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Saturday rail Saturday rail

10-19-2013 , 05:52 AM
knowitbetter 20%
Superbus 1%
Hotkarlmc 22%
amonynous 5%
k_2 8%
DONKEY08811 2%
manndl 2%
pokerchef12 5%

12:00 bigger $33 $40k gtd
$11 nl 6max turbo $5k gtd
$3.30r 6max PLO $15.30 $2k gtd
12:30 $27 turbo KO
hot $3.30 $6k gtd
13:00 $11 $6k gtd
$27.50 plo turbo x2 chance $52.50 $3k gtd
$22 saturday 6max $30k gtd
13:30 hot $4.40
$5.10 hyper $4k gtd
14:00 $11r $51 $15k gtd
15:00 bigger $5.50 $30k gtd
$27 tko
$109 $12.5k gtd
$55 saturday PLO $20k gtd
15:15 $33 500cap $7.5k gtd
$5.50 2r1a $20.50 $5k gts
15:30 $16.50 8max $3k gtd
$2.20r $10.20 $8k gtd
16:00 $75 $5k gtd
$11r PLO $51 $2k gtd
$44 6max PLO $1k gtd
$5.50 omania $5k gtd
$27 saturday eliminator $50k gtd
16:30 $25 hyper $8k gtd
$55 $10k gtd
hot $33 $20k gtd
Saturday rail Quote
10-19-2013 , 06:40 AM
Busto $11 turbo, lost my internet so playing on the network on my phone, might skip some stuff

    Poker Stars, $10 Buy-in (150/300 blinds, 25 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #20066001

    BTN: 11,819 (39.4 bb)
    SB: 6,670 (22.2 bb)
    Hero (BB): 2,622 (8.7 bb)
    UTG: 8,613 (28.7 bb)
    MP: 7,015 (23.4 bb)
    CO: 5,731 (19.1 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BB with K 9
    4 folds, SB completes, Hero raises to 2,597 and is all-in, SB calls 2,297

    Flop: (5,344) 7 J Q (2 players, 1 is all-in)
    Turn: (5,344) 4 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
    River: (5,344) J (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: 5,344 pot
    Final Board: 7 J Q 4 J
    SB showed A 7 and won 5,344 (2,722 net)
    Hero showed K 9 and lost (-2,622 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
    Saturday rail Quote
    10-19-2013 , 06:56 AM
    busto first $27 turbo, no KOs

      Poker Stars, $25 Buy-in (75/150 blinds) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 8 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #20066041

      MP2: 975 (6.5 bb)
      MP3: 6,875 (45.8 bb)
      CO: 2,889 (19.3 bb)
      Hero (BTN): 1,893 (12.6 bb)
      SB: 1,250 (8.3 bb)
      BB: 4,810 (32.1 bb)
      UTG+2: 2,335 (15.6 bb)
      MP1: 2,300 (15.3 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is BTN with 7 7
      3 folds, MP3 raises to 450, CO folds, Hero raises to 1,893 and is all-in, 2 folds, MP3 calls 1,443

      Flop: (4,011) 8 6 9 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
      Turn: (4,011) J (2 players, 1 is all-in)
      River: (4,011) A (2 players, 1 is all-in)

      Results: 4,011 pot
      Final Board: 8 6 9 J A
      MP3 showed 9 A and won 4,011 (2,118 net)
      Hero showed 7 7 and lost (-1,893 net)

      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
      Saturday rail Quote
      10-19-2013 , 08:01 AM
      busto both bullets in $27.50 plo turbo, $3 refund from 3r plo
      Saturday rail Quote
      10-19-2013 , 08:26 AM
      cashed 5.10 hyper for 11.69. Busto $11fo and hot 3.30
      Saturday rail Quote
      10-19-2013 , 09:58 AM
      $20 refund from 11r nl and 1 $5 bounty in $27 KO, playing a lot of tables so wont be many updates for a while
      Saturday rail Quote
      10-19-2013 , 11:36 AM
      8th in 3r plo for $70.02, 196th in saturday 6max for $40.55. Remaining tournaments is $27 eliminator (1ko), 55fo, 16.50 8max, 33 500cap and bigger 5.50, not ITM in any of them yet
      Saturday rail Quote
      10-19-2013 , 11:53 AM
      Busto eliminator

        Poker Stars, $25 Buy-in (75/150 blinds, 15 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 9 Players
        Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #20067281

        CO: 2,530 (16.9 bb)
        BTN: 10,070 (67.1 bb)
        SB: 4,089 (27.3 bb)
        BB: 14,838 (98.9 bb)
        UTG+1: 4,055 (27 bb)
        UTG+2: 8,784 (58.6 bb)
        MP1: 3,215 (21.4 bb)
        Hero (MP2): 6,389 (42.6 bb)
        MP3: 8,226 (54.8 bb)

        Preflop: Hero is MP2 with 9 9
        UTG+1 folds, UTG+2 calls 150, MP1 folds, Hero raises to 525, 5 folds, UTG+2 calls 375

        Flop: (1,410) 3 7 5 (2 players)
        UTG+2 checks, Hero bets 880, UTG+2 calls 880

        Turn: (3,170) 4 (2 players)
        UTG+2 checks, Hero checks

        River: (3,170) 3 (2 players)
        UTG+2 bets 7,364 and is all-in, Hero calls 4,969 and is all-in

        Results: 13,108 pot
        Final Board: 3 7 5 4 3
        UTG+2 showed 4 4 and won 13,108 (6,719 net)
        Hero showed 9 9 and lost (-6,389 net)

        Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
        Saturday rail Quote
        10-19-2013 , 12:17 PM
        out of 33 500cap. Lost most of chips in 16.50 8max AQ<66

          Poker Stars, $30 Buy-in (350/700 blinds, 85 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 8 Players
          Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #20067291

          BTN: 4,978 (7.1 bb)
          SB: 22,747 (32.5 bb)
          BB: 31,231 (44.6 bb)
          UTG+2: 27,705 (39.6 bb)
          MP1: 23,777 (34 bb)
          MP2: 40,680 (58.1 bb)
          MP3: 31,481 (45 bb)
          Hero (CO): 5,636 (8.1 bb)

          Preflop: Hero is CO with A K
          4 folds, Hero raises to 5,551 and is all-in, BTN calls 4,893 and is all-in, 2 folds

          Flop: (11,516) 4 Q T (2 players, 2 are all-in)
          Turn: (11,516) T (2 players, 2 are all-in)
          River: (11,516) 3 (2 players, 2 are all-in)

          Results: 11,516 pot
          Final Board: 4 Q T T 3
          BTN showed J J and won 11,516 (6,538 net)
          Hero showed A K and lost (-4,978 net)

          Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
          Saturday rail Quote
          10-19-2013 , 12:46 PM
          Bubbled 8max, ITM bigger 5.50

            Poker Stars, $15 Buy-in (500/1,000 blinds, 125 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 7 Players
            Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #20067431

            BTN: 22,804 (22.8 bb)
            SB: 26,747 (26.7 bb)
            BB: 16,456 (16.5 bb)
            MP1: 27,536 (27.5 bb)
            Hero (MP2): 8,389 (8.4 bb)
            MP3: 17,856 (17.9 bb)
            CO: 22,373 (22.4 bb)

            Preflop: Hero is MP2 with J A
            MP1 folds, Hero raises to 8,264 and is all-in, 3 folds, SB calls 7,764, BB raises to 16,331 and is all-in, SB calls 8,067

            Flop: (41,801) 8 8 Q (3 players, 2 are all-in)
            Turn: (41,801) A (3 players, 2 are all-in)
            River: (41,801) K (3 players, 2 are all-in)

            Results: 41,801 pot
            Final Board: 8 8 Q A K
            SB showed 7 7 and lost (-16,456 net)
            BB showed K K and won 41,801 (25,345 net)
            Hero showed J A and lost (-8,389 net)

            Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
            Saturday rail Quote
            10-19-2013 , 01:05 PM
            Busted $55 freezeout, last tournament is bigger 5.50

              Poker Stars, $50 Buy-in (300/600 blinds, 50 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 8 Players
              Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #20067491

              SB: 30,626 (51 bb)
              BB: 9,198 (15.3 bb)
              Hero (UTG+2): 3,137 (5.2 bb)
              MP1: 17,085 (28.5 bb)
              MP2: 11,361 (18.9 bb)
              MP3: 5,247 (8.7 bb)
              CO: 6,542 (10.9 bb)
              BTN: 9,207 (15.3 bb)

              Preflop: Hero is UTG+2 with A 2
              Hero raises to 1,800, MP1 folds, MP2 raises to 10,800, MP3 folds, CO calls 6,492 and is all-in, 3 folds, Hero calls 1,287 and is all-in

              Flop: (17,371) A J 6 (3 players, 2 are all-in)
              Turn: (17,371) 3 (3 players, 2 are all-in)
              River: (17,371) A (3 players, 2 are all-in)

              Results: 17,371 pot
              Final Board: A J 6 3 A
              Hero showed A 2 and lost (-3,137 net)
              MP2 showed 7 7 and lost (-6,542 net)
              CO showed K A and won 17,371 (10,829 net)

              Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
              Saturday rail Quote
              10-19-2013 , 04:38 PM
              Sigh busted 91th in bigger 5.50, cashed for 50.13. Gonna figure out numbers now.

                Poker Stars, $5 Buy-in (4,500/9,000 blinds, 1,125 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 8 Players
                Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #20074711

                Hero (MP1): 283,453 (31.5 bb)
                MP2: 342,591 (38.1 bb)
                MP3: 634,418 (70.5 bb)
                CO: 938,676 (104.3 bb)
                BTN: 227,824 (25.3 bb)
                SB: 461,491 (51.3 bb)
                BB: 281,209 (31.2 bb)
                UTG+2: 146,127 (16.2 bb)

                Preflop: Hero is MP1 with K A
                UTG+2 folds, Hero raises to 18,899, 2 folds, CO raises to 36,000, 3 folds, Hero raises to 282,328 and is all-in, CO calls 246,328

                Flop: (587,156) A 5 T (2 players, 1 is all-in)
                Turn: (587,156) 2 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
                River: (587,156) 7 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

                Results: 587,156 pot
                Final Board: A 5 T 2 7
                Hero showed K A and lost (-283,453 net)
                CO showed T T and won 587,156 (303,703 net)

                Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
                Saturday rail Quote
                10-19-2013 , 04:51 PM
                Missed a few tournaments due to many tables and bad internet. Sending out $ now.

                $11.69 cash 5.10 hyper
                $70.02 cash 3r plo
                $40.55 cash saturday 6max
                $50.13 cash bigger 5.50
                $10 bounties
                $3 refund 3r plo
                $20 refund 11r nl
                $51 unplayed (11r plo)
                $20.50 unplayed (2r1a nl)
                $10.20 unplayed (2r nl)
                $5.50 unplayed (5.50 omania)

                Total $292.59
                Saturday rail Quote
