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HammerU Weekly Rail HammerU Weekly Rail

02-08-2011 , 03:32 PM
Tuesday (All on Cerious unless noted)

2:15 75 25k superstack (FTP)
3PM 183 30 reb
3PM 22 5k Big Anti (stars)
3PM 55 Freezeout
3:15 27.5 5k Big Anti (stars)
4PM 155 50 cubed
4PM 44 Deepstack
4:15 26 18k Superstack (FTP)
5PM 91.50 15 reb
6PM 44 Deepstack
7PM 305 50 reb
7:20 122 20 rebuy

Daily Buy-ins
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-08-2011 , 03:39 PM
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-08-2011 , 04:57 PM
nothing doing first hour. 0 for 4 on big showdowns....2 flips and 2 dominations by me. No sweat though as it is very early...

more detailed updates later
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-08-2011 , 05:58 PM
Tuesday (All on Cerious unless noted)

2:15 75 25k superstack (FTP) BUST
3PM 183 30 reb 15/76 18 paid
3PM 22 5k Big Anti (stars) 42/135 36 paid
3PM 55 Freezeout BUST
3:15 27.5 5k Big Anti (stars) 147/174 45 paid
4PM 155 50 cubed REFUNDED
4PM 44 Deepstack 48/114 18 paid
4:15 26 18k Superstack (FTP) 209/711 90 paid
5PM 91.50 15 reb starting....
6PM 44 Deepstack
7PM 305 50 reb
7:20 122 20 rebuy
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-08-2011 , 06:58 PM
Tuesday (All on Cerious unless noted)

2:15 75 25k superstack (FTP) BUST
3PM 183 30 reb 17/35 18 paid
3PM 22 5k Big Anti (stars) 17/50 36 paid
3PM 55 Freezeout BUST
3:15 27.5 5k Big Anti (stars) BUST
4PM 155 50 cubed REFUNDED
4PM 44 Deepstack hanging around
4:15 26 18k Superstack (FTP) BUST
5PM 91.50 15 reb starting hanging around
6PM 44 Deepstack
7PM 305 50 reb
7:20 122 20 rebuy
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:00 PM
Do your thing fella.
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:42 PM
Tuesday (All on Cerious unless noted)

2:15 75 25k superstack (FTP) BUST
3PM 183 30 reb BUST 19th on dead bubble will post hand below
3PM 22 5k Big Anti (stars) 26th for $61.20
3PM 55 Freezeout BUST
3:15 27.5 5k Big Anti (stars) BUST
4PM 155 50 cubed REFUNDED
4PM 44 Deepstack BUST
4:15 26 18k Superstack (FTP) BUST
5PM 91.50 15 reb 57/77 18 paid
6PM 44 Deepstack REFUNDED
7PM 305 50 reb REFUNDED
7:20 122 20 rebuy REFUNDED
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:45 PM
33 reb bustout on bubble with a few players about to go out....

Don't see how I can fold here as this player might be doing this with close to any two and he is most likely raising to induce pretty much anything better barring A9 or A10 maybe....

Stage #561200647 Tourney ID 5989661 Holdem Multi Normal Tournament No Limit 1,200 - 2011-02-08 18:32:02 (ET)
Table: 19 (Real Money) Seat #9 is the dealer
Seat 4 - SOUTHCJAY7 (65,046 in chips)
Seat 5 - HAMMER_U (20,002 in chips)
Seat 6 - MYNINET0FIVE (58,841 in chips)
Seat 7 - RUMPY1120 (16,554 in chips)
Seat 8 - JEFFBEESDAT (48,766 in chips)
Seat 9 - JOEPHILLY (47,190 in chips)
SOUTHCJAY7 - Ante 100
HAMMER_U - Ante 100
RUMPY1120 - Ante 100
JOEPHILLY - Ante 100
SOUTHCJAY7 - Posts small blind 600
HAMMER_U - Posts big blind 1,200
Dealt to HAMMER_U [Ad 8s]
RUMPY1120 - Folds
SOUTHCJAY7 - Raises 47,400 to 48,000
HAMMER_U - All-In 18,702
SOUTHCJAY7 - returned (28,098) : not called
*** FLOP *** [As Kc 9c]
*** TURN *** [As Kc 9c] [Ks]
*** RIVER *** [As Kc 9c Ks] [8h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
SOUTHCJAY7 - Shows [Kd 7d] (Three of a kind, kings)
HAMMER_U - Shows [Ad 8s] (Two Pair, aces and kings)
SOUTHCJAY7 Collects 40,404 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot(40,404)
Board [As Kc 9c Ks 8h]
Seat 4: SOUTHCJAY7 (small blind) won Total (40,404) HI40,404) with Three of a kind, kings [Kd 7d - B:Ks,P:Kd,B:Kc,B:As,B:9c]
Seat 5: HAMMER_U (big blind) HI:lost with Two Pair, aces and kings [Ad 8s - B:As,P:Ad,B:Ks,B:Kc,B:9c]
Seat 7: RUMPY1120 Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 9: JOEPHILLY (dealer) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-08-2011 , 08:38 PM
Final Tuesday Results (All on Cerious unless noted)

2:15 75 25k superstack (FTP) BUST
3PM 183 30 reb BUST 19th on bubble will post hand below (-60 rebuys)
3PM 22 5k Big Anti (stars) 26th for $61.20
3PM 55 Freezeout BUST
3:15 27.5 5k Big Anti (stars) BUST
4PM 155 50 cubed REFUNDED
4PM 44 Deepstack BUST
4:15 26 18k Superstack (FTP) BUST
5PM 91.50 15 reb BUST (+15 rebuys)
6PM 44 Deepstack REFUNDED
7PM 305 50 reb REFUNDED
7:20 122 20 rebuy REFUNDED

