Hi MP, I'm strongly considering going to Montreal and playing the 1 mill and 2 mill guarantee near the end of the series at the Playground Poker Club. The buy ins for each event are $1,100 and $2,200. It is a multi flight with re entry but I only plan to fire one bullet in each of them as this is well above my average buy in and besides home games I'm quite new to live mtt's.
I've been on stars for 2 years now and worked hard at my game recently and I think it's time to start playing some live mtt's. I chopped the mini super tuesday last month for 16k and finished 9th in the sunday million earlier this month for 9.5k. In both cases I paid investors in full over 15k.
I'm looking to sell 65% at a mark up of 1.15. I can take paypal friends transfer, e money transfer or cash at the event if you are going.
I've also been working on my mental game and feel ready to take on the swings of any tounry. It's the one thing that stands out to me as being much better recently in my game and the last month has been amazing for me online. Thanks for looking and good luck us.
If you wish to look up my online stats I play as 3outtrout on stars.
$3,300x1.15=$3,795 CAD
1%(min) $37.95
5% $189.75
10% $379.50