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hand hand

09-13-2007 , 03:24 AM
I agree with Victor on everything especially that only a set of 9s makes sense.

yeah that was also the hand (99) that came to mind at first about this hand. It's the only one that makes any overly good sense imo.
09-13-2007 , 09:52 AM
I don't understand how people are so quick to dismiss the flush draw. Obviously there is a lot of sense to just calling the flop with the club draw. But an expert player would also know that he has a lot of equity with a flop raise (especially if he has a gutshot draw), and he gets two benefits from raising: (1) deception which may induce a bad play on a later street, (2) some information about hand strength which will help if he makes his flush on a paired board. It's also possible CO had a read that he could profitably try to push SB off his hand in certain spots.

The river play with a flush is unusual because a check/raise would seem natural, but he might have felt that either PB was likely to check behind this river as his turn cold-calls gave away his flush draw, or he might have felt PB might raise a set on the river if bet into.

So I agree that there should be some discounting of the flush draw because of the way hand was played, but I would still make it the most likely hand.
09-13-2007 , 10:49 AM
I don't understand how people are so quick to dismiss the flush draw
I discount it because he had the chance to cap with it 3-ways on the flop and didn't.
09-13-2007 , 01:28 PM
Wouldn't he 4-bet the turn with a set of 9s? Or, differently put, is it more likely he just called the 3-bet with a flush draw on the flop or just called the 3-bet with aset on the turn?

And, either way, do you think Bob is so clearly beat here that he should fold?
09-13-2007 , 01:35 PM
Wouldn't he 4-bet the turn with a set of 9s? Or, differently put, is it more likely he just called the 3-bet with a flush draw on the flop or just called the 3-bet with aset on the turn?

And, either way, do you think Bob is so clearly beat here that he should fold?
I think Bob is ahead. The question is if he shoudl raise. I lean towards no, but not sure.
09-13-2007 , 01:44 PM
Wouldn't he 4-bet the turn with a set of 9s? Or, differently put, is it more likely he just called the 3-bet with a flush draw on the flop or just called the 3-bet with aset on the turn?

And, either way, do you think Bob is so clearly beat here that he should fold?
Little real value in raising. Probably doesn't get called with lesser hand. No chance that he should fold, given the read. I hope Bob wins. More monies to be available at Canterbury.
09-13-2007 , 01:45 PM
Wouldn't he 4-bet the turn with a set of 9s? Or, differently put, is it more likely he just called the 3-bet with a flush draw on the flop or just called the 3-bet with aset on the turn?

And, either way, do you think Bob is so clearly beat here that he should fold?
I think Bob is ahead. The question is if he shoudl raise. I lean towards no, but not sure.
It does look an awful lot like AQ. Raising is almost certainly right.

That said, at the table I would have just called because I would probably have not thought it through as well as I can away from the heat of battle.
09-13-2007 , 02:05 PM
Wouldn't he 4-bet the turn with a set of 9s? Or, differently put, is it more likely he just called the 3-bet with a flush draw on the flop or just called the 3-bet with aset on the turn?

And, either way, do you think Bob is so clearly beat here that he should fold?
I think Bob is ahead. The question is if he shoudl raise. I lean towards no, but not sure.
It does look an awful lot like AQ. Raising is almost certainly right.

there are only 4 hands he can have here, and AQ is not one of them.
09-13-2007 , 03:34 PM
I think people who are giving CO AQ or A6 have lost their minds. Either that, or he's definitely no expert. I think he has 99 or a flush. Either way, you're beat. I still think you should make a crying call however. The negatives far outweigh the benefits of folding this big of a pot for 1 bet.
09-13-2007 , 03:54 PM
Another AK is also a possibility.

I also agree thinking CO could have AQ is insane.
09-13-2007 , 05:05 PM
I dont get it? He isn't bet calling worse hand unless he is marginal at best, so even if he's donking worse thinking you wont raise b/c of the flush, i dont see the value in a raise. I mean i personally think you lose here more often than not and def would not want to raise the river here at all. He prolly caps AK preflop, your played your hand like the nuts, and now he is donking. If he is in fact an expert, he realizes that he can fold all hands worse than AK if you fire the river AND that the pot is so big that you won't fold a single one of the hands you have repped thus far to a donk. So call the river.
09-13-2007 , 06:55 PM
Another AK is also a possibility.
My first thought.
09-13-2007 , 07:31 PM
the pot is so big that you won't fold a single one of the hands you have repped thus far to a donk.
The longer this thread goes, and the more sensible comments like this one that are posted, the more I want to cry, knowing the results.
09-13-2007 , 07:37 PM
so pbob folded? puke.
09-13-2007 , 07:40 PM
so pbob folded?
Hey, I didn't say that.

By the way, Victor I think you summed up this thread way back when you wrote:

pbob, this hand really isnt hard to play. you call the river. simple.

the hand is still interesting tho, bc im very curious what co had.
Every word of that is an 'amen.'

OK, I'm going back to my micro games.
09-13-2007 , 10:10 PM
Could one of you guys explain CO's thinking, on each street, then, in playing A-K as he did?
09-14-2007 , 01:07 AM
also someone give the results.. somehow i feel like whatever happened poker bob plays bad
09-15-2007 , 08:57 AM
also someone give the results.. somehow i feel like whatever happened poker bob plays bad
i lol'd in the airport, people thought i was weird
09-16-2007 , 11:07 PM
also someone give the results.. somehow i feel like whatever happened poker bob plays bad
i folded the river. expert won with A9.
09-16-2007 , 11:44 PM

Geez, guess you can nominate yourself for MHOFTW.
09-17-2007 , 12:38 AM
also someone give the results.. somehow i feel like whatever happened poker bob plays bad
i folded the river. expert won with A9.
no, nooo, nooooooooooooooooooo bob o noooooo. I'm sad inside. I've done what you did probably 5 times in my poker career and I never know WHY i really do it but yeah man it's not even a close one...and I'm sure you know it and don't really need me saying. It's like you (or me in my instances) turned off my brain. Ugh.
