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pads1161 England rail pads1161 England rail

11-15-2014 , 07:20 PM
Will be using this thread to update tournaments that I played and document returns.
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-15-2014 , 07:30 PM
Day 1b, Blackpool GUKPT

We played Day 1b on the main event. I stayed on the same table all day and we had very few eliminations, it was one of the softest tables you will ever see.

Can't remember exactly what happened throughout the day but here are some "comedy" hands

Hand 1- Cut off constantly pulls his cards up to his face and basically in my face too. I see he has o, tell him and he says ok i still want to see a flop and limps. I raise 4x, blinds fold and he calls.

Flop 852, he check calls, I'm like hmm did he have t4 or t5? Ws pretty sure he had t4 though.

Turn is 2, he checks and I bet biggish again and he pretty much snap calls

River is J which brings in a flush, I think the guy has forgotten what he has or something, or thinks he has his hand from the last time so I say "lets do a club check" so he HAS to realise he has ten high lol. We both look and I bet and he folds. That would have hurt lol.

I get some chips from raising utg with QJs, utg+1 and bb call. Flop is QJTfd, I bet big as they are both huge whales. UTG+1 raises me, he's raised like top pairs etc before but I don't want to 3bet the flop. Turn is Q, I lead out 7k into around 10k confident that he folds 0% of the time.

River is a Queen annoyingly I guess, but I go all in for around pot, he tells me "If you got the queen you got me" which made me believe he had AA which would kind of made sense, before he turned over AK. I guess he didn't know the rules.

Anyway end up with 80k with 4 levels to go and at 200/400 but run pretty bad, a few all ins vs short stacks where they jam 10bbs and I just call and lose, but end the day with 79125 which was in the top 10 chips for the day.
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-15-2014 , 07:51 PM
Day 2, Blackpool GUKPT

So with the field being maybe 8 good regs and a very very very soft field we came into day 2 with really good hopes. We got to the casino to find out we were on the feature table and then realised Richard "The Claimeer" Trigg and Tom "Gaggleokings" were there too. Trigg was on my direct right and Tom was on my direct left. The rest of the table were the regs who don't give their chips away either. They were the tight ones who were abit uncomfortable and not the ones who I mentioned in yesterdays report.

Whatever though. Very first hand of the day we open the button with 66, Tom 3bets the sb, we peel and fold the AJ9r flop.

We play pretty aggressive for the most part, opening most unopened pots with good holdings. I 3bc AK vs AJ and had around 120k which was 2nd in chips with around 60 left and 17 paying.

MP, an older guy who played decent/tight opened, a very tight guy peeled from the cut off and we peeled the sb with 66. Tom flicked it in from the bb for the extra change.

The flop was T65ss I considered leading but I felt like the original raiser may bet AK and the tighter guys were the kind who would probably bet/gii but if I lead just call and fold on scary run outs.

They all checked and we got the T65ssx 7s turn.

I lead for pot on the turn and Tom calls quickly and the tight guy in the cut off calls. At this point I think Tom has straights/flushes around 90% of the time and the other guy has Ask/q very often.

River is the beautiful 10 and I lead out for a big bet assuming Tom will call.

Tom reaches for yellows (5ks) pretty quickly and I instantly got "that" feeling when you just know that he has it. He puts in a 38k raise.

It was such a gross spit (Ts 6s 5c 7s Tc) and I tanked a long time, I felt like he would fold t7/t5/t6 on the turn because I bet into 4 people but I wasn't 100% of that. I figured the other guy had the As all the time, so he didn't have that kind of hand that was bluffing, so he''d need something very ambitious. It's obviously hard to flop a set in live poker and harder to river a full house on such a drawy/connecting board but I think I had to fold with all the "feelings" I was having. I got the text 30 seconds later that he had t5o and was really happy with the fold.

Nothing else really happened on the feature table, a few raise, cbets, give ups and we went to the secondary table with around 70k at bb1600.

An unknown player who seemed to have done not much wrong, but had saw me make the biggish fold opened mp to 3500, Trigg in the sb then make it 4200. He hadn't seen the open, and it was made a call. I have TT, it didn't feel like a squeeze spot, the original raiser could think that I thought Triggs money was lighter than it actually should be etc and 4bet me and with literally such an insane tournament I didn't want to have a "well he knows I know he knows" where I'm literally just guessing that he can think past level X. So I decided to call and told the table, "always bad karma these pots"

The flop was the lovely



Which is fine. We check/call vs the original raiser, the turn brought the KQT7fd, I checked and he bet around 12.5k into 18.5k. I really didn't like it but had to call.

