We have approved your request to update your transfer limits.
Transfers Sent
USD 1,000.00 - new limit per day
USD 2,000.00 - new limit per 7 days
USD 5,000.00 - new limit per 30 days
Please note that for future transfer limit increases we may require further information from you in the form of a signed document, or a phone call from PokerStars for verification purposes.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
so ill do the numbers and ship you guys who had 15% as i can still do that, and ship Fatpipes 30% when i get it increased.
So I have to email support to increase the limits. Would you guys like it if I now used the remaining of my transfer limit and ship the rest when its increased, or ship the whole amount at once (I suppose it wont take too long them to increase it)?
I shipped full amount to Blake005, thanks for investing
and i shipped 425$ (left from the transfer limit) to He_Went_That_Way (under his PS sn obv), so i owe 149.41$ to u and ship it to as soon as PS sorts the limit.
Ill ship Fatpipes share then as well, we know in person so i thought ill save him last lol. ought to buy me booze now.
We regret to inform you that we cannot accommodate your request at this
time. You are welcome to request a review of your transfer limits when your
current monthly limits are being reached.
Please contact us again at a later date should you wish for us to review
your limits for an increase.
Thank you for playing at PokerStars.
PokerStars Security Team
so.. I have 2k for 7 days so i assume i can ship another 1k tomorrows? im bit surprised why it cant be increased sooner :S
Ill try again today as im now clueless weather its 1k a week or what. At work now so will try when I get home. Following is an email I got from PS last night, after asking why the limit cant be increased asap.
Hello Matias,
Thank you for your email.
Pokerstars is not a transferring service and it is not allowed to be used as
The transfer feature is in place to help players who may not be able to
deposit via conventional methods.
You transfer limits are granted based on several factors and an increase may
be denied if we consider that you may be abusing the transfer feature.
Feel free to contact us if you need any further assistance.