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Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results

10-03-2010 , 01:03 PM
Original Thread

I've got a full slate ahead so will probably only be posting key stats/results during breaks. We'll see as it goes.

$215 warm up
$44 turbo
$109r ($509)
$22 1r1a ($62)
$55 300k
$55r ($355)
$215 Million
$109c turbo ($309)
$162 6max
$55c ($155)
$215 2nd chance
$109r ($509)
$109 turbo
$204 hyper

$55c ($155)
$256 Brawl
$216 750k
$216 Mulligan
$109 cashout
$109c ($309)

$215 200k
$109 1r2a ($409)

DaEmbezzler on Stars, GuT_sHOts FT, 1DECEIT1 AP/UB

Xaston- 15% Received Stars
Staker- 15% Received 10% FT and 5% Stars
Sidomija- 10% Received Tilt
xxd33pxx- 5% Received Tilt
Exitonly- 5% Received Tilt
pokerpokerjoeyd (Pokerjoeyd)- 2% Received Tilt
roniirani- 1% Received Stars
Turbobound68 (AUpMySlev)- 1% Received Stars
hoodskier- 1% Received Stars
OMG_LadyGaga- 1% Received UB
chase poker (rich-king)- 1% Received Stars
EndlessWC (PurpleToday)- 1% Received Stars

Good Luck All!
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 02:02 PM
The grind is started. 3 tables up with 2 more to start now. Not a lot to note except busted the $44 turbo when I jammed the sb with J8 when it folded to me, the bb snapped AA and gg.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by swollen1
The grind is started. 3 tables up with 2 more to start now. Not a lot to note except busted the $44 turbo when I jammed the sb with J8 when it folded to me, the bb snapped AA and gg.
You mean you didn't flop a straight? Man you gotta work on the skill part of this game (flopping the nuts obv)

GL today
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 02:29 PM
Good luck sir! I was gonna grind some 25nl cash all day but my dog is very sick so gonna lounge with her and watch football and rail you in all ur games. GL
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 02:57 PM
TYTY hope ur dog feels better! And ha thanks hoodskier, will do!

Nothing too exciting yet. Got 3 streets of value in the brawl with AK on a QJ10 flop when he check called all streets with J7s and a turned flush draw. Busted the $109 on stars in a blind war vs a raise call sb A3s to our A9o, 3 river and out. 5 games are up with a couple starting.

Edit: In for the full $155 on FT's 1r1a. In for $309 in the $109r on stars - $200 to be refunded. In for the full $62 on the 1r1a Stars.

Last edited by swollen1; 10-03-2010 at 03:23 PM.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 03:12 PM
ya da pup got an allergic reactions to her shots and vets closed On the bright side football is great and i currently have all 7 of ur tourneys open...sweating ya bud gl
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 03:59 PM
tyty, that aces full hand I checked on the river in the 55r he had 510o LOL after he shows me his J5s 2x river pot bluff bet.

Other updates: QQ>AK in 109r, then AQ>Q9o bb shorty stop n go, QJJ flop. In the $55 1r1a KK < AKs all in pre for about 100bbs, A turn. In the warm up it started good, then went dry, then lost a flip at the 800 level 77<AJo to go out. In 6 atm, with the UB200k starting now.

Also a $40 bounty in the brawl AA>AKs

Edit: In for the min $155 in the Stars $55r - $200 to be refunded.

Last edited by swollen1; 10-03-2010 at 04:23 PM.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 05:02 PM
Update: In the $55r had JJ>A10s after a 4710 flop, and JJ>1010 later, sitting with 14k 200 level. In the 109r AJsb>A7button shorty jam, 77>AJo raise call shorty, then KQo<A8s shorty 13k 800 level. Busted the brawl, tried to learn from hoodskier and after jamming button J10s > AA flopped straight but less than 9's full river for the main pot. Few hands later busted when jammed with 6-7bb's 89 and ran into aces again. Also busted the $163 FT and $22 1r1a Stars.

In 6 games with 2 starting. I decided it would be best to cut out a couple of the higher variance games to focus on the others. Cutting out the later Stars $109r and the AP/UB $109 1r2a that starts soon. $509 and $409 to be refunded to the package.

