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Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion

06-05-2011 , 01:51 PM
can you reserve the 2% for a few hours for me?
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-05-2011 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by deke971
can you reserve the 2% for a few hours for me?
sent from Ontario_Tory on my behalf,gl
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-05-2011 , 02:59 PM

Final shares:

charder30 20%
scor 3%
emeriaa 4%
fightingcorward 10%
ModzillaPL 5%
Margar 6%
deke971 2%

Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-06-2011 , 07:17 AM
Live reporting thread here:

the first tourney starts in 2h45min. It's in Finnish but the hand histories and chip counts will be understandable for everyone.
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-06-2011 , 04:35 PM
Busted the plo around 55/102. It was a double chance, 10k to start and a 10k double chance chip. No one in the table used the dc immediately so neither used I. I lost a big pot on 86399 when I had 75 for flopped middle set, when I was forced to fold against a river bet. He said he had 9875 so at least I lost the minimum. Ran pretty bad hitting flops-wise to go down to 4k and then flipped KKTxds vs AAxx and managed to not hit despite floppin oesd+fd.

Grinded the other 10k up to 16k and then finally loose villain opened to 1600 at 300/600 from HJ and I 3bet to 5k with QJT8ds on the button having 8k behind. I think it's a good 3bet because I hadn't 3bet a lot, and if he calls I can shove all the Axx and Kxx flops anyway repping AAxx/KKxx, and on basically every other flop I'll have hit something or at least got some equity. He 4bet and I had to get it in against 100% aces, he had AA62r so I had exactly 50% but didn't win.
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-08-2011 , 09:52 AM
06-08-2011 , 08:40 PM
Main event:

My starting table was relatively tough with two online superstars, some guy I didn't recognize but who's apparently a hs reg from estonia, a russian and a couple of other good players. I probably played a little too many hands in the beginning but played reasonably well post flop, my stack going between 15-25k for the first couple of hours with not much interesting happening. I cr bluffed one river with success but it was a pretty standard spot.

Then at 100/200 I open AsKs from MP to 500 with a relatively active image, a random but active guy from the button calls, BB calls. Flop KcQd9c, I cbet 800, button calls and BB folds. Turn 9s, I bet 1600 and he raises to 3350. I had only played with him for two hours, and I had never played with him before this week, and based on everything I knew about him I thought there was 0 chance he was capable of valueraising KQ or AK here and that he'd also 100% 3bet KK/QQ pre. I didn't think he'd have a 9 apart from J9s or T9s (or 99) here but those could definitely be a real possibility. Anyway, that's probably a fold, but I talked myself into calling with no real plan and 10k behind on the river (slighty more than PSB). River 5d, I check and he bets 5525, I tank for a long time and he seems confident live reads-wise, so I fold and feel really stupid. Note to self: just fold on the turn next time.

I double up soon afterwards when I 4bet shove A9 bvb at 150/300 and get called by A2o and hold (this is how my image is...). Table breaks. My position in the new table is just awful. The guy next to me is the one poker player who I probably respect the most and who I'd crossbook over almost anyone from 2+2 HSMTT in any tournament. He likes his privacy so I won't name him and he's not well known on 2+2 because he doesn't play Stars/Tilt due to Finnish tax **** and doesn't play live a lot, but he's sick good. He open raises virtually every hand when it's folded to him, 3bets a **** ton and plays perfect post-flop. The guy to his left was Ilari Tahkokallio who got 2nd in EPT Berlin and is generally very good, and the guy next to him was some lag random who 3bet a ton too. So yeah, have fun me...

I was in this table for the next eight 7 hours being totally card dead. Two hands of interest occurred:

I open 99 to 1300 at 600/1200 from CO and the mad skillz guy mentioned above is the only caller from the BTN. Flop 4h4d2h, I cbet 1400 and he raises to 3125. I had got 22k at the start of the hand. I think it's a pretty trivial 3bet/call against anyone but against this guy it's so much tougher because he can have AA-KK and he knows me well enough to not think I'd fold something like AQ here. I think he expects me to spazz here a LOT and to never fold a pair. It does suck that if he has a flush draw he might expect me to cib with air and he could shove, but I think he'd just float his pure air always and I don't think he's raising pairs worse than mine, so I just talk myself into folding. I think he'll flat JhTh, QhTh type of high suited connectors/gappers pre but 3bet smaller ones so I'm basically either flipping against fd+overs or drawing to two outs. I'd get that in against virtually everyone else in the world, but yeah after the longest tank I fold and again feel stupid and owned. He obv shows me 5h, probably had like 6h5h but I still think against him I just have to fold... which gives you a clue how great he is.

