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djmatz 180s pack djmatz 180s pack

08-20-2014 , 06:39 PM
I have to say i am pretty disappointed that you decided to change the package, got one person who posted they agreed and you changed the package in less than 12 hours from when you posted

I have 50% of this package, and wasnt even afforded an opportunity for my input? Because i wasnt online/checked the rail in the last 24 hours?

Why was their no pm sent?

you cut the number of tournaments down significantly from what was remaining, increasing the buyin, etc and didnt even wait for input from investors/properly inform that you were doing it.

Win or lose, this really isnt a great way to do business
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-20-2014 , 06:45 PM
Here we go again KK < AQ < 99 pfai lol
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-20-2014 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Harp221122
I have to say i am pretty disappointed that you decided to change the package, got one person who posted they agreed and you changed the package in less than 12 hours from when you posted

I have 50% of this package, and wasnt even afforded an opportunity for my input? Because i wasnt online/checked the rail in the last 24 hours?

Why was their no pm sent?

you cut the number of tournaments down significantly from what was remaining, increasing the buyin, etc and didnt even wait for input from investors/properly inform that you were doing it.

Win or lose, this really isnt a great way to do business
Hi Harp,
I understand what you're saying and I agree with you. I made the decision probably too fast and without the full consent of all investors. I just felt it was a decision in favor of the pack and results. I was just looking for a solution to balance a session according to speed of regging.

If you want I can just stop after this mini session and refund everything if you want that. In that case the pack has profit and you have the freedom not to invest anymore in my packs. I feel really sorry that you are dissappointed and want to excuse me. I was assuming I could be a bit flexible with the pack but appearantly forgot to ask everyone's permission -especially your's since you have 50%.

Let me know what you think. Sorry again mate.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-20-2014 , 07:08 PM
Building up steady in last 2 8s.

I will not reg anymore nor continue the session after this last 2 untill we have a full consent of the end of the pack.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-20-2014 , 07:15 PM
Im not interested in cutting the package short, but certainly given that i have 50% here would have assumed that i would be afforded the opportunity to comment on any changes before they are implemented.

You sold this as a longer term pack, so balancing sessions and speed of reg'ing wouldnt have been a concern for me over playing more games, lowering variance (despite how you may be running in 8's right now)

I understand from your side, regging a full session also has value, but the way you sold this, you said it would take time, so I didint see the issue with playing the games as they were laid out, that is why i invested a larger amount, because of the number of games.

instead of doing 96+20 for 116 games
we are now at 60+28 for 88 games (and increasing the avg buyin and variance levels)

despite how you are running at either level or how fast they register, cutting 28 games from the pack imo lowers the value.

At the end of the day, you have at least one investor who doesnt mind, and I am not interested in stopping it at this point, or have you not play your best because you had to change to what you dont want at this point. Had i been afforded the opportunity, I wouldnt have agreed.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-20-2014 , 07:22 PM
I understand your reasoning and admit I had to ask for your opinion at first. I also didnt know that there was gonna be enough free time to get some volume in in a short timeframe.

I also agree on the stated long term conflicting with me playing this pack at a lower volume + higher pace. I should have stated the pack it in a more flexible way or rephrased my words in another way.

If you are OK with me completing the pack as I suggested (more 8s) or rather see me switch to a higher proportion 2.5s or maybe just stop here and refund, I would really appreciate that we can come to a decision so everyone is happy.

Last edited by djmatz; 08-20-2014 at 07:32 PM.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-20-2014 , 07:23 PM
A8 < A3 for 7k pot in last 8s

KQ < AK to bust


Left but open for feedback. Won't reg again untill concencus

3.89+46.78+12.55+2.66+8.58+3.89+76.62+1 (refund)+2.66+12.55+46.78+150.61=$368.57

Last edited by djmatz; 08-20-2014 at 07:33 PM.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-20-2014 , 09:02 PM
Im ok with the changes made. I can understand how changes might be not ok with some people though. I suggest "pay" everybody out, and redo the pack under the new terms to the existing backers first. Might even take more myself
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-20-2014 , 09:05 PM
i agree with djmatz, anyway i agree with harp about dont pmed with the changes of the package. Next time pm all investors (this package only 3) and wait until changes are accepted.

djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 04:22 AM
Well, if I summarize correctly we will have a few options

1. We consider this pack done and have 450$ in returns. We can then reconsider a new pack with you guys as prio investors. If I have to be honest I will design the pack a) more 8s weighted and b) more flexbile in timing (meaning I could finish it in a few days or it can take longer depending on workload in my day-to-day job

2. I can finish the pack with 16x2.5 and 5x8 left, send out returns and design a new pack that suits me better.

3. I can finish the pack by playing 32x2.5 for the $80 to come closer to the original plan, lowering the volume of the 8s (in this case I only played 3 more 8s than the original plan.

Up to you guys. Like said before, won't continue untill we all agree on the finish.
Anyhow, this was a very good lesson for me to phrase my next packages in a better and less confusing way which leaves me open for more flexible choices to make during the pack. I am also a very frequent investor over the years and saw a lot of players reshuffle packs, use refunds for other stuff for the good of the pack and the investors. I don't want to say I can just do the same or enjoy the same thrust as those players, just wanting to point out.

Switching from 96-20 (116) to 70-28 (108) did'nt look like that of a big change in the end..

