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p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL

06-17-2014 , 02:56 PM
wow.....i knew all the way this guy was an absolute fish.........
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-17-2014 , 02:57 PM
06-17-2014 , 03:05 PM
$10 in bounties collected total
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-17-2014 , 03:22 PM
9/36 in the Big €2, ITM also in the $2 turbo
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-17-2014 , 03:45 PM
for 3rd in chips.......but bust in 23rd instead €9.52 cashed
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-17-2014 , 04:11 PM
haha...again, lost count of the times this has happened at crunch time today

$8.05 cashed
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-17-2014 , 05:16 PM
5/74, owed one of these for sure
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-17-2014 , 05:28 PM
thats it for tonight guys, you will have to forgive me for not doing numbers right now but ive been gradually feeling worse and worse over the last 2 hours, head is banging a little, going to turn in and get some rest
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-17-2014 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by p0kerF@ce296
head is banging a little, going to turn in and get some rest
get well soon!get some rest!
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-18-2014 , 11:24 AM
Session buy in $60.64
Session Cashed $52.01

Total BR buy ins $154.94
Total BR cashed $109.96

BR remaining $845.06

Hey guys, still feeling beat not anyware close to how i was feeling yesterday tho, before i went to bed last night i felt like i had been hit by a train, just felt drained, all through the night i was waking up in hot and cold sweats, banging headache still, good old english doctors telling me theres nothing wrong me me........guess i need to man up haha, had a good rest today tho, sleeping on and off for the last 15 hours

hopefully well enough to get back to work tomorrow, as long as im ok for friday i will put in another session

England playing again tomorrow, judgement day for us, hope you are all enjoying the world cup too
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-18-2014 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by p0kerF@ce296

England playing again tomorrow, judgement day for us, hope you are all enjoying the world cup too
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-18-2014 , 05:31 PM
Hey mate,

Im Dutch, so yeah, so far I'm enjoying the world cup alot

About poker, if you don't feel good, just take a week (or two) off from it, that's absolutely no problem. Please don't feel forced to "man up" or whatever .

p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-19-2014 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by MintberryC
Hey mate,

Im Dutch, so yeah, so far I'm enjoying the world cup alot

About poker, if you don't feel good, just take a week (or two) off from it, that's absolutely no problem. Please don't feel forced to "man up" or whatever .

The Aussies gave you a scare yesterday mate, cracking game, what a beauty of a goal from Cahill, i think he outdid RVP for goal of the tournament so far

Had another rough night last night, mainly trouble breathing properly so i went to a different doctors this morning to get a second opinion as the one i went to yesterday had me in and out within 3-4 mins, He signed me off work until Monday and he prescribed me some super dooper allergy tablets that are hopefully going to sort me out, I feel like going back to the other doctor and giving him the middle finger and a few choice words

Summer is supposed to be the best time of year.....only for you non allergy sufferers :P

Anyways i just wanted to keep you guys in the loop as i might follow up on what Mint said and take a week out until im cleared up a bit

apologies to all that this one will take a bit longer than the last but im sure you agree its the best idea

I will ofc keep you updated

p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-19-2014 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by p0kerF@ce296

Had another rough night last night, mainly trouble breathing properly so i went to a different doctors this morning to get a second opinion as the one i went to yesterday had me in and out within 3-4 mins, He signed me off work until Monday and he prescribed me some super dooper allergy tablets that are hopefully going to sort me out, I feel like going back to the other doctor and giving him the middle finger and a few choice words
good for u!
but be aware strong allergy pills will make u tired and a bit muzzy.
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-19-2014 , 11:23 AM
I get the drowzeeness now with the shop bought meds, but as long as they do the job i dont mind, might have to keep some match sticks on me

p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-19-2014 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by p0kerF@ce296
I get the drowzeeness now with the shop bought meds, but as long as they do the job i dont mind, might have to keep some match sticks on me
Or dont fight it and just sleep for a week or two? After that you can go back to crushing Pokerstars all refreshed
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-20-2014 , 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by manndl

side note -
get well Matt!!
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-20-2014 , 11:09 AM
Hey guys, well first day on the meds, my chest is still pretty bad, feel like i have bucket of gunge still stuck in my lungs, and the drowzeeness.......well lets just say i have been up since around 9.30 10am and i think i have had about 4-5 power naps while watching some netflix

I hope i can get a couple of days play in sometime towards the back end of next week as next weekend i wont be playing as its my birthday weekend and that involves a 16 seater bus, mates to fill it and copious amounts of alcohol (could also be some dancing naked ladies involved too, will get some pics if i can)

hopefully will be back to some sort of normality soon, i appreciate you guys being patient, i will work out some sort of freeroll for you guys because...well your just all so awesome might do something with the fpps at the end of the BR or chuck in a Saturday eliminator, will figure it out

Now i have to go and support Italy in an hour and hope the result pans out like we need or in just over 3 hours time Englands would cup is over

Have a good Friday night peeps

p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-20-2014 , 04:37 PM
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-21-2014 , 12:39 PM
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-23-2014 , 08:19 AM
Sup guys, feeling much much better now, sleeping fine and chest has almost cleared up, i will give today and tomorrow a rest still and i think i will be 100% by Wednesday to get us back under way and crush a few games

Once again thanks for your patients guys, hopefully it will be rewarded with a healthy scoop of profits

see you Wednesday

p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-23-2014 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by p0kerF@ce296

hopefully it will be rewarded with a healthy scoop

nice 1 that u want the pack running til the next Scoop
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
06-25-2014 , 10:23 AM
i just found 1 of the rare panini stickers
p0kerF@ce296 MTT+SNG BR RAIL Quote