Another hand, at 400/800 my friend, a nosebleed HU cash player (plays NL25/50) gets moved to my table and in one of his first hands he raises to 1800 from EP. He knows I'm prone to spazz against him a lot so I raise to 5125 with TT having 33k total behind (he has the same) with the intention of never folding, he's definitely 4betting air there some % of the time. Then a 12BB short stack shoves, and it gets back to him and he shoves, and I stop to think for a bit about how wide he'd iso shove here. I think he'd in general iso shove like 99+AK here (the shorty had folded every hand in the table and was about 50 years old, but he had only seen a few hands of him), so it'd be a pot odds sigh call, but I studied his appearance for a bit and he just seemed so strong. I'm not a huge live tell-taker by any means, but something about his posture and his pulse just made me think he was really strong and I ended up folding. I don't think I'd have been able to get the read without the shorty, because I'd have been blindfolded by my original plan of 3bet getting it in and it would've been the most illogical thing ever to 3bet fold, but with the shorty and my live read I ended up folding and he had QQ. Woo!

I had a relatively tight image due to my awful position and card-deadness and the TT fold so I 3bet small a couple of times in the end against EP raises and open raised a few times to grind my stack up to 36k. I think the average is about 50k and the next level is 600/1200 with 47 players remaining. Play resumes at 8AM 2+2 server time. The live updates will be in the link posted above and I'll also still tweet @chuckbasspoker.

The terminator is also tomorrow and it overlaps with this so I had to sell my ticket. Therefore, even if I bust in the first hand, I won't be able to play it because it's sold out (I had to sell the ticket today to find someone to buy it in time). So I'll return that plus possible winnings from the main and the HA on friday. Please remind me to refund with mark-up because I'm bad at these things.


Last edited by Chuck Bass; 06-08-2011 at 09:08 PM.
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-08-2011 , 09:16 PM
(some typos above and can't edit the post anymore, here's the edited version from my blog)

My starting table was relatively tough with two online superstars, some guy I didn't recognize but who's apparently a high stakes reg from Estonia, an aggressive Russian and a couple of other good players. I probably played a little too many hands in the beginning, but made up for it by playing reasonably well post-flop, and my stack moved between 15-25k for the first couple of hours with not much interesting happening. I check-raise bluffed one river with success but it was a pretty standard spot.

Then at 100/200 I open AsKs from MP to 500 with a relatively active image, a random but active guy on the button calls and BB calls. Flop KcQd9c, I cbet 800, button calls and BB folds. Turn 9s, I bet 1600 and he raises to 3350. I had only played with him for two hours, and I had never played with him before this week, and based on everything I knew about him I thought there was 0 chance he was capable of valueraising KQ or AK here and that he'd also 100% 3bet KK/QQ pre. I didn't think he'd have a 9 apart from J9s or T9s (or 99) here but those could definitely be a real possibility. Anyway, that's probably a fold, but I talk myself into calling with no real plan and 10k behind on the river (slighty more than PSB). River 5d, I check and he bets 5525, I tank for a long time and he seems confident live reads-wise, so I fold and feel really stupid. Note to self: just fold on the turn next time.

I double up soon afterwards when I 4bet shove A9 bvb at 150/300 and get called by A2o and hold (this is how my image is...). Table breaks. My position in the new table is just awful. The guy next to me is the one poker player who I probably respect the most and who I'd crossbook over almost anyone from 2+2 HSMTT in any tournament. He likes his privacy so I won't name him and he's not well known on 2+2 because he doesn't play Stars/Tilt due to Finnish tax **** and doesn't play live a lot, but he's sick good. He open raises virtually every hand when it's folded to him, 3bets a **** ton and plays perfect post-flop. The guy to his left was Ilari Tahkokallio who got 2nd in EPT Berlin and is generally very good, and the guy next to him was some lag random who 3bet a ton too. So yeah, have fun me...

