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hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02)

12-01-2014 , 03:26 AM
Rail for the following package on Tuesday 2014/12/02:
12:30 | $27.00 | PSKO / 12.5K Gtd.
12:30 | $ 3.30 | HOT 3.30 / 6K Gtd.
13:30 | $ 4.40 | HOT 4.40 / 10K Gtd.
14:10 | $ 7.50 | BIG 75 Sat. (Turbo, Deep) / 2 Seats Gtd.
14:12 | $ 3.30 | HOT 33 Sat. (Turbo, Deep) / 10 Seats Gtd.
14:15 | $ 1.10 | HOT 1.10 / 2.5K Gtd. / Inv. freeroll
15:00 | $ 5.50 | BIG 5.50 / 20K Gtd.
15:00 | $ 1.35 | KO (Turbo) / 4K Gtd. / Inv. freeroll
15:15 | $ 5.50 | 2R1A (=$20.50 total) / 5K Gtd.
16:15 | $ 5.50 | 1000 Cap. / 2K Gtd.
16:15 | $ 2.20 | BIG 22 Sat. (Turbo, Deep) / 5 Seats Gtd.
16:25 | $11.00 | Phase1 / 75K Gtd.
16:40 | $ 2.20 | BIG 22 Sat. (Turbo) / 5 Seats Gtd.
16:45 | $22.00 | SKO / 15K Gtd.
17:00 | $ 8.80 | BIG 8.80 / 30K Gtd.
17:15 | $11.00 | BIG 109 Sat. (Turbo, Deep) / 4 Seats Gtd.
18:00 | $22.00 | BIG 22 / 50K Gtd.
18:00 | $ 3.30 | 2K Gtd.
18:15 | $ 8.80 | 500 Cap. / 3K Gtd.
18:30 | $11.00 | HOT 11 (Turbo) / 35K Gtd.
18:53 | $ 2.75 | HOT 16.50 Sat. (Turbo) / 10 Seats Gtd.
19:00 | $ 4.40 | PSKO / 12K Gtd.
19:00 | $ 5.50 | 3K Gtd.
19:00 | $22.00 | 10K Gtd.
19:15 | $ 5.50 | BIG 55 Sat. (Turbo, Deep) / 5 Seats Gtd.
19:40 | $ 5.50 | BIG 55 Sat. (Turbo) / 5 Seats Gtd.
20:00 | $ 3.30 | PSKO / 10K Gtd.
20:00 | $ 3.30 | 2K Gtd.
20:00 | $11.00 | BIG 11 / 65K Gtd.
(All times are in CET)

Link to original package:

20% Dolf_delft
15% Mintberry
10% mtt
10% K_2
10% Thesh0rtstack
10% DONKEY08811
5% goezongomes

hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-01-2014 , 06:41 AM
Attention: Guys, I am sorry, above here itt it is the wrong schedule. The right one is in the original thread. Looks pretty much the same, but there are slight differences, don't know how that happened. Sorry.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 08:56 AM
12:30 | $27.00 | PSKO: Busted. KJs < KJo. No KOs, sry. Could't get anything going here, was then carddead for ages, KJs was the best I could find 10BB short, then look at this:

12:30 | $ 3.30 | HOT 3.30: Busted. AT < QJ. ~300 off the money.

Last edited by hapunkt; 12-02-2014 at 09:03 AM.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 09:20 AM
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 09:25 AM
show us the $$$$$$$
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 09:42 AM
14:12 | $ 3.30 | HOT 33 Sat. (Turbo, Deep): Busted. KK < AJ for a straight. Guy played every hand. Fish gets there obv.

Edit: Last 7BB went in next hand 77 < JJ.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 09:50 AM
13:30 | $ 4.40 | HOT 4.40: Busted. AK < 9T. Got absolutely crippled two hands before. FML.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 10:14 AM
14:10 | $ 7.50 | BIG 75 Sat. (Turbo, Deep): Busted. Almost blinded out, lost some spots, doubled up... Eventually busted 77 < 44. Guy flopped Quads. Ofc.

14:15 | $ 1.10 | HOT 1.10: Busted. 99 < A9. A on the river, sure.

