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Conversation with Krezo Conversation with Krezo

10-06-2010 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by JDalla
his program is definitely not perfect, and if anything this is an indicator of this
this is very convincing evidence imo. (he forgot the "if i have little money -> call)
10-06-2010 , 06:28 AM
so this here is the victory lap and im leaaaaavin
10-06-2010 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by J_Locke
I know nothing about how bots work, so maybe the hand means nothing, but i played a weird hand with him today. He was BB and had $22 to start hand in 3 handed 15 game; button opens, I 3 bet sb and he folds BB with $7 behind. I can't imagine a computer or a person folding in this spot, so I have yet to form an opinion either way.
I was tilting a little. I'd been getting crushed, every f'n hand, and
finding 83o or whatever in the BB disgusted me enough to quit then
instead of watching my last $7 vanish. Some people tilt by throwing
their laptop across the room, others by spewing venom at the other
players...I guess my thought was "screw you pstars and your rotten
damn cheating dealer you aren't getting this $7 no matter what."

Poker is stupid and worthless and it is the most rotten game ever

(And I still hate dogs, and the crappy choking ratfink Padres should
all rot in hell forever.)
10-06-2010 , 06:03 PM
Wolfy comment confirmed bot
10-11-2010 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by JDalla
its def a guy with a program. No one plays like that irl, and it's def always a person there chatting.

I think it's beatable but tough. I'm prolly gonna quit him though, takes too much concentration
If it's the same program as the UB bots and I'm quite sure it is, the more you play with them, the better they play. Their style becomes more and more exploitative as opposed to GTO and you don't see as many of the really weird plays that are GTO oriented.
10-11-2010 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by krezo
I was tilting a little. I'd been getting crushed, every f'n hand, and
finding 83o or whatever in the BB disgusted me enough to quit then
instead of watching my last $7 vanish. Some people tilt by throwing
their laptop across the room, others by spewing venom at the other
players...I guess my thought was "screw you pstars and your rotten
damn cheating dealer you aren't getting this $7 no matter what."

Poker is stupid and worthless and it is the most rotten game ever

(And I still hate dogs, and the crappy choking ratfink Padres should
all rot in hell forever.)
Your "explanation" is ridiculous, why not just sit out and then your $7 is guaranteed not to vanish. You should have said you weren't paying attention, it would have sounded a lot more credible.

I haven't seen the slightest hint of tilt any time I've played with you.
10-11-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by JDalla
its def a guy with a program. No one plays like that irl, and it's def always a person there chatting.

I think it's beatable but tough. I'm prolly gonna quit him though, takes too much concentration
If Krezo is anything like the Sonia bot that gets tougher and tougher the more hands it sees against you, i'd doubt any human can beat it regardless of their concentration.
10-11-2010 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by piranha
If it's the same program as the UB bots and I'm quite sure it is, the more you play with them, the better they play. Their style becomes more and more exploitative as opposed to GTO and you don't see as many of the really weird plays that are GTO oriented.
Originally Posted by formula72
If Krezo is anything like the Sonia bot that gets tougher and tougher the more hands it sees against you, i'd doubt any human can beat it regardless of their concentration.
I mean if it's an exploitative bot I would think that a human can beat it in theory. If it is making adjustments to what it's seeing from you, you would just have to be aware of how to constantly counter adjust to what you think it is "learning" off you. After all, if it isn't GTO it's still a program that is changing its strategy based on what it is seeing... and you have all the data of what it is seeing.

It's certainly no simple task... maybe it's comparable to people beating really tough computer chess programs... but I don't see how it can be impossible unless the bot has the ability to revert to GTO (and against the perfect human player, would basically need to revert to this full time?)
10-12-2010 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by piranha
Your "explanation" is ridiculous, why not just sit out and then your $7 is guaranteed not to vanish. You should have said you weren't paying attention, it would have sounded a lot more credible.
But it wouldn't have been the truth, and isn't that what we are all
really looking for? I think baby jesis would cry tears of blood if he
heard you suggest I lie...

Aside from that, since when did actions taken while tilting have to
make sense?

Originally Posted by piranha
I haven't seen the slightest hint of tilt any time I've played with you.
Given our extensive history of like 200hands, sounds like you might have
just stumbled upon the smoking gun you have been looking for.

fwiw, I still maintain that:

a) I am not a bot.

b) There is at least a 94% chance that piranha is a booger eating poopyhead.
10-12-2010 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by krezo

Given our extensive history of like 200hands, sounds like you might have
just stumbled upon the smoking gun you have been looking for.
We've played 720 hands according to my HEM. I'm assuming you're going by PTR and guessing you don't own a database like HEM or PT, why would you.

Originally Posted by krezo

b) There is at least a 94% chance that piranha is a booger eating poopyhead.
With your maturity level, I highly doubt you're over twenty-five. And that doesn't fit in too well with your story of attending a university 15 years ago where you learned to play poker on a text based program.
10-12-2010 , 09:14 AM
the more pirahna proves to know about bots, the more I suspect he's deflecting attention from himself.