The river was the KQT7K and I checked and he bet 21.5k, I really thought I was going to level myself into folding, but felt he could value bet AJ,J9,AK and afterwards this was definitely the case as he value bet really thinly like a2 on k9248 multi streets.

I really felt like I was beat but also that he could be tripling a hand like qj, tj, 98, axss and I was ofc getting a good price, but anyway after a few minutes of tanking I called to see QQ.

I then raised to 3500 at 1800bb with KQs, a new guy to the table 3bet to 5500 with 2 chips that I wasn't sure was intentional or not. It stood and he bet 5k on a AQ2 flop. I think I have to peel one and I did. The turn was the AQ2A and I checked and he jammed and then showed KK.

Eventually I busted shoving AJo utg+1 vs a trigg open at 1800bb for 23-5kish where he had been opening wider after winning some chips, but anyway it was a clear shove at the time.

Pretty annoying to bust after such good expectations. I really can't tell you how great this tournament was. It also had a 30k overlay from the 200k prizepool. I'm assuming ROI's in this tournament would be well over 100% so happy I made the trip to play it.

Tomorrow I'm going to grind online then Monday is the highroller which I unfortunately may skip due to not selling enough, but next confirmed event is the WPT main event which starts on Tuesday.
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-15-2014 , 08:23 PM
An investor on another forum asked me why I chose Blackpool over the WPT500 which got 2000+ runners so I thought I'd share the post here too, don't feel compelled to read it for any detailed information on results!

I used to be 18 playing with friends in their houses. It used to be a 0.5/0.10p game and I was really pretty bad. My friend had played in the casino one Wednesday in a freeroll that you could rebuy in for £5. I told my Dad I wouldn't be home for dinner because I had won a "raffle" into a poker game. I ended up losing pretty quickly and telling the table "I'm way out of my league here" when they asked me to rebuy. When the GUKPT came around I went down to watch and was in complete awe of everybody who was there. There was a 5/5 cash game that felt like a 100/200 cash game.

I worked really hard that year and by the time I was 19 I was starting to become more of a regular in the games, playing £30 freezeouts sometimes. I went to the Sunday tournament that was £20+£20+£20 and remembering I only had £40 so couldn't afford to buy in for the 3rd bullet. I final tabled but didn't cash, but I enjoyed it. I remember at this time I was really, really tight, I once looked at a Queen utg and folded without looking at the second card It was pinged him to play very tight UTG and I knew the button was special but didn't know why or how I could use its special powers. When the GUKPT came around this year I went and watched again, a huge fanboy. I didn't know a single player, most people with like 30-60. There was a group of around 6-7 younger guys though and I remember Francis Creed was railing them, her boyfriend at the time Tony Phillips was dressed like Channing and used to play good. I stood next to her on the rail and after a few minutes saw the cut off open, this young kid with long dark hair 3bet him and I saw him peel his cards and saw A9o. I almost jumped over the rail, I really couldn't think why he'd ever do that with such a bad hand. The guy called, and folded to a cbet. That was my first ever AHA moment in poker. I found out who he was and he was a young kid who had a poker blog that was about playing 100nlhu online and online tournaments, he was called Jake Cody! His travelling partner was Tom MacDonald and they were instantly upgraded to numbet 1 heroes. I added both of them on facebook and would tell my friends about things they'd post etc. Jake then went on to win Deauville that year iirc and then the rest is history.

I worked hard for that next year again but was at University, this time when GUKPT came around I sold action for a £220 and a £330 side event, this was HUGE to me at the time. I remember getting to the last 2 tables and playing some pot against Jeraint Herzain? Where I defend his 3bet then stop and go'd when I knew he was trying to push me about. Things were starting to tick a little bit, but I hadn't accelerated enough or improved at the pace I wanted to.

Newcastle was then taking off the tour and even though I improved significantly in that time I wasn't at the stage where I could financially afford to travel around playing the live circuit. I moved to Gibraltar to work for then lived in Spain/Hungary since.

Since then I have always followed the tour online, I like to watch the stream from time to time and often check the chip counts with interest.

When I realised I could play WPT next week and saw that Blackpool was this week it wasn't really a decision if I'm honest. Playing a GUKPT was weirdly as close to the bucket list as playing a WPT is, perhaps even higher!