Last edited by hapunkt; 12-02-2014 at 10:29 AM.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 10:46 AM
What would you have done here?
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 11:03 AM
Time for some HEAT!!! Go Go Go!!!!
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 11:21 AM
15:15 | $ 5.50 | 2R1A: Took another bullet, f**** up a hand earlier w/ nutflush draw for a huge pot, couldn't get there. Taking the add-on now, but that's better with a healthy stack. $ 5.00 coming back.

15:00 | $ 1.35 | KO (Turbo): Busted. 88 < KQ. 383rd for $ 1.87 + KOs for $ 0.50 = $ 2.37

Last edited by hapunkt; 12-02-2014 at 11:30 AM.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 11:50 AM
come on AA vs AA!!!!
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 11:52 AM
16:45 | $22.00 | SKO: Oh noooo. But what can I do? 4BB left.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 12:20 PM
15:00 | $ 5.50 | BIG 5.50: Busted. 99 < AT for a flush, short.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 12:31 PM
16:15 | $ 2.20 | BIG 22 Sat. (Turbo, Deep): Busted. 99 < AA short.

16:30 | $ 2.20 | Rebuy: Made it to add-on on first bullet w/ an average stack. Taking the add-on, but refund $ 6.00.

Last edited by hapunkt; 12-02-2014 at 12:37 PM.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 12:55 PM
16:45 | $22.00 | SKO: Not only we are back to 4.4K chips (left w/ 80 1 hour ago), but we also have the first KO for $ 10.00.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by hapunkt
id raise a bit smaller from btn(early pos 3x is ok), and prolly play it the exact same way considering u r deep and its a bloated pot. Id also get it in otf vs some players, like smash his c/r with a jam, but thats very player dependant.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 01:15 PM
17:15 | $11.00 | BIG 109 Sat. (Turbo, Deep): Busted. A9s < 33 short.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 01:23 PM
17:53 | $ 2.20 | HOT 11 Sat. (Turbo): Busted. A9 < AJ short.

17:00 | $ 8.80 | BIG 8.80: Busted. AK < AQ. Q on the river.

16:25 | $11.00 | Phase1: Busted. A8 < A9 short.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 02:10 PM
16:45 | $22.00 | SKO: Busted. TT < AT. 1 KO for $ 10.00.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 02:21 PM
16:30 | $ 2.20 | Rebuy: Busted. AJ < AK short. Refund $ 6.00.

18:53 | $ 2.75 | HOT 16.50 Sat. (Turbo): Busted. AJ < 99 short.

Last edited by hapunkt; 12-02-2014 at 02:28 PM.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 02:43 PM
15:15 | $ 5.50 | 2R1A: Busted. KK < A9. Finished in 61st place for $ 29.01 + Refund $ 5.00 = 34.01.

18:00 | $22.00 | BIG 22: Busted. 66 < AK short.

Last edited by hapunkt; 12-02-2014 at 02:54 PM.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 03:06 PM
16:15 | $ 5.50 | 1000 Cap.: Busted. A8s < KK short. Finished in 43rd place for $ 12.26.

18:00 | $ 3.30 | 2K Gtd.: Busted. AQ < QQ short.

19:00 | $ 4.40 | PSKO: Busted. AT < JJ short.

19:15 | $ 5.50 | BIG 55 Sat. (Turbo, Deep): Busted. KTs < AJ short.

19:00 | $ 5.50 | 3K Gtd.: Busted. AK < TT.

Last edited by hapunkt; 12-02-2014 at 03:34 PM.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 03:37 PM
19:40 | $ 5.50 | BIG 55 Sat. (Turbo): Busted. 77 < Q5 short. Busted in 15th place (9 paid).

20:00 | $ 3.30 | PSKO: Busted. Couldn't laydown TP vs 2pair. AK < A7, KO $ 0.75. Sorry.

Last edited by hapunkt; 12-02-2014 at 03:45 PM.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
12-02-2014 , 03:48 PM
18:30 | $11.00 | HOT 11 (Turbo): Busted. KK < A8o of course, A on the river. Finished in 256th place for $ 28.07.

Look at this, c'mon, WTF...

20:00 | $ 3.30 | 2K Gtd.: ...and busted. Shoved what was left after hand above with 66 and ran into AA, ofc.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Dec 02) Quote