I was in this table for the next 7 hours being totally card dead. Two hands of interest occurred:

I open 99 to 1300 at 600/1200 from the CO and the mad skillz guy mentioned above is the only caller from the BTN. Flop 4h4d2h, I cbet 1400 and he raises to 3125. I had 22k at the start of the hand. I think it's a pretty trivial 3bet/call against anyone but against this guy it's so much tougher because he can have AA-KK and he knows me well enough to not think I'd fold something like AQ here. I think he expects me to spazz here a lot and to never fold a pair or AQ high+ because his raise just doesn't represent anything. It does suck that if he has a flush draw he might expect me to click it back with air and he could shove, but I think he'd just float his pure air always and I don't think he's raising pairs worse than mine, so I just talk myself into folding. I think he'll flat JhTh, QhTh type of high suited connectors/gappers pre but 3bet smaller ones (because higher suited connectors are easier to play post-flop because they can also be played for top pair value) so I'm basically either flipping against fd+overs or drawing to two outs. I'd get that in against virtually everyone else in the world, but after the longest tank I fold and again feel stupid and owned. He obviously shows me 5h, probably had like 6h5h but I still think against him I just have to fold... which gives you a clue how awesome he is.

Another hand, at 400/800 my friend, a young nosebleed HU cash player (plays NL25/50) gets moved to my table and in one of his first hands he raises to 1800 from EP. He knows I'm prone to spazz against him a lot so I raise to 5125 with TT having 33k total behind (he has the same) with the intention of never folding, he's definitely 4betting air there some % of the time. Then a 12BB short stack shoves, and it gets back to my friend and he shoves, and I stop to think for a bit about how wide he'd iso shove here. It naturally eliminates the possibility of a bluff from his range since the short stack is all in. I think he'd in general iso shove like 99+AK here (the shorty had folded every hand in the table and was about 50 years old, but he had only seen a few hands of him), so it'd be a pot odds sigh call. I still decide to study his appearance for a bit, and he just seems so strong that it scares me. I'm not a huge live tell-taker by any means, but something about his posture and his pulse just makes me think he's really strong and I end up folding. I don't think I'd have been able to get the read without the shorty, because I'd have been blindfolded by my original plan of 3bet getting it in, and it would've been the most illogical thing ever to 3bet/fold in that spot, but with the shorty and my live read I ended up folding and he had QQ. Woo!
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-09-2011 , 03:15 AM
any info about PAYOUTS?
GL today
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-09-2011 , 07:52 AM
Top 13 or 14 pays, 120k$ first
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-09-2011 , 07:53 AM
Finnish tourneys always pay real top heavy and only pay 9% or so which is great
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-09-2011 , 01:48 PM
I'm on dinner break with 115k, 21 left and 13 paid, average is about 120k. 1500/3000 next
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-09-2011 , 02:06 PM
go, Miikka
final table tomorrow?
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-09-2011 , 05:41 PM
Back to back final tables! Coming in 7/9 tomorrow, details coming when I get home
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-09-2011 , 05:41 PM
Back to back final tables like only Mika Haarala can! Coming in 7/9 to the Finnish Championship final table, $120k for the winner. from fb

Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-09-2011 , 05:45 PM
nice one gl tomorrow!
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-09-2011 , 06:11 PM
Just got home, I'm going to ride my bike somewhere to get something to eat, and then get back with some hand histories. I don't have to get up for another 15 hours so there's a lot of time. Anyway, here are the chip counts:

1. Mikael Andersson 463,000
2. Miikka Anttonen 108,000
3. Olli Muukkonen 99,500
4. Ilja Savolainen 622,000
5. Antti Matero 78,000
6. Arvi Vainionkulma 259,500
7. Markus Ristola 334,500
8. Arttu Rissanen 216,500
9. Lauri Varonen 379,500

Prize pool:

1. 82.688€
2. 52.480€
3. 35.328€
4. 23.808€
5. 16.640€
6. 12.032€
7. 8.192€
8. 6.144€
9. 4.864€

The structure is a bit crap, we all had 30BB and then it jumped from 2k/4k to 3k/6k (skipping the 2500/5000) in the last hand before the ft bubble burst, leaving me with 18BB. I was in pretty stupid ICM spots from 15 players on when there were always at least two micro stacks and I had 3bet machines to my left so I just stole the blinds once per orbit or so to get my 30BBish stack stay afloat, and then finally the blinds went up stupidly leaving me shortstacked for the ft. Oh well, at least I know what to do with that stack better than anyone else and if I double up I'll be able to hammer some of the weaktight players in the table pretty hard I like my position in the table a lot if I can get a deeper stack.

Of my eight opponents I'd say three are bad, one is semi-bad/ok, and the rest are pretty damn good although one of them is a cash game player who splashes around way too much.

Let's run good!

As for the payouts, I'm also going to have to skip the HA event, because it's tomorrow and it starts an hour before the final table. I'm not going to be able to let reg either even if I bust in the first hand.