Edit: In for the full $309 in the 1r1a turbo.

Last edited by swollen1; 10-03-2010 at 05:16 PM.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 06:01 PM
On the bubble of the $109r, had 88>66 to double and not much besides that. In the $55r I open jammed the sb with K3 into a shorter stack, he called with AQ and we got quads. In the $109 1r1a turbo I was crippled after 44<AQ jammed the bb to a co raise, then KJ>A8 to get me slightly back into it. Was dry in the UP200k but just doubled with AK>AQ. Million made a sick fold where the guy's range seemed way to tight AQ Q hi board =/, unexpected turn fold. Doubled a couple hands later with AK>AQ after a A84 flop.

In 8 games with one starting.

Edit: In for the full $155 in the Stars 1r1a.

Last edited by swollen1; 10-03-2010 at 06:23 PM.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 07:01 PM
Well that was a really brutal hour where a lot went wrong. Made it in the money of the 109r, doubled with 66>AJo for 51k 2k level and then a couple hands later got in a blind war with QJo, Q74dds flop bet call, 2s turn and I check raise all, he calls J7ss and an s river for 100k. Out 104th for $803.20. In the 55r I decided to open over jam the button with 33 into 2 shorter stacks than me, 18bbs and 20bbs, I had about 24bbs. BB snaps with 66. Out a little later with Q3s when the bb calls K8o. Also busted the 109c, UB200k (which had a 20k overlay) and the 162 6max - didn't go our way. In the million got lucky to double with an AQ 4bet into AK, QQ flop. And then 99>A2o, 943hhh flop and he has a h, Qh turn Q river. In the 55 1r1a had 88 bb > 310s sb jam.

In 4 games, with 2 starting now and a couple others soon.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 08:01 PM
In the million had KK<A10o to get me to 19k 1k level, then AA>A7s for 39k 1200 level. Getting closer to the bubble with 41k 1500 level. Busted the $109 cashout after JJ<AK aipf to cripple me, and AQ<K8 to end it.

In 6 with 1 starting and another in 30.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 09:04 PM
Well no bueno. Made it in the money of the million, after chopping a 68k pot 2k level AJ=A9 then winning in a blind war with KK>K6. Busted 995th for $320.79 after 3betting all with AQo into AKs, and a really short stack made it even worse with QQ. In the 2nd chance I had QQ=AQo by the river, then AA>46, and JJ<AKo to cripple me and go out a few hands later. In the $109 on Stars ran QQ into AK n AA. 55c had QQ>AJ then QQ>KJ to get 22k 600 level. Busted after a guy who 3bets a lot 3bet my button open from the sb 1k level, I intended to jam the 30k with A10o so as did, he snaps AJo and wins the 65k pot. In the 109c on FT, knocked out a shorter stack as he filled the sb 46s and I check 27o 677 flop he bets I raise he jams. Then lost a big pot as I kept getting 3 bet and 4 bet jammed 77 for a nice chunk. He snaps KQs and wins. That crippled me before the add-on to 400 chips 60 level. A6>A5 and AA>A6 to 2300 and add-on. Lost the 750k with 99<AK aipf.

In 4 with 1 starting and the last one in 30, the hyper fest.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 10:03 PM
Terrible results. In the $109 turbo I raise called the sb AKo < K10s to go out. In the $204 hyper I lost 66<AJo to cripple, J10o > 2Ax's for a little, then A5<AJ to end. In the mulligan lost a nice chunk with KK to A4s, A92 flop, then jammed the rest with 22, bb calls A9o AA9 flop. 2 turn dud river.

Still left in 2 of them. The $109c, where I doubled with AQ vs 78s on a Q86hh4c board where he check calls the flop and check jams the turn to get 9k 120 level. Then JJ<AK for 9k 160 level, to 4400, few pots to 7k now 240 level. In nightly $162 stars, doubled with QQ vs 44 on a 2910 flop 30 level. Won a few pots to 6800 100 level.

Edit: Just got lucky in a blind war in the 109c, A4>99 - he's been raising every time it folds to him about. Then won a small pot the next hand with aces. 16k 280 level.

