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Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail

06-26-2014 , 12:14 AM
****ing gross. I defend A3 in LHE vs Mike Watson's open, flop is AA9 rainbow, I check call, check-raise Qs turn putting Mike all-in for half a bet more, he has K10ss, spade river :/. Down to 2.5k
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-26-2014 , 02:43 AM
Busto . Got unlucky in a big 3way Stud high pot with Queens and a flush draw losing to 5s and 4s to treble a guy. And bricked last hand all in.
Monster stack is tommorow at noon.
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-26-2014 , 07:08 AM
Crushed some Rio $20/40 mix to somewhat make up for it.
The NLHE Monster stack is tomorrow at noon. It got so damn big and overbooked that they added a second flight. So there are now 4000 (fully booked) at the noon flight, and then there's now a second flight at 5pm, which had around 1500 registered to it when I last shed.
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-26-2014 , 05:37 PM
At 14800 from 15k starting stack coming up to break in this ridiculously huge Monster stack event. Made it on time, nothing interesting so far, table is really bad/soft. One guy at my table showed up almost 2 hours late, and had just 2% of his stack blinded down. Also just found out that if you don't show up by the the start of level 3 in any event, then they take your stack out and refund you.
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-26-2014 , 06:04 PM
At 14800 from 15k starting stack coming up to break in this ridiculously huge Monster stack event. Made it on time, nothing interesting so far, table is really bad/soft. One guy at my table showed up almost 2 hours late, and had just 2% of his stack blinded down. Also just found out that if you don't show up by the the start of level 3 in any event, then they take your stack out and refund you.
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-26-2014 , 07:59 PM
Was upto 18500, but just lost a ****ing stupid and huge pot with QJ < Q9 on QJ5 flop, and he donk bet-calls the flop.Then next lose another brutal one with AQs where I manage to lose the min when K86 flop checks through, and I just check-call A turn, Q river rainbow. 9k on 4hr break. Tilting. Still 1/200 blinds though

Last edited by Hero Value; 06-26-2014 at 08:06 PM.
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-26-2014 , 08:50 PM
Well I cbet-3bet 98 on 3Q2 oop for the first time which gets tough. But then lose another ****ing brutal one to double a guy with 1010 < 10J in on turn of 7698. Down to 5k at 1/200/25 ante

Last edited by Hero Value; 06-26-2014 at 08:58 PM.
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-26-2014 , 09:54 PM
2400 on 6hour break. Having to be patient, but literally the best hand the last hour has been Q6o. Coming back to 150/300 blinds. Time for some hands and to run it up
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-27-2014 , 01:14 AM
Bust . Still 0 hands and then shove A2 from the CO for 9bbs, Sb wakes up with JJ, and no bueno.
Really particularly brutal/tilting tournament. Never fun busting ones that are just such good value with incredibly soft fields. Around $1.5 million for 1st place too, and looks like it might break the record for the biggest field ever.
Also sucks that there are no cash or sats today because the Monster stack is using up all the tables. 3k PLO8 at 4pm tomorrow though!
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-27-2014 , 09:21 PM
Still very happy with how I played in yesterday's monster stack, and wouldn't have done anything differently in any of the remotely important pots on reflection. It just sucks.
But anyway, have been excited for my first ever $3k today! The $3k PLO8 has just started, and I have Joe Hachem, Mike Sexton, and Paul Jackson at my table. Ruh roh. This should be good!
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-27-2014 , 10:17 PM
Upto 16k from 9k starting stack already in the $3k PLO8. Let's do this!
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-27-2014 , 11:10 PM
11300 on 2 hour break. Bricked a big one, and people at my table just don't fold. Hachem bust, actually a pretty soft table atm.
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-28-2014 , 01:41 AM
Rough last level. Down to 7.7k from 9k starting.
Not gonna lie, playing like a ****ing champ. Lost an ugly one defending AKJQs in the bb HU to min open, flop 910Q checks, I lead 9 turn, check-call Ax river 60% pot bet, with the A and Q blockers too, but he somehow has A923 :/
Also hero bet-folded AJQKhhdd on 2JKss vs Paul Jackson's check raise and he had 2/3 starting stack. He said he had a set.
Thankfully Brandon Cantu bust from my table.
Table just broke, new one looks ok, nobody I recognise. Time to run it back up!
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-28-2014 , 02:12 AM
And Double Boom! Double up pre with AA79s vs A21010ds, and then knock someone out with AA35s vs A237ccc, who limp-back-pot shoves pre. Upto 23500. Let's go!
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-28-2014 , 03:42 AM
Up to 36000 on 6 hour break! Just 2 hours left on the day. Let's go!
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-28-2014 , 04:46 AM
Doubled up the same guy all-in pre twice. Kind of tilting. Down to 23700 at the end of level, but still above avg. Guess I should have just gone to bed an hour ago!
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-28-2014 , 06:01 AM
Didn't run so great near end of day, but bagged up 20k to end the night in the $3k PLO8. 153 left and average is 27.9k. Let's get at it tomorrow!
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-28-2014 , 05:45 PM
Wow, ****ing brutal. Already bust on the 5th hand. AA2Q < A2310dd to bust vs ODB. Board runs out J74dd2x10x :/. Sucks.

Just late regged this noon $1500 NL
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-28-2014 , 07:38 PM
3775 from 4500 starting in the NL on 4 hour break. Pretty fun/soft table, has Julian Thew on it.
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-28-2014 , 08:35 PM
Boom! Get a full treble up 3bet shoving AK, and spike vs KK and QQ! Up to 9725. Let's do this!
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-28-2014 , 09:59 PM
8850 on dinner break. Probably around/just above average.
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-29-2014 , 12:00 AM
QQ > JJ pre to knock someone out to get almost a full double up. 15100, average is 12.7k. Let's go!
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-29-2014 , 01:11 AM
Sigh, ****ing gross. QJ < QK in on QJ7. Down to 10300 coming up to 8 hour break.
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-29-2014 , 02:12 AM
Busto :/. KK < AJo pre. Rough. Might take the day off tomorrow
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
06-30-2014 , 07:15 PM
$3k FLO8 has just started! Feeling pretty good about this one. Playing 4-handed atm, with 2 away stacks.

Took it easy yesterday, just played 1 $325 FLO8 sat for this, and came 3rd for $500 after we dealt to take some out when 3-handed (good deal for me as I was shortest).
Hero Value's 2014 WSOP and summer rail Quote