Terminator 630€*1,22=769€
HA 1050€*1,22=1281€

Mincash from now on is 4864€, so this is going to be a profitable package anyway and we have a pretty cool sweat for tomorrow! This is also the Finnish Championships (it used to be a separate tournament but they've merged the midnight sun and the championships apparently) so it'd be pretty cool to win that title.

People who sent me via something else than their own poker accounts, please let me know where you want the money. I can do western union, send to your friends' poker accounts, or do an international bank transfer, or moneybookers. I don't have neteller or other online money transfer sites.

Last edited by Chuck Bass; 06-09-2011 at 06:26 PM.
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-09-2011 , 06:24 PM
ahhhh man after all this struggling i feel so good to get a profitable package, although I'm still like 2/8 for my 2+2 packages... I don't even care about the money I win, but I was about to get myself banned from the MP selling highly marked-up packages and always bricking everything
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-09-2011 , 08:32 PM
A very brief day 2 recap as I want to watch the last two episodes of Breaking Bad season 2 before going to sleep.

The play resumes at 600/1200 and I had 36k. In one of the first hands I open 88 to 2500 and get called by BTN who's a loose/weird semi-bad reg who covers me. Flop 752r, I bet 3200 and he calls. Turn K and I barrel with the intention of getting it in, he's spazzy enough to go crazy there with random floats thinking I'm going to barrel that card always, and I doubt he'll ever fold a pair. He tanks for an eternity and finally folds AQ, saying "I was *this* close to pushing". Good read there.

Soon after a 15BB stack calls my QTo open from the BB, flop TTx and he has JTo, easy game.

From then on I just dominate for a long time. I get moved to a new table and in my second hand I 3bet bluff with success. The very next hand I cold 4 bet bluff and again I win the pot. Soon after I raise Q8o to 3300 at 800/1600 on some random player's blind from the button. I saw the BB tank for an eternity with AK in a super easy 4bet spot (he had to 4bet shove with it facing a 3bet) almost folding, and generally acting like scared money. So that's definitely an any two raise for me. He calls, flop K32r. He checks, I bet 4100, he calls. Turn A, he checks, I bet 8100 and he calls. River 8, his range is capped at Ax and I'm pretty sure he'd just fold even that on the flop so he's probably going to have KQ-KT here almost always. I shove for 1,5x pot in true sumpas (swedish online player who likes river overshoves) style and he tankfolds saying he had KJ.

We go to dinner break and I've got 108k or so when the average is just 73k, and there are only 25 left. I get a light chinese meal, if such thing exists. I vote for sushi, but my three friends still in want to get chinese, so I settle for fried rice with chicken.

After the break everything goes extremely bad. I make two ridiculously stupid plays. I'm going to include them here just so you'll know what a stupid ****** I am.

1: A good online mtt reg opens CO for 4100 at 1k/2k on my BB, I've got 105k and he's got 80k. I flat KJo which I think is fine (we've got history and he's going to 4bet a ton if I 3bet here, and I think he'd also flat a small 3bet wideish). Flop T83 giving me a backdoor flush draw and of all the options I decide to OOP float (always a great idea!) with K high. Basically my thought process was that I know his game pretty well and he's going to pot control a lot of turns and valuebet thin on a lot of rivers, so if it goes that way I can cr bluff rivers, and if the turn is J/Q/K aka my gin cards he's going to airbarrel that a lot. I should just raise or fold but anyway I call. Turn is another T which goes check-check, river 9 and I'm pretty sure he has a pair between 22-8x or A high. I consider betting like 2xpot but instead I choose to check-raise because I think he'll value bet most of his range that has hit the board and fold almost all of it if I raise. Of course my estimation of his valuebetting skills is all wrong as he checks back showing Q8, wp me.

2: A pretty weak live reg opens UTG for 4300 with 60k behind, I've got 80k. For some reason that I can't recall I end up flatting here with QJs. FLATTING. What the ****, Miikka? I think folding is standard, and 3betting to like 9650 is fine too because he's going to live pro style nit fold like everything, or maybe flat and I can take the pot away post. Of the three options I pick the nut worst and flat. Everyone else folds, the flop comes K42 with a flush draw giving me a backdoor flush draw, I call his 6k cbet. Turn Ax, he barrels and I fold wondering what the **** I'm doing. (I considered clicking it back for a while too...)

Soon after this I get shoved on for 13BB from the SB and have to call with JTs (I think he shoves any two). He has K3o and wins, and I slip all the way down to 34k which is 17BB.