Last edited by swollen1; 10-03-2010 at 10:08 PM.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 11:01 PM
Still in the last 2. In the 109c I won a lot of small pots before losing with AK<AJ button to sb for 17k 340 level. That left me with 9k. A little later I limp re raised the sb all in to the same guy with J10s he calls 55, turns 789 for 23k 400 level. Then won a bunch of pots without showdown, sitting at 34,700 600 level. 17/61 players left.

In the 162, won a big pot with QQ on a board of 3810ccsQh7c vs AJss. Then AK>77 to knock someone out. Sitting with 15,820 250 level. 35/250 left.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-03-2010 , 11:59 PM
Still in both. In the 109c it was dry for a little while, until belowabove moved to my table then he 3bet AI into my KK bb with 89s. Said it was a misclick. Sitting with 45,750 chips, 1200 level. 16/29 players left.

In the 162, had AKhh=AKo no free roll win after K104hh flop. Then JJ>KQ to get 28k 400 level. Then at the 800 level got lucky for a small pot river 6 66>JJ. Sitting with 33,514 chips, 800 level. 16/107 players left, 90 get in the money.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-04-2010 , 12:45 AM
GOGOGO wow ur set binking skills on the river are improving!
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-04-2010 , 12:59 AM
tyty trying! The crucial coin flips can be tough!

Still in both. In the 109c at the 2k level I jammed K10o bb to a button min > AJo for 87k, then lost every pot before getting it in with KQo>66 for 98k 2400 level. Sitting with 93,004 2800 level, 9/14 players left.

In the 162, AJ>77 J river at the 1200 level. Then 77>AQo A flop 7 river 1600 level. Both pots I had the other guy covered but not by a lot. Sitting with 62,203 2k level, 15/46 players left.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-04-2010 , 01:36 AM
Sigh just got knocked out of both.

In the 109c had AJs=QJs for a nice pot, then weaved around for a little while before jamming the bb A4o into the habitual button min raise, he had tens 239 flop brick brick. Out 10th for $1660.

In the 162, lost a 78k pot AQd<AKs. Q74ss flop 10 turn J river. Took me to 21k, then doubled AQo>A10s for 51k pot 2500 level. Went out 26th after AQo bb < KK sb =/, get an ace but he gets quads. $594.

Sigh a few runs at it but couldn't close. Ends the 12+ hour session. Good ole donkaments.

I'm going to take a little break but will get all the numbers sorted and shipped out tonight. Thanks for following, unfortunately didn't get it done.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-04-2010 , 01:40 AM
Rigged imo
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-04-2010 , 02:50 AM
Cashes: $803.20 + $320.79 + $1660 + 594 = $3377.99
Bounty: $40
Unused rebuys with mark up: ($200 + $200)1.25 = $500
Skipped Tourneys with mark up: ($509($109r) + $409($109 1r2a))1.25 = $1147.50

Package Value: $5065.49
Share Value: $50.66

Xaston- 15% Received Stars - $759.90
Staker- 15% Received 10% FT and 5% Stars - $506.60 and $253.30
Sidomija- 10% Received Tilt - $506.60
xxd33pxx- 5% Received Tilt - $253.30
Exitonly- 5% Received Tilt - $253.30
pokerpokerjoeyd (Pokerjoeyd) - 2% Received Tilt - $101.32
roniirani- 1% Received Stars - $50.66
Turbobound68 (AUpMySlev)- 1% Received Stars - $50.66
hoodskier- 1% Received Stars - $50.66
OMG_LadyGaga- 1% Received UB - $50.66
chase poker (rich-king)- 1% Received Stars - $50.66
EndlessWC (PurpleToday)- 1% Received Stars - $50.66

If anyone notices any errors with any of the #'s, please let me know. I'll start shipping out.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-04-2010 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by OMG_LadyGaga
Rigged imo
Agreed gaga, can't really come up with too many other reasons ;-)

And all payouts are transferred and completed, except yours gaga as UB takes a little longer to transfer. Let me know of any errors. Thanks again everyone.
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
10-04-2010 , 03:20 AM
^^^ I know right isnt UB the best!
Sunday, Oct 3rd Rail/Results Quote