I loved my entire experience at Blackpool, it was without doubt an incredibly soft tournament that I wouldn't feel bad about selling a 1.8 but the whole experience and atmosphere was great.
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-15-2014 , 10:54 PM
Sweet read
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-17-2014 , 01:01 AM
yeah agree, nice read, gl in w the wpt!
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-17-2014 , 10:08 AM

Playing high roller today, really looking forward.

pads1161 England rail Quote
11-17-2014 , 07:21 PM
Have 65k at 500/1k in the Highroller just lost 80k pot kk v aq aip for 3x average #standard
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-17-2014 , 10:22 PM
WPT Nottingham Highroller

I was really looking forward to this tournament, I feel very comfortable playing in most fields and it has a structure that suits my game. Starting table (7 handed) had 2 noticeable marks. I played the very first hand vs him in the tournament where i open KsQs and bet twice on KT4J2 and check river and he has AQ. I played very tight for 2 orbits or so with Tom "hitthehole" Middleton running the table over abit and 3betting a lot against the weaker players. Steve Warbutton then made it 800 utg at 300bb. 2 people called then Tom made it 4500, Slyvain Loosli started tanking in the SB and I felt it was a great spot to 4bet because Tom probably wouldnt make it so big with a value hand as they had to fold a lot. Slyvain folds and then I look down a 2 beautiful AA and tank for a longish time before decided 12900 was best because it probably forces Tom to jam anything for value that he squeezed like JJ/QQ/KK and I didnt want to make it 9400 and he has to just flat call AK and he will obviously whiff a lot of flops and just sigh fold. He jammed pretty quickly with KK and we increased our stack to around 80k.

I felt like I had a good feel about the table, I picked up some good spots and passed up some spots. One spot I was lost in was where it was opened and called 3 way and I called the SB with 44. The flop was 5s 3c 2c and we all checked to Slyvain who bet. I called and the others folded. The turn was the 4 and I checked with the intention of calling but he checked back. The river was a 7 and I decided to check and he bet 1/2 pot, I was really lost, but eventually just decided to fold. Felt very close.

The first hand after the break (apologies 2nd, I was late coming back by a couple of minutes) Slyvain opened the button to 1200. I decided to have a depolarised 3betting range and 3bet KQhh to 3000, he 4bet to 8100 and I called. I gave up post flop on A33J.

I was enjoying Steve Warbuttons company, we were speaking alot. I then opened two black kings UTG to 1900, he 3bet me to 4100 from UTG1, I 4bet, he jammed AQ and unfortunately we lose on the K.......JxT board. This was for 150k and probably chip lead (although ofc irrelevant) so I felt pretty tilted about it if I'm honest :/

I won some chips back and then opened 6 handed to 2200 with A9cc from the hijac, Jack Salter jammed the button for 17bbs, I think I dominate enough here that I called, probably bottom of my range but still a call imo, and lost to queens.

Again I chipped up again from pre flop/post flop non showdowns, no super significant pots, just good spots to cold 4bet, c/raise, c/call down etc

The next mark moved to our table and he seemed like he really wanted to punt. He opened to 3500 at 1800bb (last level of the day) it was very close but I defended J6ss. The flop was 6c8h6d (oioioioioioioi) I checked and he insta jammed 3x pot. *I said call and then angrily shouted **** off. I turned over j6 and he threw his cards so fast/hard at the dealer they literally fell off the table, he then walked out the building, i obviously jinx it and tell the table theres a low of sweat cards. Obviously it runs out 86697 and he wins lol. ;( ;( ; (

Again was pretty tilted but kept composed and won some pots including a 3bet pot where i 3bet/cbet, checked AK on t24xx and won vs him. He was short now and with less than an orbit left i raised and he jammed 13bbs, it was a very easy call with AT but he had AK and we lost that one.

We ended the day with 62k with the average probably around 80. Feel very happy with every single decision/hand I played in the entire day which is a very rare thing for me. We go back tomorrow a little battered, a little bruised, but with no sense of entitlement, we gonna grind hard, make good decisions and hopefully get it in with the best hand and hold.

For those with a %, this of course means I will miss day 1a of the main event, I will refund with markup ofc and will play day1b on Wednesday.
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-18-2014 , 02:22 PM
14 left 6 pay.


Al pounds.

