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achen - EPT Grand Final Events achen - EPT Grand Final Events

04-09-2011 , 05:03 PM
Hey guys, just going to copy and paste from my PCA thread and change some stuff here and there.

achen here looking to sell some pieces for the higher buy-in EPT Madrid events.

2010: I ended up about +$120k across ~$603k in buy-ins (~$164 ABI) although admittedly I think I was down slightly and broke even on Stars and FTP respectively, with most of my profit coming on UB, Cake, and Party.
2011: I've been slacking hardcore even by my standards, 804 games (not accounting for multi-entry, i.e., 6x entry = 6 games, ), up +$25k across $134k in buy-ins

EDIT: Some people requested online screennames so here they are:
Stars: achen
FTP: achen
Party: a_chen
UB: a_chen
Cake: andrewchen, then changed to 575WattsMax
Ongame: a_chen
iPoker: achen

Live: I'm extremely comfortable playing live and I've had a decent amount of success, with ~$1.74 Million in cashes across ~337k in buy-ins.

I'm sure a bunch of MTTc guys can vouch for my overall trustworthiness and skill. As for actual trustworthiness with large sums of money, evanski, my former backer, can vouch for my accurate record keeping and trusting me with keeping track and moving around large amounts of money all over the place across a bunch of sites and for live buy-ins and cashes.

Here's my PCA Bounty Shootout thread, where I cashed for a large amount and all investors were paid out promptly with no problems.

Exchange Rate: I'm going to lock in the exchange rate at today's rate of 1.4434, meaning you will send and receive payment at this rate no matter what. Let me know if you think there might be a problem with this (feel like there shouldn't be any problem, but there might be some random loopholes I'm missing).

I'm going to sell action to each event individually:

May 5 - 25k High Roller €25,000 + €500.................$420 per 1% (1.141 MU), 75% max

May 7 - 10k Main Event €10,000 + €600.................$204 per 1% (1.333 MU), 40% max

May 9 - 5k NLHE 8-max €5,000 + €250.................$94 per 1% (1.240 MU), 25% max

May 12 - 10k Turbo 6-max €10,000 + €300.................$160 per 1% (1.076 MU), 60% max

NOTE: I'm planning on playing basically every NLHE and PLO event, so keep in mind that I probably won't be able to play every event and will obviously issue refunds if necessary.

Send to (Preferably on Stars since I'll need the $$ to buy-in through the client):
achen (Mississauga) or is it (Canada) now? on Stars
achen (City M, puppy) on FTP


Last edited by rdrr; 04-09-2011 at 05:31 PM. Reason: added online screennames
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-09-2011 , 05:28 PM
Reserve all 40% of ME
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-09-2011 , 05:33 PM
I'll take
1% of 25k hi roller,
1% of 10k turbo please,
1% of 5k 6 max,
waitlist me for 1 % of M.e. too please, just missed that :/

Last edited by EddieOB; 04-09-2011 at 05:38 PM. Reason: added 1% of 5k tourney
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-09-2011 , 05:58 PM
didn't know timex was russian...
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-09-2011 , 06:22 PM
****ing timex

Last edited by tufat23; 04-09-2011 at 06:23 PM. Reason: some dude asked me if i was andrew chen today.
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-09-2011 , 06:28 PM
WL 2% of main
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-09-2011 , 06:35 PM
reserve all rest for 8 max, and 15% for turbo 6max
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-09-2011 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by EddieOB
I'll take
1% of 25k hi roller,
1% of 10k turbo please,
1% of 5k 6 max,
waitlist me for 1 % of M.e. too please, just missed that :/
I meant 1% of 5k 8 max obv
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-11-2011 , 09:30 AM

25k Highroller (74% remaining):
EddieOB - 1%

10k Main (Sold Out):
timex - 40%
EddieOB - 1% (Waitlist)
imawhale26 - 2% (Waitlist)

5k 8-max (Sold Out):
EddieOB - 1%
KnightDaBest - 24%

10k 6m Turbo (44% remaining):
EddieOB - 1%
KnightDaBest - 15%
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-12-2011 , 01:30 PM
Bump, lowering markup for the 25k and 10k.

