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**CLOSED** REVISED Package with Lower Markups for Rachel Kranz/Adventures Poker **CLOSED** REVISED Package with Lower Markups for Rachel Kranz/Adventures Poker

05-19-2016 , 10:55 AM
Hey, I’m Rachel Kranz. I’m excited about playing a full WSOP schedule and many juicy events at Venetian, Wynn, and elsewhere.

This is a REVISED package, with significantly lower markups for pieces 5% and up.

About Me
I’m a serious semi-pro who has played five full summers at the WSOP, in addition to the many other series I play throughout the year. I finished 2015 as #10 in GPI Ladies POY, and was frequently at #1 during the year.

Since September I’ve been playing exclusively online. For the past several months, I’ve had weekly 4-hour sessions with my new coach, Carlos Chadha. We’ve revamped my pre- and postflop ranges, and discussed game-theoretical concepts that have greatly improved my strategy. Those of you who are used to playing with me may not recognize me with my new style!

Over the past two years, I’ve also worked extensively with mental game coach Jared Tendler, which continues to make a huge difference as well.

Live High Points
• 2nd place in VDS $1100, 2014, for $113,073
• 1st place in SHR $1650, 2015, for $44,863
• 17th in HPO $2500, 2015, for $13,573
• 14th in a WSOP $1000, 2013, for $15,762
• 5th at a VDS $1600, 2012, for $21,184


• Before Black Friday, I played on FullTilt as RachelofNYC.
• After Black Friday, I played on Merge as AdventuresPoker.
• In February, I moved to Edinburgh part-time so I could open an account on PokerStars as Noveliste.

The Package
I’m planning to play a full schedule of NLHE events up to $1600 at the WSOP, Venetian, Wynn, and elsewhere, with a focus on WSOP and Venetian events from $1000-$1600. I’ll be consulting with my coach throughout the summer in game selection (as well as continuing regular coaching).

This package includes the WSOP Ladies and Seniors events, in which I have a significant edge, as well as the Wynn Seniors Event (100K gtd) and the Venetian Seniors Event ($250k gtd). (All my coaches have been online kids. I don’t play like a senior!)

I will also play some select $2500 events, including the HPO $1M guaranteed, which, because of satellites, has an extraordinarily soft field. I may play the VDS $3500 with the $3m gtd, if it looks like the many satellites might create a soft field.

For any event above $1600, I’ll only figure $1600 worth of the buy-in as part of the package. E.g., if I buy into a $2500 event, investors are only committed to 64% of it (with the option of buying more at a discounted markup). For a $3500 event, investors are only committed to 46% (with the option of buying more at a discounted markup).

To overcome variance, you’ll have a piece of every event I play, including satellites. All satellite winnings will be counted as cash and will go into the bankroll.

I’m figuring a bankroll of $45k.

You can buy a percentage of that starting at 1.20 markup and scaling down to 1.09 mu for 20% or more.

Whatever percentage of the package you buy, you’ll get that percentage of what’s left at the end of the summer!

I’m selling up to 35%.

If what’s left is greater than $10k, I’ll buy into the Main as part of the package.

If what’s left is less than $10k, you get that percentage of my Main buyin: i.e., if $4k is left from the original $45k, then investors have a 40% piece of my Main.

Purchasing Information

$45,000 with REVISED markup as follows

1% $540 @1.20
5% $2655 @1.15
10% $5220 @1.13
15% $7695 @ 1.11
20% $10,080 @1.09

Although I’ve set this package up as one big bankroll, I’m open to other arrangements, especially for larger buyers.

I accept Chase Quickpay, Paypal, Venmo, and cash in Vegas.
For tax purposes, I will not withhold anything in the event of a profit, but I will require you to sign a document verifying large payments.

The Schedule
I reserve the right to sub in tournaments of comparable value, take days off as needed, etc., but it will be pretty close to the following:

5/26 VDS $150k gtd. 1B $400 (unlimited re-entry)
5/27 VDS $150kgtd 1C $400 (ul re-e)
5/28 VDS $150k gtd 1D $400 (ul re-e)

5/30 VDS $150k gtd 1A $600 (ul re-e)
5/31 VDS $150k gtd 1B $600 (ul re-e)

6/2 WSOP Colossus $7M gtd. 1A (10 a.m.) $565
6/3 WSOP Colossus $7M gtd. 1C (10 a.m.) $565
6/4 WSOP Colossus $7M gtd. 1E (10 a.m.) $565
• I’m prepared to buy into 1B and 1D as well, but my guess is that they won’t be available by the time I bust from 1A or 1C. This year, they won’t let you buy multiple entries—you have to bust before you rebuy.

