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hapunkt - Thursday Rail (Nov 05) hapunkt - Thursday Rail (Nov 05)

11-05-2015 , 10:03 AM
Link to the following package on Thursday, 2015/11/05:
17:00 | $ 8.80 | Big 8.80 / 30K Gtd. (late reg.)
17:15 | $ 5.50 | (Total=$10.50) / 2R1A / 7.5K Gtd. (late reg.)
18:00 | $ 22.00| Big 22 / 45K Gtd.
18:00 | $ 3.30 | 2.5K Gtd.
18:15 | $ 8.80 | 4K Gtd.
18:30 | $ 11.00| Hot 11 / 30K Gtd.
19:00 | $ 4.40 | PSKO / 15K Gtd.
19:15 | $ 5.50 | Big 55 Sat. (Turbo, Deep) / 15 Seats Gtd.
19:15 | $ 11.00| 6K Gtd.
19:30 | $ 16.50| Hot 16.50 / 40K Gtd.
20:00 | $ 11.00| Big 11 / 50K Gtd.
20:00 | $ 3.30 | PSKO / 12.5K
20:30 | $ 5.10 | Hyper / 5K Gtd.
20:30 | $ 13.50| KO / 15K Gtd.
20:30 | $ 5.50 | (Total=$10.50) / 1R1A / 6K Gtd.
21:00 | $ 5.50 | Turbo / 8K Gtd.
(All times are in CET)

Link to original package:

40% Spurredon
20% K_2
15% NoPointBluffing
5% ArthurB
hapunkt - Thursday Rail (Nov 05) Quote
11-05-2015 , 10:20 AM
GL today. Let's have some deep runs!
hapunkt - Thursday Rail (Nov 05) Quote
11-05-2015 , 01:11 PM
^^ TYTY will try!

Regged up now, GL us!
hapunkt - Thursday Rail (Nov 05) Quote
11-05-2015 , 01:55 PM
Here is one ugly hand from the Big 22. If you like, please comment:

17:00 | $ 8.80 | Big 8.80:
Busted. 99 < AK.
hapunkt - Thursday Rail (Nov 05) Quote
11-05-2015 , 02:59 PM
18:30 | $ 11.00| Hot 11: Busted. QQ < A7 (see below).

17:15 | $ 5.50 | 2R1A: Busted. AK < KQ.
hapunkt - Thursday Rail (Nov 05) Quote
11-05-2015 , 04:08 PM
18:00 | $ 22.00| Big 22: Busted. AJ < AA short.

18:00 | $ 3.30 | 2.5K Gtd.: Busted. AJ < 44.

20:30 | $ 5.10 | Hyper: Busted. 88 < AJ.
hapunkt - Thursday Rail (Nov 05) Quote
11-05-2015 , 04:29 PM
19:30 | $ 16.50| Hot 16.50: 316th for $ 30.32
hapunkt - Thursday Rail (Nov 05) Quote
11-05-2015 , 05:46 PM
Very ugly one as well in the 13.50 KO:

20:30 | $ 13.50| KO: Busted. KK no good:
hapunkt - Thursday Rail (Nov 05) Quote
11-05-2015 , 05:57 PM
20:30 | $ 5.50 | 1R1A: Busted. A9 < AJ.

Busted from all except Big 11 now. Sitting at 67K atm (average 22K), short before the money.

GL us in that, I'll be back tomorrow with numbers.
hapunkt - Thursday Rail (Nov 05) Quote
11-06-2015 , 02:13 AM
Yeah nice. Yesterday my PC crashed while playing. Couldn’t get this going again which never happened before. I first thought, it was the screen passing out, but it unfortunately was the system itself.
Had to finish session on backup device, which sucks.
Under this circumstances I can’t play at least for some days
I apologize for that mess.

Had some deepish runs, but lost important flips in both.

19:15 | $ 11.00| 6K Gtd.: Refund $ 11.00
19:30 | $ 16.50| Hot 16.50: 316th for $ 30.32
20:00 | $ 11.00| Big 11: 267th for $ 28.93
21:00 | $ 5.50 | Turbo: Refund $ 5.50

Total: $ 75.75 ~$76.00

Thanks everyone for investing. Sending in some hours, when on a computer with stars, sorry for the delay.

GL to you, Cheers!

hapunkt - Thursday Rail (Nov 05) Quote
11-06-2015 , 07:34 AM
Finally had acess to a desktop stars client. All funds sent. Sorry again for the delay and the break in the session. Cheers.

Back with a new computer next week hopefully
hapunkt - Thursday Rail (Nov 05) Quote