I have around 190k going into 2.5/5k
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-18-2014 , 06:12 PM
no news is good news I hope
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-18-2014 , 06:44 PM
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-18-2014 , 11:01 PM
Pads is HU
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-19-2014 , 12:20 AM
WPT Nottingham High Roller

2nd for £61,500, very happy with the whole day, extremely tired now though, going to try and get a good sleep before tomorrows tournament. For those with %s tomorrow, I will possibly register a few levels late, I want to get a good sleep and the structure is so good it's better than making tired mistakes early.
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-19-2014 , 07:00 AM
Very good job! Congratulations!
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-19-2014 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
WPT Nottingham Highroller

I was really looking forward to this tournament, I feel very comfortable playing in most fields and it has a structure that suits my game. Starting table (7 handed) had 2 noticeable marks. I played the very first hand vs him in the tournament where i open KsQs and bet twice on KT4J2 and check river and he has AQ. I played very tight for 2 orbits or so with Tom "hitthehole" Middleton running the table over abit and 3betting a lot against the weaker players. Steve Warbutton then made it 800 utg at 300bb. 2 people called then Tom made it 4500, Slyvain Loosli started tanking in the SB and I felt it was a great spot to 4bet because Tom probably wouldnt make it so big with a value hand as they had to fold a lot. Slyvain folds and then I look down a 2 beautiful AA and tank for a longish time before decided 12900 was best because it probably forces Tom to jam anything for value that he squeezed like JJ/QQ/KK and I didnt want to make it 9400 and he has to just flat call AK and he will obviously whiff a lot of flops and just sigh fold. He jammed pretty quickly with KK and we increased our stack to around 80k.

I felt like I had a good feel about the table, I picked up some good spots and passed up some spots. One spot I was lost in was where it was opened and called 3 way and I called the SB with 44. The flop was 5s 3c 2c and we all checked to Slyvain who bet. I called and the others folded. The turn was the 4 and I checked with the intention of calling but he checked back. The river was a 7 and I decided to check and he bet 1/2 pot, I was really lost, but eventually just decided to fold. Felt very close.

The first hand after the break (apologies 2nd, I was late coming back by a couple of minutes) Slyvain opened the button to 1200. I decided to have a depolarised 3betting range and 3bet KQhh to 3000, he 4bet to 8100 and I called. I gave up post flop on A33J.

I was enjoying Steve Warbuttons company, we were speaking alot. I then opened two black kings UTG to 1900, he 3bet me to 4100 from UTG1, I 4bet, he jammed AQ and unfortunately we lose on the K.......JxT board. This was for 150k and probably chip lead (although ofc irrelevant) so I felt pretty tilted about it if I'm honest :/

I won some chips back and then opened 6 handed to 2200 with A9cc from the hijac, Jack Salter jammed the button for 17bbs, I think I dominate enough here that I called, probably bottom of my range but still a call imo, and lost to queens.

Again I chipped up again from pre flop/post flop non showdowns, no super significant pots, just good spots to cold 4bet, c/raise, c/call down etc

The next mark moved to our table and he seemed like he really wanted to punt. He opened to 3500 at 1800bb (last level of the day) it was very close but I defended J6ss. The flop was 6c8h6d (oioioioioioioi) I checked and he insta jammed 3x pot. *I said call and then angrily shouted **** off. I turned over j6 and he threw his cards so fast/hard at the dealer they literally fell off the table, he then walked out the building, i obviously jinx it and tell the table theres a low of sweat cards. Obviously it runs out 86697 and he wins lol. ;( ;( ; (

Again was pretty tilted but kept composed and won some pots including a 3bet pot where i 3bet/cbet, checked AK on t24xx and won vs him. He was short now and with less than an orbit left i raised and he jammed 13bbs, it was a very easy call with AT but he had AK and we lost that one.

We ended the day with 62k with the average probably around 80. Feel very happy with every single decision/hand I played in the entire day which is a very rare thing for me. We go back tomorrow a little battered, a little bruised, but with no sense of entitlement, we gonna grind hard, make good decisions and hopefully get it in with the best hand and hold.

For those with a %, this of course means I will miss day 1a of the main event, I will refund with markup ofc and will play day1b on Wednesday.
great write up, warbs play seems pretty spaz especially if offsuit
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-19-2014 , 10:08 AM
sickooooooooo, GG man
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-19-2014 , 05:48 PM
Boss, keep it up!!
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-19-2014 , 08:02 PM
WPT Nottingham Main Event

This was a frustrating day. My first bullet was on a table with Sofia Lovren, Roberto Romanello, Brammer amongst others. I think I know all the regs here games very well actually, or more than they would expect so was happy with the table draw. The first pot I played on any meaning was when I squeezed the button to 5x after 2 limps from cut off and hijac. The flop was q44x have AT and obviously bet, the first limper calls and the second folds. My read now was that he was going to be stubborn and not fold.

The turn was Q44K and I checked back as I just didnt expect him to fold Qx and against these players I don't want to fire 3 against him.

