, and is the kind of guy that would strike out with 2 outs of the bottom of the ninth looking instead of swinging for the fences.

It's his life, worries...not going to try to force him into doing anything he doesn't want to do.

Bull has called in bull friends as reinforcements for electric daisy carnival week and much fun is about to ensue.
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
06-13-2013 , 04:53 AM
Some upcoming stories will be about me almost getting the **** beat out of me by tattoo/piercing convention brutes, a prostitute slapping me then dumping beer on my head, etc...

I planned to write tonight, but I need good sleep....really hoping to **** solid for the first time in a week tomorrow....been drinking way too much.
I Am A Bull Ready To Run Wild On The 2013 World Series Of Poker Quote
