plz post here before saturday noon if u want to roll over otherwise i will refund u.
those not interested still are booked for the 81$ for wcoop satties.
out 750$ gear.
refunds :
26+15+4,40+25,50------>70,90$ if u want to rollover.
otherwise 70,90*MU------->77,28
plus cashes 22+8,70----->30,70$(so far,i´m still in 2 tourneys)
so either u get 108$ so 1,08$ for every share back now and u are still booked for those
81$ satty $$ for saturday or u want me to keep rolling and u have a chance to get some more $$.
if u aren´t interested in the satties at all no problem i will refund u those aswell and u get 1,96$ per share.
Last edited by manndl; 09-11-2014 at 02:58 PM.
Reason: plz read