River was Q44KJ and he checked, I think he has a lot of QJ, AQ, mayyybe KQ in his range so bet really big. He put the calling chips in his hand as I was saying to myself "ship it to poppa" he said raise. I was super surprised but just don't think he ever raises KQ for value here vs a large sizing from me and he was very dramatic and there was no draw so I just expected him to have quads or something like that. It felt like a good fold.

He kept playing very weak passive at this point and I had another decision against him where I flop a set 5 way. He leads out and I decide to raise 22 on 632 and he 3bet the flop against me. It was a large sizing and I was comitting to the hand or folding. I was very sure at the time he had me beat. I could flat the flop bet but somebody called in-between and between the two of them I thought raising would show the highest ev.

I doubled up against Brammer where I rivered a full house against possibly a flush but he didn't show down. I then played a really interesting hand.

I raise QJhx and get 3 callers. The flop is J53hxx, I decide to check, I think in hindsight betting is best. The button who is a young cash game player from London bets, both the blinds call and I decide to call. Flop was very very close, but sb was splashing around and would be calling way more than normal here.

The turn was J537hxxh I check again, theres 11k in the pot and the button bets 1200 with 27k back meaning he cant have a big value hand as obviously he'd bet bigger so he could jam the river right? The sb now who was the kind of guy to raise to find out where he was made it 3100 and the bb folded. I assumed the SB range will almost always be Jx the way he played it as he'd raised top pair and got to show down a couple of times now. So I decided to 3bet the flop to get him to fold QJ,KJ,JT,AJ as both bets were extremely weak. The button who had bet 1200 into 11k now started tanking for ages, I just didn't get it but he jammed for 27k. It would be super super weird to bet this sizing with 55,33 and he very likely doesn't have 64 pre flop when I raise from EP. I checked by cards and I had Jh so he couldn't have JhXh. The sb folded quickly and claimed QJ after the hand. I gave it up pretty quickly as he obviously can't be bluffing here, but it was a really weird/sick spot and I struggled to find any kind of range for him there.

Anyway, I keep playing and end up having 35bbs and opening, the cut off called and then the button squeezed. He has squeezed 98s in a similar spot previously and had been 3betting hands that seem to be better to flat so I think I made a pretty standard jam with 77. He snapped me off and showed ATo which felt like a really weird/bad 3bet/call but I guess he just thinks because I play online I'm going to do something stupid. Anyway he rivers a 4 card flush and thats bullet 1 gg.

He tweeted after the hand

norbert berent ‏@wantmemoney 5h5 hours ago
sry @4bet2induce i just go for a fame to bust u out


I got a second bullet and had Gaelle Bauman, Matt Davenport, Rob Sherwood and then huge huge punters. I made a pretty big fold where I checked back A9hh on A48hh, turn was 5s bringing double flush draw and he bet and I called, river was A845Thhssx and he bet again, I think most people will never check back flop/fold river, but I was just pretty sure from everything in the hand that I was beat, sure there are combos that I beat but theres a lot that beat me too and my live tells seemed to give it off he was strong, so that was a pretty big fold.

A tight Indian guy raised utg and I defended my bb with A3. The flop was 966 and we both checked, the turn was an Ace, I checked and he bet, I called. The river was a 5 giving the 966A5 board and I decided to fold to his river bet so that was two pretty big river folds, but I was really happy I was making them whilst on a second bullet and short and whilst not going to call myself "proud" for doing it, it did feel good to know I was not on autopilot.

I was getting short and told Matt Davenport youre going to double me up next hand. He is an aggressive player who likes to battle and a really nice guy. Dealer deals me AKhh utg, I tell Matt "I told you" and raise, he 3bets me and I smile, I didn't actually think he was that light but with my stack I had to gii and he would likely be 3bc AQ and possibly AJ here. He didn't ask for a count and turned over AA and it was gg.

Entering again tomorrow with 30bbs, its a 90 minute clock and I'm feeling very good and busting at least allows me a good sleep!
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-19-2014 , 10:18 PM
WPT Nottingham, High Roller Day 2

So first off don't get me wrong, I ran well on day 2 of this tournament, I'm going to mention hands I lose but its in no way a moan, I was very happy with the end result and would have taken it going into the day.

Throughout the day I played more pots than anybody else which is rare for a highroller, I usually play tight, but I just felt so on my game throughout that I wanted to play pots and battle.

My starting table was pretty tough and reggy, I immediately lost a really big pot. I raised cut off with AJ, Simon Higgins, a perceived recreational player flat on the button and Sergio Aido (petgaming online) who had fired 3 bullets into this tournament jammed around 38k at 2kbb. I had 63k to start the hand and made the relatively easy rejam. He had AQ and we were really dented and on the brink of busting.