Last edited by djmatz; 08-21-2014 at 04:35 AM.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 06:53 AM
option 2
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 07:22 AM
Happy with any so long as it happens soon, and gets underway lol
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 10:30 AM
just finish with what you have if these guys are happy.

reshuffling packages and using refunds are one thing (reshuffling for missed tournaments, and most state they will use refunds for further games, so $$ are in action). changing buyin and game amounts in a sng pack is different, there are no missed tournies here to be accounted for, and no refunds that wouldnt be in action. Pointing that out really has no bearing on not informing people or a justification for it.

good luck with the remaining games
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Harp221122
just finish with what you have if these guys are happy.

reshuffling packages and using refunds are one thing (reshuffling for missed tournaments, and most state they will use refunds for further games, so $$ are in action). changing buyin and game amounts in a sng pack is different, there are no missed tournies here to be accounted for, and no refunds that wouldnt be in action. Pointing that out really has no bearing on not informing people or a justification for it.

good luck with the remaining games
It is pretty common practice in the MP that let's say a 5 10 15 and 20 mtt T is missed and would be replaced by a 50 if it is in the range of buyin, or even funded because of other cashes in other T's. Anyways, I probably just made a quick and dirty decision because imo it wouldn't make too much of a difference (regarding bi and according volume), but appeantly it does and I respect your opinion.

I will finish this pack the way I changed it (16x$2.5 - 5x$8). After I sent out refunds I will give you guys a priority for the next pack. Composition of that new pack will probably be 2.5:8 as in 2-3:1 instead of the original plan of this pack being 5:1 with the possibility to move to 3-4:1 when 8s fill up slow (we get the point by now, right?)

Possible that I will do a sesh or 2 today. Feedback on hands is also welcome.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by djmatz
It is pretty common practice in the MP that let's say a 5 10 15 and 20 mtt T is missed and would be replaced by a 50 if it is in the range of buyin, or even funded because of other cashes in other T's. Anyways, I probably just made a quick and dirty decision because imo it wouldn't make too much of a difference (regarding bi and according volume), but appeantly it does and I respect your opinion.
I am not really interested in much more of a debate as what is done is done, but the above is exactly what i said.

for a MTT pack where games are MISSED, it is common practice to add in other games, etc to replace those missed.

In this case, you didnt MISS any games, you simply changed what you wanted to play because the others didnt reg as fast and you were "running well" on the higher buyins.

As i said, that has no bearing on others replacing games that were missed in other packs or using refunds, you didnt have either of those situations, so both are irrelevant and using them for justification is pretty far off.

Im fine to move on from this, i would think getting back to playing is probably the best route at this point
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 11:43 AM
Harp, I appreciate your honest opinion in this discussion and will definitely take my lessons from it.

Will try to bink the last few to give our ROI a good boost! GL US

Sent from my HTC One using 2+2 Forums
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 06:28 PM
Starting up a sesh

Nice bluffcatch early in 8s to DU

Playing a small sesh tonight 6X2.5 and 3x8

regged another 2.5

Last edited by djmatz; 08-21-2014 at 06:54 PM.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 06:52 PM
Lost big cf in 2.5 AK < JJ

VERY strange hand vs trips in 8s

Yawn yawn AQ < QJ pfai std

Max value from KK in 8s

Last edited by djmatz; 08-21-2014 at 07:04 PM.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 07:06 PM
Freaking gross 3 hands in a row

AK < AK pfai to bust s8 for 5k pot (was too late to capture, 3 clubs on flop, 4th on turn)

AQ < A9 pfai for pot in 8s

Q10 < 79 ....

Few DU's in the rest to compensate, ty stars

Just think stars will reward my good decision with puke rivers.

Managed to do a few crucial DU's with A2ss and 66

44 > JJ for an import DU in 8. stars giving us back money!

Last edited by djmatz; 08-21-2014 at 07:21 PM.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 07:23 PM
Again having a few potential stacks guys!

LOL AGAIN, god freaking *** QQ < 99 for huge stack in 2,5s, runner runners flush. Can't believe this. If we won a few more times while favorite we would make tons of money..

Last huge 3-way flip in 8s for CL pot, 4 bb left but itm

AK < AJ < 88

Mincash in 8 shoving Q8 in late pos, sb calls with Ax

ITM 2,5 but short

DU in other 8s AK > 66, 2 from itm

Shoved my 22 vs AA in good value spot with few bb's left to mincash in 2,5

Only 1x8 left, ITM

Last edited by djmatz; 08-21-2014 at 07:44 PM.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 07:46 PM
Big double KK > A10. Let's go!

F2T, 7/18, 8th or better is officially in profit
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 08:08 PM
Deep deep deep sigh K10ss < shorties J4. Pot would have secured FT, so sad to loose this kind of pots in important spots....

FT but shortie. Let's turn things around.

Got lucky with KJss < AK pfai

AQ < A10 pfai to compensate I guess, lol was CL pot.................

6th for 56$, i'm go a status update and cry in my bed.

Last edited by djmatz; 08-21-2014 at 08:26 PM.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 08:15 PM
This pack is officially in profit. 4/8. gogogogo!

A7ss < A10 with less than 10bb vs shorty. Damn, crippled with 3bb

Sick double A7 > QQ. Back to 37k

I JUST CANT BELIEVE THIS ..... AK < 78......this was the CL pot again, and again .. cant express how angry I feel

Got 6th for 56$, I will give status update and go cry in my bed. This is just pure madness

Last edited by djmatz; 08-21-2014 at 08:30 PM.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-21-2014 , 08:29 PM


3.89+46.78+12.55+2.66+8.58+3.89+76.62+1 (refund)+2.66+12.55+46.78+150.61+8.58+2.66+56.81=$436.62

Will play the last later in the weekend or maybe on Monday. I'm really pissed. Peace out
djmatz 180s pack Quote
08-22-2014 , 01:01 PM
Probably starting up the last session of this pack ina few mins. Have the PS7 update but will finish in the og software and explore it later

AKss < QQ to bust 2,5 super early

DU in other 2.5s KK > QQ

Last edited by djmatz; 08-22-2014 at 01:30 PM.
djmatz 180s pack Quote