*These are final records for Tuesday. Two deep runs but ran bad late in both. Did not play o bunch of tournaments because of tough/small fields or starting time (will shut it down sometimes if running bad to preserve)

*Looks like we lost $400-500 total of the $1150 today....will finalize later.
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-08-2011 , 11:16 PM
*Adding in the 12k rush ut multi entry on ftp in 5 min. Going to subtract the $3 KO from each so we don't need to keep track of those

17-3(KO) = 14 x 4 = $56 to be added

gl us
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-08-2011 , 11:56 PM
busted 3 before money

5/95 other one
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-09-2011 , 12:25 AM
30th for $73.11

Really close...lost AK to 99 at end to be in good spot. Turned a small profit on the set.
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:23 AM
Wed morning

Going to warm up with another 4 x 14 (17-3KO) = $56 Super KO 5k
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:56 AM

135 Paid
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-09-2011 , 11:54 AM
107 $24.41
13th $104.38

*Another close one. Keeping track of all of these in this thread and will organize everything later
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-09-2011 , 03:31 PM
Wednesday (All on Cerious unless noted)

2:15 75 25k superstack (FTP)
3PM 183 30 reb
3PM 22 5k Big Anti (stars)
3PM 55 Freezeout
3:15 27.5 5k Big Anti (stars)
4PM 155 50 cubed
4PM 44 Deepstack
4:15 26 18k Superstack (FTP)
5PM 91.50 15 reb
6PM 44 Deepstack
7PM 305 50 reb
7:20 122 20 rebuy

Daily Buy-ins
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:56 PM
Need to grab something to eat....will post more detailed updates next hour
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:57 PM
Busted 30 reb...raised the button AJ then got 3 bet by pretty agg bb...leaving himself 20bb. I 4 bet shipped and ran into AQo. Then I fought back and ran AKx into QQ and busted. Even if I found a fold with the AJo still busting with the AK.

Hanging in a few...will update if anything gets interesting
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-09-2011 , 07:56 PM
Finished 20th for $61.20 is stars 22 big anti
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-09-2011 , 07:56 PM
35/71 15 rebuy
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-09-2011 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Hammeru173
35/71 15 rebuy
21/34 18 paid
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-09-2011 , 09:36 PM
busted on bubble 19th....just awful table position and couldn't find any spots until this

Stage #562881356 Tourney ID 5988707 Holdem Multi Normal Tournament No Limit 1,200 - 2011-02-09 20:32:17 (ET)
Table: 5 (Real Money) Seat #8 is the dealer
Seat 2 - C_SWEENZ (57,462 in chips)
Seat 4 - BIGDOGPCKT5S (87,632 in chips)
Seat 5 - MAI09 (83,097 in chips)
Seat 7 - HAMMER_U (8,420 in chips)
Seat 8 - CURRENCY101 (26,851 in chips)
Seat 9 - K_DOT22 (56,057 in chips)
C_SWEENZ - Ante 100
MAI09 - Ante 100
HAMMER_U - Ante 100
CURRENCY101 - Ante 100
K_DOT22 - Ante 100
K_DOT22 - Posts small blind 600
C_SWEENZ - Posts big blind 1,200
Dealt to HAMMER_U [10d 10c]
MAI09 - Folds
HAMMER_U - All-In(Raise) 8,320 to 8,320
CURRENCY101 - Folds
K_DOT22 - Calls 7,720
C_SWEENZ - Folds
*** FLOP *** [Qh 5c Qd]
*** TURN *** [Qh 5c Qd] [6h]
*** RIVER *** [Qh 5c Qd 6h] [As]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
HAMMER_U - Shows [10d 10c] (Two Pair, queens and tens)
K_DOT22 - Shows [Ad 3d] (Two Pair, aces and queens)
K_DOT22 Collects 18,440 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot(18,440)
Board [Qh 5c Qd 6h As]
Seat 2: C_SWEENZ (big blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 5: MAI09 Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 7: HAMMER_U HI:lost with Two Pair, queens and tens [10d 10c - B:Qh,B:Qd,P:10d,P:10c,B:As]
Seat 8: CURRENCY101 (dealer) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 9: K_DOT22 (small blind) won Total (18,440) HI18,440) with Two Pair, aces and queens [Ad 3d - B:As,P:Ad,B:Qh,B:Qd,B:6h]
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-09-2011 , 09:40 PM
Wednesday Totals

2:15 75 25k superstack (FTP) BUST (+60)
3PM 183 30 reb BUST
3PM 22 5k Big Anti (stars) 20th $61.20
3PM 55 Freezeout BUST
3:15 27.5 5k Big Anti (stars) BUST
4PM 155 50 cubed REFUNDED
4PM 44 Deepstack BUST
4:15 26 18k Superstack (FTP) BUST
5PM 91.50 15 reb BUST (+30)
6PM 44 Deepstack REFUNDED
7PM 305 50 reb REFUNDED
7:20 122 20 rebuy REFUNDED
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
02-09-2011 , 11:02 PM
*Going to run another 4x multientry $14 (17-3) x 4 = $56 in 20 min.

*again KO's are removed so we don't have to keep track
HammerU Weekly Rail Quote