I won a nice pot raising AK, min betting q22 and calling vs leads on 94 vs 87o and winning vs Dhru Patel. I chipped up and won around 7 hands in a row when I had pretty good starting hands but didnt get to show them down unfortunately. Very early in the day I got KK in vs Middy to put me on around 130k when average was 65k and he rivered an ace. I was down to 6bbs at 3kbb so it felt for the second time within an hour "gg".

Shortly afterwards we got it all in again, me for 18k this time and with AJ and he had KK, however this time I won the 30/70 and doubled up. I took a lot of different lines to chip up and was accumulating a lot of small pots that were essential to my stack. Mike Sexton moved to our table and I jammed around 14bbs with A7 and beat his JJ to give me 30bbs which was more than fine in this structure.

I got moved tables to Toby Lewis, Craig Mccorkell, Stevie Chidwick, Paul Newey and a few others and was playing around a 65% vpip. For transparency I played 2 debatable hands.

It was the last hand before the break, I limped button with 9Ts into Stevie Chidwick in the bb and John Haigh in the sb. John raised to 7.5k and I called. The flop was K23 and I decided to raise his cbet of 8k to 19.4k with 50 behind as I felt he folded a lot in this exact spot. He called and we checked down and he had KQ.

Another hand was against Vamplew, I opened cut off into his bb 3 orbits in a row, I had 20bbs in the last one and he decided to 3bet me, I had ATs and I just didn't want to fold. He had chunks and I expected he was pretty light. If he jammed I was 100% snapping. The flop came q73ssx he checked and I think the Queen is the nut card for me and hits me really well so bet. He called and I gave up on the 8/J run out but was super super close to piling river. He had 99.

We were playing with 14 left for 2 full levels and nobody was busting and I was manipulating my stack sizes as I moved from 12-20-30-40-60bbs by adjusting my game accordingly. I won a lot of pots defending my bb and other spots and went from 45k to around 280k. It felt very assuring to get this stack without showing down much and I felt very comfortable.

The pivotal hand of pre-final table then happened, it was 6k bb and Craig went all in for around 80ish. I called with jacks with the intention of calling everybody except Stevies rejams and Toby quickly jammed the bb with QQ for around 93-103k and told them that one of us would flop a set, fortunately it was me and that gave me a really nice stack to abuse the final table bubble and got there with a pretty good stack. I took a lot of lines against certain players because of tendancies in their games and despite wanting to give a good report can't go into some of the hands unfortunately.

Final table

We eventually got to the final table and it looked something like

Seat 1 - Steve Warbutton, 250k
Seat 2 - Stu Rutter, 350k
Seat 3 - Oliver Price, 60k
Seat 4 - Stevie Chidwick, 350k
seat 5 - John Haigh, 200k
Seat 6 - Pablo Fernandez, 250k
seat 7 - Me, 400k
Seat 8 - Bryn Kenney - 450k
Seat 9 - Dhru Patel - 500k

Pay outs were


Obviously the first thing to realise here is a min cash is absolutely huge. 3x the buy in and the equivalent of around $30,000. I have a very good record in final tables online, generally converting a top 3 finish and went with that approach going in. Basically chipping up as slowly and steadily as possible, pushing it as much as possible and then if theres a major set back give up and get into a top 3 position (in this case ITM) before trying to go for the win.

I won the first 4/5 pots I played and my stack kept creeping up, I had gone from a little under 400 to over 600. One hand was against Bryn that was interesting.

BB12k, I make it 25k in the hijac, in the cut off with 350k he made it 54k. With this sizing I am going to flat a lot, I probably will flat AA/KK too and with AQcc it seems to me like a perfect hand to have in my flatting range that will continue well as the streets develop. I'd be more inclined to jam AQo He checks back T82 and then bets the T on the turn. I call and on the As river it goes check, check and he berates me a little "if you played your hand properly you'd have busted me" implying he had JJ-KK but it didn't go to showdown. I think he was a little tilted that I had won. Bryn came across throughout the final as a really, really good guy. He played exceptional throughout and really helped the overall mood of the final.

I then played a very important hand. We were 8 handed I was chip leader and Stu Rutter was 2/8. He had been playing aggressively against the mid stack guys as he should but we hadn't played any pots of significance.

