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New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail

11-11-2012 , 05:50 PM

gg man!! keep them coming
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-12-2012 , 10:40 AM
$500 sent to Bonzo.

Updated backup funds:
IWasLikeOMG: $300
ratslla: $657.05
TakezoKensei: $354.10
BonzoCuellar: $778.20
d7o1d1s0: $1000
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-12-2012 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by IWasLikeOMG

gg man!! keep them coming

ty! ^^ Starting next package..
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-12-2012 , 05:00 PM
Package finished +$25.97 after 97sngs and 3mtts played (The Hot $33 Turbo-$20k gtd- and two $27 Turbo Knockouts).

$3.50+r/180s: 10th($20.36)
$8/180s: 1st($396.42),18th($15.85),8th($34.35),10th($15.85) ,3rd($157.22)
$15/180s: 9th($42.13),8th($64.44),11th($29.74),4th($198.28)
$7/45s: 2nd($62.11)
$15/45s: 7th($21.70),1st($192.26)

Payouts: $2000+($25.97*0.60)= $2015.58

Bankroll for next package: $2015.58
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-13-2012 , 12:02 PM
Starting next package..

Bankroll: $2015.58
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-13-2012 , 06:10 PM
Package finished -$384.78 after 95sngs and 5mtts played.

Mtts: $27 Turbo Knockouts(2),$2.20+r 2x Turbo($9k gtd)-3rebuys-,The Hot $11 Turbo($25k gtd),The Big $8.80($25k gtd).

$3.50+r/180s: 4th($124.02)
$8/180s: 8th($34.35),11th($15.85),6th($66.06)
$15/180s: 6th($123.93),10th($29.74)
$15/45s: 2nd($133.32),3rd($102.31),4th($77.51),2nd($133.32)
$30/45s: 7th($43.54)
$27 Turbo Knockouts(2): 32nd/275($35.75+$10.00 in Bounties) & 60th/387($34.05+$15.00 in Bounties)

Payouts: $2015.58-$384.78= $1630.80

Bankroll for next package: $1630.80
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-14-2012 , 03:12 PM
Starting next package..

Bankroll: $1630.80
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-14-2012 , 10:17 PM
Package finished +$113.32 after 99sngs and 1mtt played ($1.10+r 3x Turbo $60k gtd -4rebuys-)

$3.50+r/180s: 1st($511.09)
$15/180s: 6th($123.93),16th($29.74),14th($29.74),13th($29.74 ),3rd($294.95),13th($29.74)
$15/45s: 7th($21.70),3rd($102.31),1st($192.26),3rd($102.31)

Payouts: $1630.80+($113.32*0.60)= $1698.79

Bankroll for next package: $1698.79
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-15-2012 , 07:14 PM
Starting next package..

Bankroll: $1698.79
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-16-2012 , 05:40 AM
Package finished -$261.93.Updating tomorrow with details.
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-17-2012 , 12:42 AM
Yesterdayīs package finished -$261.93 after 85sngs and 15mtts played.

Mtts: $2.20 6max Turbo($5k gtd),$9.90 Turbo oftp($4k gtd),$1.10+r 3x Turbo($30k gtd)-8rebuys-,The Hot $5.50 Turbo($5k gtd),$1.10+r 2x Turbo($6k gtd)-2rebuys-,$13.50 Turbo Knockout($7.5k gtd),$8.80 Turbo($8k gtd),$11 Turbo($8.5k gtd),$2.20+r Turbo 6max($2k gtd)-2rebuys-,$16.50 Turbo,MicroMillions-006: $2.20+r 2x Turbo($20k gtd)-8rebuys-,The Hot $22 Turbo($10k gtd),$27 Turbo Knockout,$5.10 hyper 6max($1k gtd),$23.45 hyper($6k gtd).

