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Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Grasiu - EPT Prague Package

11-23-2011 , 01:46 PM
Hi everyone,
My name is Lukasz Grabowski, I'm 26 and I live in Gdansk (Poland).
You can find my bio, stats, graphs, vouches, etc in my previous shares selling thread: Grasiu - EPT Loutraki Package - Low Markup.
You can also see how I approach shareholders in the rail thread: Grasiu - EPT Loutraki Package - Rail.

Anton Wigg, Faraz Jaka, Jeff Sarwer, Dominik Nitsche, Marcin Horecki, other good but not so well know players

Self advertisement and markup explanation:
I am selling at 1.3. This is kind of high, for someone who has no live record, but listen why.. My previous package was the first time I sold publicly, so I did it with low markup, as a type of a promotion. Then at those Loutraki tables I felt, like I was giving something away for free. My ROI in those live tourneys is definitely over 50% (somewhere in 50-100% range), so selling with only 30% markup I am still giving away at least half of my profit (after costs).

Whenever I play in EPTs I feel that I have big edge. Unless I am shortstack I become the table captain, that others feel uneasy with. If you want you can ask people from my EPT Loutraki Day2 draw, how I was pushing the table around (and all of them have a Hendon Mob redord). My aggression seems maniacish, but it actually is well timed and I can tune it down if needed. When I know that ppl will pay me with everything, I can sit back and play only premiums, then if needed again shift gears. I have friends among *top* world class players and talking with them allowed me to transfer from being top notch poker player to top notch live poker player. I know how to handle preasure, tells, etc. It may seem like some braging, but I just want to show, why I feel confident, that I have over 50% roi in those tourneys.

Also I select what to play carefully. In this package I choose to play EPT Prague Main (for contrary I wouldn't want to play Copenhagen), 1k with weak locals and nightly turbos with awful/drunk locals (whose play is sooo bad that it makes up for bad structure). I don't choose 500+500 or 1k+1k bounties (too much gambling with bounties) or 2k (from what I researched they seem to be weighted more with regs than locals). As a side note - I also plan to play in Satellites on 4th and 5th of Dec, but I don't sell those, becuase they are not registered.

And as finall word - I have found a backer, who is willing to buy my action at 1.25. So I am just trying to find out if I can squeeze a little bit more

The EPT Prague Package:
#2 Dec 4 - NL Turbo Bounty €300+100+30
#5 Dec 5 - NL Turbo €300+30
#3 Dec 6 - Main Event €5000+300
#7 Dec 6 - NL Turbo "Win the button" €300+30
#12 Dec 8 - NL Hold'em €1000+100
#13 Dec 8 - NL Turbo €300+30

Total €7820 * 1.3 markup = €10166

1% = €101.66
5% = €508.30
10% = €1016.60

I am willing to sell up to 40%, but I will play regardless of how much I sell.
If you want to buy only Main, or only Main+1k action feel free to ask for it.
I would prefer Stars, MB/Skrill or cash in Prague as payment, but can agree on something else.

Technical stuff:
- I will start a thread in which I will be reporting how am I doing every day.
- I will be also making 1 or 2 short updates during the day (only on breaks, I don't use smartphone at table).
- If I don't play any of the events, I will refund including markup. This can happen, if there is serious reason for it (plane delay, still being in other tournament, feeling the need to sleep well before Main event final table ;>, etc).
- Any tips for floor staff are from my pocket. Any sponsorship deals, the troophy and the Shamballalalaya braclet are only for me.
- Feel free to ask, if you want to know anything more.
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
11-23-2011 , 01:49 PM
res 5

will send Stars when I leave USA in 3-4 days.
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
11-23-2011 , 04:55 PM
theczar19 - 5%

35% left
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
11-23-2011 , 05:52 PM
res 3%
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
11-23-2011 , 09:09 PM
theczar19 - 5%
Spathic - 3%

32% left

BTW For transfers:
My Stars screenname is Grasiu, avatar is Bloodelf from W3.
If you want to use MB/Skrill PM me for the details.
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
11-24-2011 , 07:18 PM
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
11-25-2011 , 08:03 PM
bump bump
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
11-26-2011 , 08:18 PM
theczar19 - 5%

Spathic - 3%

32% left
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
11-26-2011 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by grasiu
theczar19 - 5%

Spathic - 3%

32% left
you're playing all this stuff regardless of how much you sell right? just want to confirm
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
11-27-2011 , 10:15 PM
Yep, I am playing all the stuff regardless of how much I sell so your 5% is secure, dont worry
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
11-29-2011 , 01:22 PM
Last call, you have to reserve till Friday and pay till Saturday as I stop selling here then.
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
11-30-2011 , 01:44 AM
sent 3%, will you post the tourney receipts?
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
11-30-2011 , 11:02 AM
theczar19 - 5%
Spathic - 3%

32% left till Friday

Yes, I will post a photo of all receipts (this is also why the Super Sats are not in the package, as you can't receive a receipt for the rebuy).
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
12-02-2011 , 11:52 AM
theczar19 - 5%
Spathic - 3%
kasparovAKs - 5%

Finished selling here. GL me.
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
12-04-2011 , 06:36 AM
12-09-2011 , 08:04 AM
I finished playing EPT Prague
I played everything as planned except first nightly turbo (#2 Dec 4 - NL Turbo Bounty €300+100+30) and cashed in none of the events. So the package return is €430*1.3 = €559.

Tournament receipts:

Per shareholder summary:
theczar19 - 5% * €559 = €27.95
Spathic - 3% * €559 = €16.77
kasparovAKs - 5% * €559 = €27.95

I have sent the money through PS. I consider the deal to be over.
Sorry that the variance was not on our side this time, maybe next.
Thank you for participating.
Grasiu - EPT Prague Package Quote