It folds to me on the button and I make it 24k with KcJc off 600k, he has around 400k and 3bets me to around 55k. This felt very, very, very weird to me, in theory I think he shouldnt have a 3bet range as I have a really easy 4bet with so many hands and there were two guys with basically 100k and less. He had also satalited into the event through a tournament won and knew that it was a big cash to him as it was me and everybody else (excpet Bryn perhaps)

I decided to call and we got a beautiful Jd 4c 2c, he checked and I decided to check back, I figured if he has AK then its pretty hard for me to get beat due to having both clubs and a King and he will probably just c/f as his range will look weak and I have a great stack manipulation bet on the turn.

The turn was the Js 4c 2c Qs and he bet 65k. I called which I don't think is close.

The river is the 5s and he bet 109k.

This was really weird to me, in my mind he would never 3bet a hand like QJ,KQ almost ever at this point of the tournament, I also figured it would be highly, highly unlikely he 3bet AQ pre flop because of the icm implications and we have to expect that AA/KK cbets flop a decent amount of the time. I considered shoving because I expected him to cbet back door spades often and obviously if he does have a one pair hand he's going to be very hard pressed to call. I eventually decided to call, mainly because I would still be 2/8 if I lost and if I won I'd be a huge 1/7 whilst still thinking it was probably a profitable call anyway. He had AQ which really surprised me at the time, wp though and in general Stu really didn't play money shy around the bubble, he was playing as aggressive as anybody throughout.

Anyway the bubble bursts and first hand after the bust out Pablo jams 13bbs from the cut off and I have a7cc on the button. Painfully close but I gotta gii and I lose to KJ on the xxxxJ for rubs. My mindset was so wrong after the bubble I think, I'm not sure why but I had a winning process from just min cashing instead of trying to win, not sure exactly why this was. We had a break and I kind of got back on track and was more focused and thinking more through bets and sizes etc Don't get me wrong, I wasn't punting, just previously for 7 hours I was super A+ game and then I slipped into c game for 20 minutes and it was a little frustrating.

One orbit after the break Pablo opens, I 3bet TT, he piles and I call and beat his AQ.

I then play a crippling pot for John Haigh. I open AdAc from UTG to 25k and he defends his BB. The flop comes Jc 6d 4h, he checks and I bet 15k, trying to induce something from an aggressive player who had been handcuffed throughout the final so far. He raised to 50k and I called. The turn was the 2s completing the rainbow and he bet 70k. I didn't particuarly liked it but called. The river was a beautiful 6s. This takes away his 66/j6/64 combos considerably and he bets 90k. Now I think he has a hand like Jx, but I doubt he can ever call a river jam and he has J4 for a counterfitted two pair. His river bet is perhaps not optimal, but when you're in a pot like that and expect to stack the kid raising and winning every pot sometimes you do that kind of thing. Again a word on John, he was a top guy, we went to dinner and I thought he played really good throughout.

Dhru Patel busted to Rutter and Rutter took Stevie Chidwick, Warbutton and somebody else out and had chunks. We were 3 handed

Rutter 1.2m
Me 600K
Brun 400k

Estimated chip stacks. 3rd hand into 3 handed, I opened 88 otb, my first button open and Bryn 3bet the sb, I jammed 40bbs and he called it off with A9. Pretty gangster and we were flipping for a big stack. It came Axxxx and we were short again, this time we were still very focused and wanted to play as perfectly as possible.

We battled for around 3 hours, maybe 4 hours 3 handed, it was a truly really great battle with loads of strat, counter strat and counter counter strat going on. We ended up with me having 1.3m, Bryn 320k and Stu 700k. S At bb 15k I gii with Js 8s bvb vs Bryn's A9 for his 300k but lose and put the stacks back to 1m, 600k, 700k. Stu and I had a really interesting dynamic where I was min raising his button, min betting the flop and 2x potting the turn, it was putting really big ICM pressure on him and I guess he didn't have any really strong hands to continue with as it was boards like J762 and Q544 etc where he was forced to continue on the flop because of my sizing.

Bryn eventually showered Stu in a cooler and we re-positioned ourselves for heads up. If anybody was watching heads up you would have been 99% sure we had chopped it, we were playing very lax and very laid back, theres a great picture on my twitter (4bet2induce) of him, check it out We hadn't dealt, honestly I think Bryn probably wouldn't have dealt with me to be honest. I just think he's a huge gangster who doesn't give a **** and is a huge boss. I respected that and was looking forward to the battle, but playing hu for $62k is pretty crazy. We went into HU with exactly 1.2m each and we had 60bbs each.

We both changed our strat alot from limping/raising out buttons. I was pretty card dead for a while and lost a really crucial pot. He had around 1.4m and I had around 1m. He raised to 50k otb and I defended 6c 5c. The flop was 7s4s2d I checked and he bet 65k and I called. The turn was the 9s and I checked and he bet 115k, at this point he 100000% thought I was a station and not aggro on streets past the flop. I decided to raise to 395k leaving a nice river sized jam. He took a while and called and I check/folded on the 4c river and he said he had a flush.