$3.50+r/180s: 15th($21.09),14th($22.08),18th($20.67),1st($494.83 )
$8/180s: 17th($15.85),5th($85.87)
$15/180s: 10th($29.74),12th($29.74)
$7/45s: 7th($10.11),2nd($62.11),6th($17.33)
$1.10+r 2x Turbo($6k gtd): 180th/1723($8.80)

Payouts: $1698.79-$261.93= $1436.86,rounded to $1437

Total: $1437
IWasLikeOMG-10%: $143.70
ratslla-5%: $71.85
TakezoKensei-10%: $143.70
BonzoCuellar-20% : $287.40
d7o1d1s0-55%: $790.35

Taking differences to rollover from backup funds

Updated backup funds:
IWasLikeOMG: $243.70
ratslla: $628.90
TakezoKensei: $297.80
BonzoCuellar: $665.60
d7o1d1s0: $690.35

Bankroll for next package: $2000
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-17-2012 , 12:29 PM
Starting next package..
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-17-2012 , 08:45 PM
Package finished -$212.60.Updating later or tomorrow with details.
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-18-2012 , 01:20 AM
Todayīs package finished -$212.60 after 86sngs and 14mtts played.

Mtts: $2.20 Turbo($5k gtd),$5.10 hyper($2k gtd),$2.20+r 2x Turbo($9k gtd)-2rebuys-,$27 Turbo Knockout,The Hot $11($25k gtd),MicroMillions 020: $2.20+r 3x Turbo($150k gtd)-3rebuys-,$2.70 Turbo Knockout($7.5k gtd),$5.40 Turbo Knockout($10k gtd),MicroMillions 023: $1.00+r 3x Turbo($125k gtd)-4rebuys-,$5.10 hyper($5k gtd),$1.10+r Turbo-2rebuys-,$1.35 Turbo Knockout($6k gtd),The Hot $0.55($2.5k gtd),$5.10 hyper 6max($4k gtd).

$3.50+r/180s: 5th($113.42),2nd($319.00)
$8/180s: 15th($15.85),15th($15.85)
$15/45s: 6th($37.20),1st($192.26),3rd($102.31),7th($21.70), 3rd($102.31),7th($21.70)
$5.40 Turbo Knockout($10k gtd): 191st/2784($11.13+$7.00 in Bounties)
$1.10+r Turbo: 32nd/610($8.73)
MicroMillions 023: $1.00+r 3x Turbo($125k gtd): 2135th/28366($17.23)

Payouts: $2000-$212.60= $1787.40

Bankroll for next package: $1787.40
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-18-2012 , 11:14 PM
Starting next package..

Bankroll: $1787.40
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-19-2012 , 01:13 AM
Ughh...An intense toothache after starting the sesion,made me decide to unreg all and just play the 7 running games for today.Finished these 7games even (+$0.56).If I feel ok will probably continue tomorrow with the package.
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-19-2012 , 08:25 PM
Continuing with the package..
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-20-2012 , 04:49 AM
Played the remaining 93games for +$210.22,so the final result for the package is +$210.78.

Updating tomorrow with details.
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-21-2012 , 05:03 AM
This last package finished +$210.78 after 82sngs and 18mtts played

Mtts: $5.10 hyper($3k gtd),$1.10+r 3x turbo($30k gtd)-11rebuys-,The Hot $5.50 Turbo($5k gtd),$1.10+r 2x turbo($6k gtd)-only addon spent-,$13.50 Turbo Knockout($7.5k gtd),$8.80 Turbo($8k gtd),$11 Turbo($8.5k gtd),$2.20+r Turbo 6max($2k gtd)-2rebuys-,$16.50 Turbo,$44 Turbo($8k gtd),The Hot $22 Turbo($10k gtd),$8.80 Turbo 6max($4k gtd),$27 Turbo Knockout,$3.30+r 2x Turbo($4k gtd)-2rebuys-,$1.10+r Turbo($7k gtd)-12rebuys-,$27.50 Turbo($8k gtd),$5.10 hyper,$23.45hyper($6k gtd).

