Hi all,
I am looking to sell some shares to the $10k Wynn $10M Guarantee at 1.1 markup to help cover my expenses to travel from Philly to Vegas. I am looking to keep about half of myself and I have sold 25% to a couple friends already. I would likely fire 2 bullets into this event if necessary. Here are my graphs from PSPA since November 2019. I mainly play during series on PSPA and I'm not a full time grinder as I work a corporate job for the last 15 years+.
I am a semi-recreational player that has been playing poker since 2006. I used to be a heads up cash game player on FTP, PS, and UB under various screen names. When black friday hit, I moved to live cash games in Philadelphia playing 2/5-5/T mostly and winning approximately $200k over a 5-6 year period from 2014-2020.
When the pandemic hit, I started playing on PokerStars PA and took up tournaments on the side of my cash game grind. They are very soft compared to the rest of the world, however, I've been fairly successful after improving my game through LearnProPoker and PokerCoaching subscriptions. I also play cash games on PSPA, grinding a $600 bankroll from 50NL up to approximately $35k in cash game winnings. I regularly play the 2/5, 5/T, and occasional soft 10/20 on PSPA where there is a decent pool of players/regs at those stakes.
My live tournament sample is extremely small because I was never a tourney player pre pandemic, however, I did make deep runs in a few small buyin live $100k guarantee type tourneys finishing approximately 20ish two times in approximately 1k person fields. I've probably only fired 20 live tournaments in my life. A few $100-300 at Rivers Philadelphia, a $250ish Parx big stack, and a few WSOP/Venetian events in the $500 to $1500 range in 2019.
I have played various $1k buyin tournies on PSPA and done well in several of the "high rollers" on there, including a $2k recently. Let me know if you're interested and I am happy to share more details about myself when necessary. I think I have a good mix of experience for this type of event.
Last edited by kylephilly; 06-07-2021 at 05:06 PM.
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