I fold for two full orbits not getting half a spot to get it in, and then finally Sami "LarsLuzak" Kelopuro opens for 5k at 1200/2400 from MP and I shove for 26k with ATs. He calls with KQo and I win. A few hands later I open AKs, LarsLuzak 3bets, I shove and he calls with TT. The door card is an ace for the second time in a row and all of a sudden I've got over 100k again.

It takes an orbit or two for us to reach 18 players with 13 paying and my table breaks. I've got 108k going into my new table which is extremely tough and of course all the sick HS regs are to my left. I end up playing relatively snug, as two people bust immediately leaving us with 16. My table has two 10BB stacks and the other has three in the 15BB zone so my 30BB plays pretty bad having three 100BB stacks to my left who all like to 3-bet heaps. In the next hour that it takes for the bubble to burst I open roughly once every orbit and usually win the blinds, 3bet bluff once from MP against UTG and 3bet shove with 66 for 25BB from the BB with success.

When the bubble finally bursts I've got 108k, exactly the same amount I had before it began, so with all the ICM troubles and my position I think that went pretty well. After the bubble it only took about 20 hands for it go from 13 players to 9, during which I was still card dead and again basically just opened enough to keep my stack at around the same, waiting to get anything half reasonable to get my stack in with.

Then all of a sudden we are in the ft bubble, the blinds go up from 2k/4k to 3k/6k missing an entire level for some reason, and I have 18BBs left because of the blind change. I've already set my target on who I want to 3bet bluff shove, but then I hear "all-in and a call" from the other table and someone busts, and we don't even get to play a hand.

The play resumes at 4PM GMT tomorrow, or 10AM 2+2 server time.
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-10-2011 , 07:14 AM
gl today,tid
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-10-2011 , 02:00 PM
GG Miikka
Thanks for playing
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-10-2011 , 03:12 PM
16640€ for 5th.

I'm getting something to eat now and I'll start sorting payments in a couple of hours.

Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-10-2011 , 05:09 PM
Okay, so payouts:

Unused buy-ins:
Terminator 630€*1,22=769€
HA 1050€*1,22=1281€

Main Event cash: 16640€

=18690€ total = $27308.

2% = $546. I'm sending now to everyone who sent me from their own accounts, and pming everyone else about payment options. And emeriaa, I'll just send you a facebook message asking for your banking details since you're Finnish too.
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-10-2011 , 05:23 PM
Sent to MarGar for 6% and scor for 3%. I'm going to have to ask for ModzillaPL's sn too (I'm not sure which one if it is as my mail is full of money transfers and I don't want to accidentally send to someone else).
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
06-11-2011 , 08:08 AM
I ran into my transfer limits when trying to send to ModzillaPL, and when I asked Stars to raise them I ran into this:

Hello Miikka,

Thank you for your email.

We regret that it will not be possible to increase your transfer and deposit limits until you have exhausted your current limits.

We do apologize for the inconvenience; we know many of our customers can afford higher purchase limits. However, as part of Responsible Gaming policies and credit card processors agreements, we must provide our players a safe and gradual purchase limit increase structure.

Please contact us once your current monthly limits are exhausted and we will be more than glad to review your account and provide you with the requirements for a new increase.

Furthermore, we would like to take this opportunity to advise you that we are restricted by our license agreement in the Isle of Man and this prevents us from being able to offer a real money transaction service for any purpose that is not enabling customers to play at the tables.

You may read our complete terms and conditions at the following link as well:

In these circumstances, we recommend you to transfer your funds to other players outside our site as we are not a financial institution.

We thank you for your understanding and please contact us if we can be of further assistance.


PokerStars Security Team
So it looks like I'll have to send it in small pieces. I sent ModzillaPL $500 which was all I was allowed to send him, so I still owe him $865. I'm now out of both deposit and transfer limits. My 3k transfer limits for 24 hours are now full, but I'll be able to send 2k more tomorrow because it's $5k/7 days. My deposit limits have got 1200 more left for the next 7 days, so if they refuse to raise the limits this is going to take a while (I've got 4k on my account now). On the plus side, it looks like I'll be able to send everyone but charder tomorrow, and then I'm going to have to come up with some kind of superpowers to be able to send him as even my weekly limits aren't high enough for his piece.

I'm going to a party tonight and the 24 hour thing isn't going to be released until I've already left, so I'll send everyone else their pieces when I wake up tomorrow. Again sorry for the delay, please understand that there's absolutely nothing I can do here.
Chuck Bass Midnight Sun series package - 1,22 mark-up - defending champion Quote