25k Highroller $403 per 1%, 1.095 MU (74% remaining):
EddieOB - 1%

10k Main (Sold Out):
timex - 40%
EddieOB - 1% (Waitlist)
imawhale26 - 2% (Waitlist)

5k 8-max (Sold Out):
EddieOB - 1%
KnightDaBest - 24%

10k 6m Turbo $155 per 1%, 1.043 MU (44% remaining):
EddieOB - 1%
KnightDaBest - 15%
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-12-2011 , 01:36 PM
1% HR and 1% 6m plz, and wl 10% of the main plz
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-13-2011 , 08:52 AM
Please unreserve my 1% of the 25k Hi roller. I still want 1% of the 5k 8 max, and 1% of the 10k 6max turbo. Thanks.
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-18-2011 , 08:15 PM
Bump. Very likely going to still play, just need confirmation that we can still buy-in with Stars $$, but I'm going to call off the 25k highroller. Nobody send me anything yet, I'll keep you updated.

10k Main (Sold Out):
timex - 40%
EddieOB - 1% (Waitlist)
imawhale26 - 2% (Waitlist)

5k 8-max (Sold Out):
EddieOB - 1%
KnightDaBest - 24%

10k 6m Turbo $155 per 1%, 1.043 MU (44% remaining):
EddieOB - 1%
KnightDaBest - 15%
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-19-2011 , 12:11 AM
I'm sorry but I have to cancel my reserves. If stars funds become available for transfer or withdrawl before the start of the tourney I would be more than happy to rebook, but as of now I have my own account tied up, as well as stakes I've sent that I'm being told are my risk and will have no action on while frozen. Apologize again but hope you understand. Good luck.
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-20-2011 , 12:06 AM
Cool, no worries, thanks for the interest

Booked my hotel and flights, playing for sure as long as I can buy-in with Stars $$. Going to cancel the 10k turbo too just to keep things simple.

10k Main (Sold Out):
timex - 40%
imawhale26 - 2% (Waitlist)
nationstation - 10% (Waitlist)

5k 8-max (Sold Out):
KnightDaBest - 24% (Want 25%?)

@KnightDaBest: Do you want Eddie's 1% of the 5k 8-max to make it 25%? Either way, send whenever, preferably on Stars, thanks
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-23-2011 , 05:33 PM
15%(1410$) for 8 max plz
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-23-2011 , 05:44 PM
kk, 10% available for the 5k 8-max

10k Main (Sold Out):
timex - 40%
imawhale26 - 2% (Waitlist)
nationstation - 10% (Waitlist)

5k 8-max ($94 per 1%, 1.24 Markup, 10% left):
KnightDaBest - 15%
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-24-2011 , 10:47 AM
il take 2% of the 8max if possible and also 1% of the 6max please.
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-29-2011 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by nationstation
il take 2% of the 8max if possible and also 1% of the 6max please.
sure, not going to play the 10k 6max turbo anymore though

10k Main (Sold Out):
timex - 40%
imawhale26 - 2% (Waitlist)
nationstation - 10% (Waitlist)

5k 8-max ($94 per 1%, 1.24 Markup, 8% left):
KnightDaBest - 15%
nationstation - 2%

Send $$ whenever you can guys (prefer Stars)
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-29-2011 , 05:37 AM
Are you still playing the 10k turbo?
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
04-29-2011 , 02:56 PM
Not planning on it but if I change my mind again I'll make a new thread since this one is kind of messy
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
05-08-2011 , 03:49 AM
Bump, still in the main but only have 19 bbs so I'm probably going to be playing the 5k

Send $$ plz guys. In the interest of avoiding any Tmay-style disputes, I will not consider it booked unless I receive the money before the last time I check my balances/post in this thread.
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
05-08-2011 , 07:48 AM
sent for my 2% of the 5k on stars.

which ipoker skin can you accept funds on? i mite take a little more action
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
05-08-2011 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by nationstation
sent for my 2% of the 5k on stars.

which ipoker skin can you accept funds on? i mite take a little more action
Got it

Never transferred or anything but I use Titanpoker
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
05-08-2011 , 08:57 AM
il take 3% more if you have moneybookers

gl sir
achen - EPT Grand Final Events Quote
