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Double Play #5 Rail - miniFTOPS Double Play #5 Rail - miniFTOPS

09-19-2010 , 08:58 PM
4th break @32k. Really ugly end to the hour in cards. Lost a 20k ai race to a shortstack (KQ<AT) then had to make a sick laydown of 2-pair. Nevertheless, healthy shape
Double Play #5 Rail - miniFTOPS Quote
09-19-2010 , 09:11 PM
down to 20k, once again lost a race to a short stack, AK<QQ
Double Play #5 Rail - miniFTOPS Quote
09-19-2010 , 09:24 PM
ah man crippled. down to 6k and 5bb. Was btn and mp shoved with 9bb, i called with 77 and he was on top of his range with QQ which held.. just so frustrating
Double Play #5 Rail - miniFTOPS Quote
09-19-2010 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by BigVach
ah man crippled. down to 6k and 5bb. Was btn and mp shoved with 9bb, i called with 77 and he was on top of his range with QQ which held.. just so frustrating
hang in can run it up..just look for a good spot to get it in

but is frustrating
Double Play #5 Rail - miniFTOPS Quote
09-19-2010 , 09:57 PM
32k after 5 hours, below the AVG of 58k.

and Ryan busted like 20 min ago shoving 5 BBs with QK into Kings.
Double Play #5 Rail - miniFTOPS Quote
09-19-2010 , 10:17 PM
ITM now, but short.

Got 27k at 1200/2400/300 lvl
Double Play #5 Rail - miniFTOPS Quote
09-19-2010 , 10:35 PM
Pretty crazy events after the bubble bursted:

Got crippled was 88 < AT. Then shoved K4 (with 3 BBs) into AT and hit. Finally 99 > AT.

Sitting at 40k at 1400/2800/350 level.
Double Play #5 Rail - miniFTOPS Quote
09-19-2010 , 10:58 PM
And busted. 1003th for $152.16

Never had a spot where I could shove, players were opening almost every hand and needed some decent hands to be able to jam with, as I had no fold equity with any 3 bet. Considering how tight I was, the guy could even fold his 6s here, oh well.

Full Tilt Poker MiniFTOPS Main Event No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1700/t3400 Blinds + t400 - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG+2: t77620 M = 8.92
MP1: t35203 M = 4.05
Hero (MP2): t30908 M = 3.55
CO: t60162 M = 6.92
BTN: t82608 M = 9.50
SB: t116125 M = 13.35
BB: t583437 M = 67.06
UTG: t48717 M = 5.60
UTG+1: t43872 M = 5.04

Pre Flop: (t8700) Hero is MP2 with A K
4 folds, Hero raises to t30508 all in, 2 folds, SB raises to t115725 all in, 1 fold

Flop: (t68016) 3 5 4

Turn: (t68016) 8

River: (t68016) 4

Final Pot: t68016
Hero shows A K (a pair of Fours)
SB shows 6 6 (two pair, Sixes and Fours)
SB wins t68016
Double Play #5 Rail - miniFTOPS Quote
09-20-2010 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by broken_jia
Pretty crazy events after the bubble bursted:

Got crippled was 88 < AT. Then shoved K4 (with 3 BBs) into AT and hit. Finally 99 > AT.

Sitting at 40k at 1400/2800/350 level.
yea man, i watching you play for the last hr or so... and this is a fold with your stack size and the size and position of the original raiser... When you have 10bb we want to get it first with as much fold equity as possible... not calling with best case scenario we are 50/50.... I mean don't get me wrong.. its not horrible by any means... just higher variance imo...
Double Play #5 Rail - miniFTOPS Quote
09-20-2010 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by Tourbound68
yea man, i watching you play for the last hr or so... and this is a fold with your stack size and the size and position of the original raiser... When you have 10bb we want to get it first with as much fold equity as possible... not calling with best case scenario we are 50/50.... I mean don't get me wrong.. its not horrible by any means... just higher variance imo...
The 88 < AT hand or 99 > AT hand?

The 88 hand, I felt I was ahead of his range (he shoved for like 8 BBs from UTG+3) and I reshoved my 15 ish BB stack.

The 99 hand was pretty ******ed where the guy min raised from UTG with a shoving stack and I felt like I was somewhat impatient here, small fold equity and probably not beating his range (ideally he should be shoving the bottom of his range and raising the top of his range).

Thanks for railing btw and GL with with your WPT!

I'm gonna send out the funds tom, should be something like 175 total between Ryan and myself. Overall, I think we played fine, the package was just not big enough for investors to minimize the variance on these high-field tournaments.
Double Play #5 Rail - miniFTOPS Quote
09-20-2010 , 10:54 PM
Here are the results from this package (includes both mine and Ryan's games):

Main Event - $152.16
1 x $ 4 KO in $26 6-Max - $4
PL HA Skipped Buyin - $22

Total Refund = $178.16

Therefore, will be the returns:
$44.54 = 25% - TimM846 (derekraivio on FTP)
$36.64 = 20% - mjcace (MJCACE on FTP)
$17.82 = 10% - Birgit70 (Birgit70 on FTP and Stars)
$17.82 = 10% - Tourbound68 (Tourbound68 on FTP)
$8.90 = 5% - TakingStackz (TakingStaCkZ on Stars)

Sending all shortly, will send to PM Birgit whether she prefers FTP or Stars.

Sucks for investors to lose money, but the variance on these monster fields are incredibly high. Hopefully we can put together some results in future packages.
Double Play #5 Rail - miniFTOPS Quote
