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greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 greg2be's weds rail, 1/1

01-01-2014 , 06:04 AM
Time price type
10.00 $3,3 nlhe
10.30 $2,2 hot 2
11.00 $2,2 nlhe
11.00 $3,3 time
12.30 $3,3 hot 3
12.30 $3,3 time
13.30 $5,1 hyper
13.30 $4,4 hot 4
13.32 $2,2 nlh cap
14.30 $5,1 hyper
14.45 $5,1 hyper
sats for big 33 $9,9

Total: $49,40

+ a number of sng's

mtt3166123: 20% - rec
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 06:07 AM
first hand in 11.00 $3,3 time

greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 06:24 AM
11.00 $3,3 time

busted the next hand shoving 98s
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 06:31 AM
big 33 sat

1/17, 7 spots paid
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 06:38 AM
This seemed a bit dumb

He was 100/50 over 10 hands....
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 06:40 AM
damn - busted the first satty to big 33 - A8s < JQ > A8 aipf

10/15 in the second after 99 < KK
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 06:57 AM
10.00 $3,3 nlhe - 69/212 - 117 itm
10.30 $2,2 hot 2 - blinded away, no hands at all in this
11.00 $2,2 nlhe - out - AK < AQ aipf
11.00 $3,3 time - out
sat to big 33 - 4/11 - 9 seats and $27 for number 10

#1 - out - KQs < 57s aipf to crible, then AJ < AK to bust
#2 - AJ < Q10 aipf to basically bust
#3 - out - A8s < Q10
#4 - 1010 < AK for a top 3 stack with 20 left. Out in 19th - $2,66

#1 - out
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 07:06 AM
made the big 33
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 07:56 AM
10.00 $3,3 nlhe - 71/114 itm
Big 33 - a bit up and down. 377/635 atm
12.30 $3,3 hot 3 - starting stack
12.30 $3,3 time - 10th/717 - $20,30

#5 - out - 88 < KK to crible
#6 - out - A9 < K8 > A8
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 08:54 AM
big 33

88< A9 to set me back
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 08:57 AM
10.00 $3,3 nlhe - 5/42
Big 33 - 191/524 - QQ > A10s right b4 break
12.30 $3,3 hot 3 - 600/1150 - 720 itm
13.30 $5,1 hyper - out
13.30 $4,4 hot 4 - dbl starting stack
13.32 $2,2 nlh cap - short
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 09:57 AM
10.00 $3,3 nlhe - 15/16 - heat plz?
Big 33 - out
12.30 $3,3 hot 3 - 55/196
13.30 $4,4 hot 4 - AQs < K8o aipf for a lot - then out
13.32 $2,2 nlh cap - out
14.30 $5,1 hyper - 105/507
14.45 $5,1 hyper - out
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 10:23 AM
10.00 $3,3 nlhe - KK < AA to bust in 13th. $20,22
12.30 $3,3 hot 3 - 26/90
14.30 $5,1 hyper - out - first 44 < K8 then A8 < KJ
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 10:30 AM
finish strong gl man
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 10:44 AM
marginal spot wit those 44 vs 99 couldn't find a fold
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 10:44 AM
and out in 47th - $30,90

A10 < QK to bust
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by mtt3166123
marginal spot wit those 44 vs 99 couldn't find a fold
yeah I know - kicked myself afterwards, but I think he would have shoved a lot of hands there... :/

Ended up with a slight profit for the day - total buy in = $68,9, total cash = $74,08.

Would have been sweet to cash the big 33, but not today I guess :/
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
01-01-2014 , 11:00 AM
if I knew I was the only one in this I would have taken 50%
greg2be's weds rail, 1/1 Quote