I doubled up from limping A5 on the button and calling his 18bb jam, pretty unorthodox, but it was right for the spot.

Then the big crucial hand of heads up happened, he limped button and I had lost the last 6/7 pots so decided to raise to 100k at 24kbb he called.

The flop was Q82 and I cbet 65k and he called. The turn was an amazing Q and I bet 180k and he called. At this point I was just very sure he had 8x, he could have Qx too, but just everything felt like 8x. I had also watched a video of him randomly heads up a few weeks ago at WSOP where he check/called turn with 2nd pair to a big bet, called the river jam and told his opponent he couldnt fold river if he called. I decided I'd overbet any river and this was the "win"

The river was the Qc 8h 3d Qs 2d and I bet around 500-600k and he sigh'd whilst I fistpumped inside and called with 8... A. Pretty annoying as I'm sure he calls all 8x on the river.

He puts me all in next button, I call looking at one Ace for 18bbs and then flip over another Ace and double. We then get it AJ vs 22 and he flops a 2.

Hard for me to really describe much here as we played short handed for literally the whole day and I played a 65% vpip there was obviously 30+ really interesting spots.

I really enjoyed playing the tournament, meeting some new people and battling with players I knew of but hadn't played before. As everybody knew I had bricked the 6 or so big live tournaments that I had played previously so this really gave me some more confidence going forward.
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-20-2014 , 02:10 PM
145k on dinner. 94 left 45 pay
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-20-2014 , 06:37 PM
150k one level to go 1500/3000, 65 left 45 pay
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-20-2014 , 08:12 PM
Finished day 2 with 194,000 going into 2/4000 tomorrow. 51 left, 45 pay
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-21-2014 , 01:08 AM
again very much enjoyed reading that update, good job (dont have action but glgl)
pads1161 England rail Quote
11-21-2014 , 07:40 AM
Adrian Mateos Diaz 23 8 560500
Christos Kyprianou 34 2 525500
Ben Warrington 12 4 507000
Phillip Mighall 12 8 481000
Najib Kamand 13 1 428000
David Peters 25 1 403500
Sergi Reixach 12 3 383000
William Chattaway 14 2 373000
Matas Cimbolas 25 3 372000
Ben Vinson 14 4 341500
Charlie Combes 14 8 341000
Tamer Kamel 23 7 336500
Antoine Saout 23 3 324000
Suketu Patel 12 5 308000
Luca Moschitta 34 1 305500
Ben Dobson 34 7 272500
Patryk Slusarek 13 9 237000
Ben Winsor 34 9 236000
Patrick Leonard 25 4 194000
Alan Stearn 13 5 190000
Fraser Macintyre 13 8 190000
Jake Cody 13 7 182500
Jamie Roberts 34 3 176500
Antonio Buonanno 12 9 165000
Yucel Eminoglu 25 2 150000
Sergio Aido Espina 13 4 147000
Jack Ellwood 25 6 142000
Marios Andreas 12 6 141500
Sylvain Loosli 13 2 139500
Vesa Jakobsson 34 8 139000
Pavlos Xanthopoulos 12 2 134500
Nic Markou 25 9 126000
Chris Moorman 12 1 126000
Dominic Cullen 14 7 123500
Louise Duffy 23 5 123500
Kathleen Padovani 14 3 120500
Thomas Middleton 34 4 112500
Fred Wise 13 6 111000
Leo Mcclean 14 6 108000
Charles Chattha 23 2 91500
Morten Varbaek Mortensen 23 4 87000
Dahe Liu 14 5 87000
Marco Della Tommasina 14 1 85000
Stefano Garbarino 23 9 82000
Otto Richard 25 7 81500
Michael Fletcher 12 7 78000
Sinem Melin 13 3 71000
Mark Hitchens 23 6 71000
Ian Simpson 34 6 58500
Mitchell Johnson 23 1 58000
Senh Man Ung 14 9 53000

354 entries £1.062m prize pool

Place Prize
1 $313,328
2 $219,330
3 $144,131
4 $104,965
5 $75,199
6 $61,882
7 $50,132
8 $39,166
9 $28,200
10 - 12 $22,560
13 - 15 $18,800
16 - 18 $15,980
19 - 21 $14,100
22 - 24 $12,533
25 - 27 $10,966
28 - 36 $10,183
37 - 45 $9,400
pads1161 England rail Quote