$2.50/180s: 2nd($82.08),9th($6.97)
$3.50+r/180s: 10th($21.01)
$15/180s: 1st($743.64)
$7/45s: 6th($17.33),6th($17.33),2nd($62.11),5th($26.00)
$15/45s: 5th($55.80)
$44 Turbo($8k gtd): 15th/268($144.72)

Payouts: $1787.40+($210.78*0.60)= $1913.86

Bankroll for next package: $1913.86
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-21-2012 , 10:25 PM
Starting next package..

Bankroll: $1913.86
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-22-2012 , 02:56 AM
Played 67games for -$133.77 for the moment.Will probably finish the package tomorrow.
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-22-2012 , 10:24 PM
Continuing with the package..
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-23-2012 , 01:32 AM
Played the remaining 33games for -$130.35,so the final result for the package is -$264.12.

Mtts: $2.20+r 6max Turbo($2k gtd)-2rebuys-,$16.50 Turbo,$11 Turbo($8.5k gtd),$9.90 NLHE 360cap,$11 NLHE ($2.5k gtd),$5.10 hyper($3k gtd),The Hot $22 Turbo($10k gtd),$5.10 hyper($1k gtd),$8.80 Turbo 6max($4k gtd),$3.30+r 2x Turbo($4k gtd)-6rebuys-,$5.10 hyper 6max($1k gtd),$27 Turbo Knockout,$1.10+r Turbo($7k gtd)-6rebuys-,$5.10 hyper($1k gtd),$27.50 Turbo($8k gtd),$1.10+r Turbo($1.5k gtd)-4rebuys-,MicroMillions-071 $11 Turbo SuperKnockout($20k gtd),$16.50 Turbo,$2.20+r 6max Turbo($2k gtd)-2rebuys-,$5.10 hyper($3k gtd).

$2.50/180s: 18th($4.92),13th($4.92),3rd($48.83),4th($32.83),10 th($4.92)
$7/45s: 3rd($47.66),7th($10.11),3rd($47.66),3rd($47.66)
$15/45s: 1st($192.26),4th($77.51),6th($37.20)
$15/27s: 5th($30.10)
$9.90 NLHE 360cap: 5th/28($20.16)
$1.10+r Turbo($7k gtd): 107th/1697($15.27)
$2.20+r Turbo 6max($2k gtd): 27th/421($18.32)

Payouts: $1913.86-$264.12= $1649.74

Bankroll for next package: $1649.74
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-23-2012 , 01:42 PM
Starting next package..

Bankroll: $1649.74
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
11-23-2012 , 10:01 PM
Package finished with +$1230.43 profit after 97sngs and 3mtts played.

Mtts: The Hot $11 Turbo($25k gtd),$5.40 Turbo Knockout($10k gtd),$1.10+r 3x Turbo($60k gtd)-19rebuys-.

$2.50/180s: 1st($123.19)
$3.50+r/180s: 1st($562.83)
$8/180s: 4th($105.69),10th($15.85),12th($15.85),12th($15.85 ),8th($34.35)
$15/180s: 4th($198.28),7th($86.75),15th($29.74),11th($29.74) ,1st($743.64),5th($161.10),11th($29.74)
$7/45s: 7th($10.11)
$15/45s: 2nd($133.32),2nd($133.32),6th($37.20)

Payouts: $1649.74+($1230.43*0.60)= $2387.99,rounded to $2388

Total: $2388
IWasLikeOMG-10%: $238.80
ratslla-5%: $119.40
TakezoKensei-10%: $238.80
BonzoCuellar-20% : $477.60
d7o1d1s0-55%: $1313.40

Adding profits to backup funds

Updated backup funds:
IWasLikeOMG: $282.50
ratslla: $648.30
TakezoKensei: $336.60
BonzoCuellar: $743.20
d7o1d1s0: $903.75

Bankroll for next package: $2000
New adventurer packages -June 2012 Edition- Rail Quote
