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EPT Grand Final Main Event + PLO SIDE EVENT (NEW!) EPT Grand Final Main Event + PLO SIDE EVENT (NEW!)

05-07-2011 , 06:53 PM
Final list of those who have my Main Event action tomorrow. I will post daily updates to my twitter m_reed05, but probably not more often as I don't have a working phone here.

Main Event: 46% sold I have 54%*
jordankickz 3% received via boa, action confirmed/booked
hookemny 3% received via boa, action confirmed/booked

Akimka 5% received via paypal, action confirmed/booked
donkeriffic 1% received via boa, action confirmed/booked

fslexcduck 20% cash booked
AK87 10% received via boa, action confirmed/booked
syntaxeror 4% received via paypal

PLO: 6% reserved 44% available
hookemny 5% received via boa, action confirmed/booked
donkeriffic 1% received via boa, action confirmed/booked

*I have cancelled Maxkatz's 4% in the Main event, simply because of logistical difficulties of getting money exchanged.
EPT Grand Final Main Event + PLO SIDE EVENT (NEW!) Quote
05-08-2011 , 03:43 AM
I'll take 5% in the PLO. Can give cash. Add me to AIM/Skype: GodlikeRoy and/or PM me.
EPT Grand Final Main Event + PLO SIDE EVENT (NEW!) Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:14 PM
Sorry guys, busted right before dinner break. Had a bad table draw, with 4 very good players including Olivier Busquet, Juha Helpi, and rubenrtv. Also had Dan Heimiller on my left, and I guess he realizes people will assume a 50+ year old bald guy with a red beard and mustache would be a nit, cause he goes bat**** insane preflop. I had no idea what was going on at first, but finally I got to sd with him when he had 3bet my ep open, and he had to sd K6o. Anyway, I was up to 45k at one point. Went card dead for about 2 levels and was back to starting stack of 30k at 200/400/50, when I got AKs aipf vs QQ and lost.
EPT Grand Final Main Event + PLO SIDE EVENT (NEW!) Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:22 PM
PLO: 11% reserved 39% available
hookemny 5% received via boa, action confirmed/booked
donkeriffic 1% received via boa, action confirmed/booked
Roy 5% cash
EPT Grand Final Main Event + PLO SIDE EVENT (NEW!) Quote
05-11-2011 , 06:37 PM
busted the plo last level of the night

77 runners I busted probably 30-35

Up to 35k at dinner break from 20k starting stack, but went completely flop dead after break, when every flop is 4-5 ways to the flop. Got ground down under 20bb. Finally got 13 bb in pre with AKJ4ss vs AAxx and lost.
EPT Grand Final Main Event + PLO SIDE EVENT (NEW!) Quote
