Ok so here is what I have so far. I have tried to break down the entire schedule by pre and post-disconnect. Any tourney with a "*" in front of it is a tourney that I was still in when I disconnected. I will be refunding markup on these tourneys as well as on the bit of buyins that I didn't use.
So overall, I spent $2484.43. Original stake was supposed to be for $2607.1. That means I have $122.67 in unused buyins that I will refund with markup ($145.85). I am also refunding the markup paid on $572.70 of the buyins ($108.24) since I disconnected and wasn't able to finish them.
From my calculations I cashed for a total of $1719.90. Add in $54.50 in bounties.
and I THINK this puts our total end value at $2028.49. I am going to sleep on this and check my math again in the morning in case I am missing anything here. If you guys have any questions, or spot any inaccuracies or anything, please let me know. I will post the math as I have it below.
Holy hell this was complicated.
Thanks for your patience guys, I will get this finalized tomorrow.
bigger $5.50
$1r 3x-turbo MicroMillions ($8.28)
$5.50 2r1a ($20.50)
$2.20r ($6.20)
$5.40 turbo KO
$25 hyper
$55 10k
*$2.20r ($6.20)
hotter $33
$8.80r ($40.80)
$5.10 hyper
$21 KO
*$215 Sunday Warmup
$54 KO
*bigger $8.80
$5.50 2r1a ($20.50)
*$13.50 KO
$8.80 1r1a ($24.80)
$2.20r 2x-turbo (18.20)
*bigger $22
*$11 1r1a ($31)
*hotter $11
*$11 time 30min
*bigger $109
*$22 12k
*$25 hyper
*$11 sat to sunday mill
=$828.78 in buyins
$26 KO
$26 8k
$8.70 FTOPS frenzy x3 ($26.10)
$75 9k
*$11 1r1a ($31)
*$26 12.5k
*$22 Double Deuce x3 ($66)
*$17 Super Turbo KO
=$293.10 in buyins
$25 hyper: $291.42
Hotter $33: $134.33
$11 time: $30.40
$17 super turbo KO: $22.78
=$478.93 in cashes
Bounties: $17.5
$55 50k
$16.50 (360 cap)
$55 6max turbo
$16.50 turbo
$13.50 KO
$11 turbo
$25 hyper
$5.50r 15k ($15.50)
$27 KO
$55 (500 cap)
Hotter $44
$5.50 6max turbo MicroMillions
$10.20 HU hyper
$9.90 turbo (FT only paid)
$11 time
$27.50 big antes (500 cap)
Bigger $4.40
$1.10 3x-turbo (7.10)
$109 30k
$11 7.5k
$8.80 (500 cap)
$11 1r1a ($31)
Hotter $5.50
$27 KO
$1.10 2x-turbo (7.10)
Bigger $27.50
$3.30r 3k ($9.30)
$44 turbo
$13.50 KO
$8.80 turbo
$11 turbo
$2.20r 6max turbo ($6.20)
$55 30k
$11 time
$11r 10k ($41)
$16.50 turbo
$5.50 1r1a MicroMillions ($15.50)
$5.10 hyper
Hotter $22
$5.10 hyper
$8.80 6max turbo
$3.30r 2x-turbo ($21.30)
$5.10 hyper
$27 turbo KO
$23.45 hyper
$10.20 HU hyper
$5.10 hyper
$27.50 turbo 8k
$11 time
=$1045.05 in buyins
$5.50 turbo
$11 5k KO x2 ($22)
$26 7k
$11 turbo rush
$75 9k
$26 6k
$5.50 rush 3.5k x2 ($11)
$55 6k
$26 5k x2 ($52)
$17 super turbo KO x2 ($34)
=$317.50 in buyins
$5.10 hyper: $18.60
$11 turbo: $24.02
$5.50r 15k: $19.08
$8.80 turbo: $16.04
$11 time: $57.10
$16.50 turbo: $33.07
$11 turbo: $35.77
Hotter $22: $49.26
$5.50 1r1a MM: $18.55
$11r 10k: $68.12
Bigger $4.40: $694.16
$1032.77 stars cashes
$11 5k KO: $43.20
$26 6k: $165
$208.20 ftp cashes
Bounties: $37