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EPT Campione Package: Now #3 on EPT Ranking! FIRST REPLY GETS FREE 1% TO MAIN EVENT! *SOLD OUT* EPT Campione Package: Now #3 on EPT Ranking! FIRST REPLY GETS FREE 1% TO MAIN EVENT! *SOLD OUT*

03-30-2012 , 06:45 AM
yup... sorry guys for not updating much but it's not so easy here... although yesterday i figured out a spot in the casino where i get internet

basically i played by heart out in that main event... was super active during the bubble although i started with a 33 bb stack, i was playing to win. went from 99k to 322k and then lost a massive 3 way allin with KK vs AA and AQs, after that i was short and called an all in with like 11 bigs with A4o , villain had T7o and river 7. gg

i lost the 1k event 2 hours later...

today there is 2 $1k events, i'll try to update from casino more often now

gl us
EPT Campione Package: Now #3 on EPT Ranking! FIRST REPLY GETS FREE 1% TO MAIN EVENT! *SOLD OUT* Quote
04-02-2012 , 08:06 AM
Any news?
EPT Campione Package: Now #3 on EPT Ranking! FIRST REPLY GETS FREE 1% TO MAIN EVENT! *SOLD OUT* Quote
04-02-2012 , 09:42 AM
From Twitter: He bricked the last 2 Days of Side Events. So i guess we ll just get a refund + the money out of the ME.
EPT Campione Package: Now #3 on EPT Ranking! FIRST REPLY GETS FREE 1% TO MAIN EVENT! *SOLD OUT* Quote
04-03-2012 , 02:46 PM
Been a few days now since this all finished. Please post the final breakdown of which tourneys you entered and did not enter, what cashes you had, what refunds we are due, and how much money we are all due to receive back in total.
EPT Campione Package: Now #3 on EPT Ranking! FIRST REPLY GETS FREE 1% TO MAIN EVENT! *SOLD OUT* Quote
04-03-2012 , 09:24 PM
Hi everyone,

I have done all the numbers and paid everyone out (my apologies I did not even see the thread in the last few days since I have been traveling nonstop):

I only cashed in the Main Event and it was for €9,000

I did not play the following Events:

March 28 - Wednesday
€ 2,150.00 (2k during Day 2 of Main)
March 29 - Thursday
€ 3,200.00 (hu event)
€ 2,100.00 (2nd bounty event)
March 30 - Friday
€1,000 + €100 (Win the button 1k since I played High Roller instead)

Total Buyins with Markup not played:
€ 10,003.50

The last number in this list is the money I have transferred to you:

Name - % Bought/Total Cashed/Total Refund/Previous Debt/Net Payout

Furbykiller 2% € 180.00/ € 200.07/ € 0/ € 380.07
Total_Serenity 1% € 90.00/ € 100.04/ € 0/ € 190.04
CurryLover 2% € 180.00/ € 200.07/ € 0/ € 380.07
MAE9690 5% € 450.00/ € 500.18/ € 0/ € 950.18
alexo18 1% € 90.00/ € 100.04/ € 0/ € 190.04
Angel Guillen 5% € 450.00/ € 500.18/ € 1,491.75/ € (541.58)
Rob 5% € 450.00/ € 500.18/ € 1,491.75/ € (541.58)

Thanks again to everyone, and if anyone needs to see my Excel file, or has any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know.

I will be giving away some % for EPT Berlin, so keep an eye out for the thread


Last edited by SwingVelvet; 04-03-2012 at 09:25 PM. Reason: format/already xfed payouts
EPT Campione Package: Now #3 on EPT Ranking! FIRST REPLY GETS FREE 1% TO MAIN EVENT! *SOLD OUT* Quote
04-12-2012 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by SwingVelvet
Hi everyone,

I will be giving away some % for EPT Berlin, so keep an eye out for the thread

Just want to post here that I have decided to play the Main Event backed by somebody so I will not be able to give away a % as stated here. I will, however, give away 1% of the package for side Events I will be making.
EPT Campione Package: Now #3 on EPT Ranking! FIRST REPLY GETS FREE 1% TO MAIN EVENT! *SOLD OUT* Quote