6/6 WSOP $1500
6/7 VDS $2M gtd 1B $1100 (1 re-entry)
6/8 WSOP 6 max $1500

6/10 WSOP Millionaire Maker $1500
6/11 WSOP Millionaire Maker $1500
6/12 WSOP $1000
6/13 Wynn Seniors $100k gtd. $600 (ul r-e)

6/15 Venetian Seniors $250k gtd. $600
6/16 Wynn $500k gtd. 1B $1100 (ul r-e)
6/17 WSOP Seniors $1000
6/18 WSOP $1500

6/20 WSOP 90-minute levels, $1500

6/22 VDS $3m gtd 1C $3500 depending on bankroll
6/23 HPO $2500 $500k gtd. (ul-re)
6/24 HPO $2500 $500k gtd. (ul-re)
6/25 WSOP Monster Stack $1500
6/26 WSOP $1000
6/27 VDS $1M gtd. 1A $1600 (1 re) depending on energy
6/28 VDS $1M gtd. 1B $1600 (1 re)
6/29 WSOP Shootout $1500

7/1 WSOP 8-max $888 1A
7/2 WSOP 8-max $888 1C
• I’m prepared to buy into 1B and 1D as well, but my guess is that they won’t be available by the time I bust from 1A or 1C.
7/3 WSOP $1500

7/5 VDS $250k gtd $1100 1A (1 re-e)
7/6 VDS $250k gtd $1100 1B (1 re-e)
7/7 WSOP $1k
7/8 WSOP Ladies $1k

WSOP Main Event—TBD

7/13 Wynn $100k gtd. $550 1A (ul-re)
7/14 Wynn $100k gtd. $550 1B (ul-re)
7/16 Wynn $750k gtd. $1600 1A (ul-re)
7/17 Wynn $750k gtd. $1600 1B (ul-re)

How I’ll Keep You Informed
• Tweet @adventurespoker every break and at the end of every playing day.
• Email with full accounting to each investor at the end of the summer

Thanks in advance for your investment. I promise to honor it by playing my best!
**CLOSED** REVISED Package with Lower Markups for Rachel Kranz/Adventures Poker Quote
05-19-2016 , 11:45 AM
3 investors have taken a total of 3pc from previous post:

Fast11375 : 1pc
Bevelgd: 1pc
Private: 1pc

So 32pc remains!!
**CLOSED** REVISED Package with Lower Markups for Rachel Kranz/Adventures Poker Quote
05-21-2016 , 01:47 AM
2pc sold privately

30 pc remains!
**CLOSED** REVISED Package with Lower Markups for Rachel Kranz/Adventures Poker Quote
05-22-2016 , 02:47 PM
I've been asked if I'm committed to play regardless of how much I sell.

Yes! I am!
**CLOSED** REVISED Package with Lower Markups for Rachel Kranz/Adventures Poker Quote
05-23-2016 , 06:50 PM
**CLOSED** REVISED Package with Lower Markups for Rachel Kranz/Adventures Poker Quote
05-24-2016 , 03:03 AM
I'll reserve 5%, just want to discuss a bit.

PM me when you get a chance please.

Last edited by HLOchi; 05-24-2016 at 03:18 AM.
**CLOSED** REVISED Package with Lower Markups for Rachel Kranz/Adventures Poker Quote
05-24-2016 , 07:01 PM
5% reserved for HLOchi.

That means a total of 10% is sold...25% remains!
**CLOSED** REVISED Package with Lower Markups for Rachel Kranz/Adventures Poker Quote
05-26-2016 , 02:17 AM
About 2pc sold elsewhere.

23pc remains.
**CLOSED** REVISED Package with Lower Markups for Rachel Kranz/Adventures Poker Quote
05-26-2016 , 06:11 PM
I've just sold another 2.5% of this package. So we're down to 21.5%.
**CLOSED** REVISED Package with Lower Markups for Rachel Kranz/Adventures Poker Quote
05-27-2016 , 05:37 AM
Okay, folks...this thread is now closed, because I start playing on 5/27. I've posted a revised thread of WSOP open events $1500 and below.

MODS: Please close this thread. THANKS!
**CLOSED** REVISED Package with Lower Markups for Rachel Kranz/Adventures Poker Quote