Last edited by boc4life; 10-12-2010 at 09:14 AM. Reason: am i being serious?
10-12-2010 , 09:49 AM

I vote for funniest HS LHE thread of all time
10-12-2010 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by henholland

I vote for funniest HS LHE thread of all time
I realize there are a lot of funny things in this thread but you've probably figured out by now that I'm dead serious. It's scary to me to play against a program that plays poker as well or better than I do and that can go undetected by Poker Stars. If this program gets into the wrong hands, we could have a serious problem that threatens online poker. I don't know exactly how much the UB bots won, but it was well into the millions. I've read other threads talking about bot rings on different sites pulling down 6 figures a month.

This is something I'll fight with everything I have. I fought the UB bots for years and was successful in getting rid of fifty of them at one point, although UB denies they were bots. The other fifty or so that were on when I left, I also fought to get rid of a long time. My battles weren't public like Crazy Mike because I worked for UB as a host and didn't want to jeopardize that. Suffice to say, it involved a ton of time, research, and emails.

Poker Stars has asked me to provide more evidence about Krezo. The truth is I could provide more evidence but it would all be circumstantial and I don't have confidence that they'd do anything. As Jllama said, no live player plays like that. There are only two poker players in the world that I know of with similar games to the bots - Quackers who I believe is Andrew Sprock and Quaternion. Krezo is claiming to be the third. I don't think so, he just isn't that smart. And there isn't one thing he's ever said in his defense to make me believe he's a poker player, I don't think he has the slightest understanding of poker.
10-12-2010 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by piranha
And there isn't one thing he's ever said in his defense to make me believe he's a poker player, I don't think he has the slightest understanding of poker.
Where does the guy who runs the bot and types in the chat got the programm/bot from? If he doesn't code the bot himself? (To code the bot, he would obv need an understanding of poker.)
10-12-2010 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by piranha
We've played 720 hands according to my HEM. I'm assuming you're going by PTR and guessing you don't own a database like HEM or PT, why would you.
I use pokertracker, and it tells me we've played 164hands, prior to this

By the way, I'm up $110. Neener neener.

Originally Posted by piranha
With your maturity level, I highly doubt you're over twenty-five. And that doesn't fit in too well with your story of attending a university 15 years ago where you learned to play poker on a text based program.
What can I say, you bring out the 16-year-old in me.
10-12-2010 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by JDalla
It's certainly no simple task... maybe it's comparable to people beating really tough computer chess programs... but I don't see how it can be impossible unless the bot has the ability to revert to GTO (and against the perfect human player, would basically need to revert to this full time?)
AFAIK from some econ lessons, GTO is not revertable. Can u explain what do you mean? Am I wrong?
10-12-2010 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by JDalla
I mean if it's an exploitative bot I would think that a human can beat it in theory. If it is making adjustments to what it's seeing from you, you would just have to be aware of how to constantly counter adjust to what you think it is "learning" off you.
The problem with these bots that improve with added information, i.e. more hands, is that they become aware of your counter adjustments attempts, as well as the frequencies and methods of your adjustments. I dont believe the human mind could ever absorb all this information epescially that of your own game to make better decisions regardless of how much time you had to think about it. Especially not at the speed of the game.

I wouldnt recommend anybody playing it especially HU.

Last edited by formula72; 10-12-2010 at 02:49 PM.
10-12-2010 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by krezo
I use pokertracker, and it tells me we've played 164hands, prior to this

By the way, I'm up $110. Neener neener.
Not very proficient with Poker Tracker?

10-12-2010 , 03:30 PM
how can i get bb/100 pre rake?
10-12-2010 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by piranha
I realize there are a lot of funny things in this thread but you've probably figured out by now that I'm dead serious
The thing though is that you are never going to be able to prove much by arguing with this accused bot in an online forum.

Originally Posted by bicyclekick
how can i get bb/100 pre rake?
I want to know this too pls
10-12-2010 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by bicyclekick
how can i get bb/100 pre rake?
It's a custom stat, PM me
10-12-2010 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by henholland
The thing though is that you are never going to be able to prove much by arguing with this accused bot in an online forum.
I don't agree. I think there's a lot of information that Krezo has given us that
shows he's not a poker player. While it may not prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, it's enough for me to be certain. I'd be willing to bet 50K of my own money if there was some way we could be certain one way or the other.

Originally Posted by henholland
I want to know this too pls
PM me, I'll send you the instructions.
10-12-2010 , 08:53 PM
Give him 5 to 1 on your 50k to his 10k to play online in person in different rooms? Wouldn't that be the best way to prove bot/no bot imo? Could set up hu parameters or see if his stats still match up etc, and have someone neutral monitor his play to make sure no botting and monitor yours.

I mean, pretty hard for anyone in krezo's position to get 5 to 1 on his money and play someone hu and prove innocence... I mean I would do it in a heart beat any day of any weekend.
10-13-2010 , 12:31 AM
No money playing against bots, they're all solid.
10-13-2010 , 05:26 AM
krezo has no incentive to comply. it is perfectly reasonable to refuse any action vs such a good player as tpirihana. it would be VERY interesting if he agreed to play live though and see if he actually plays as his stats suggest
