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Days of summer with nutty_hamish Days of summer with nutty_hamish

07-22-2018 , 05:43 PM
Went on to bubble at least 3 more with pair over pair including the Double deuce and Mini Million. Not cashing any of those really hurt us cause we ran awful everywhere else. Best run was Mini marathon but that ended in one of the many (pretty standard) spots we jammed AQ<AK today.

$11 Mini kick-off
$7.50 Sat to Big 44
$7.50 Bounty Builder
$5.50 Sat to Marathon
$5.50 Sat to Marathon
$4.40 Big
$5.50 Mini Marathon
$16.50 Bounty Builder
$4.40 Sat to Bounty Builder 44
$22 Sat to Million
$3.30 MM-52 PKO
$13.20 Mini rebuy
$33 rebuy
$7.50 Sat to Bounty Builder 44 *seat won
$22 PKO 15k
$7.50 Big
$5.50 Hot
$22 Double Deuce
$11 zoom hu TKO
$11 Bounty Builder
$5.50 turbo PKO 7k
$22 Sunday Mini Million
$22 Big
$11 Hot
$16.50 DS PKO 25k
$5.50 Sat to Big 55 *seat won
$5.50 Sat to Bounty Builder 33
$11 Big
$5.50 MM-54 Sunday Storm
$11 Bubble Rush
$33 Bounty Builder
$3.30 MM-55 Horse



$3.30 MM-52 PKO
$16.50 Bounty Builder
$22 Sat to Mil
$5.50 Hot
$7.50 Big
$11 Bounty Builder
$22 Big
$22 Big
$33 Bounty Builder
$5.50 MM-54 Sunday Storm




$3.40 Bounty Builder 7.50
$0.74 MM-52 PKO
$14.70 zoom hu TKO
$3.70 DS PKO 25k 16.50


$9.42 Bounty Builder 7.50
$24.66 Bubble Rush 11
$15.01 Mini Marathon
$13.49 Bounty Builder 11




BR at $289.91

prob going to come back for the the Mini sonic $22 and $11 hu zoom in 20 min as a bonus (unless we cash)... Otherwise back early tomorrow with Big 27 and BB 22 and others....
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-22-2018 , 06:23 PM
GL chin up it will come...
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-22-2018 , 09:55 PM
to bust 64th out of 4078 in the 1r zoom MM event. Why you gotta keep doing me like this

$22 mini sonic
$22 HU(2 bullets)
$6.60 MM-57 1r zoom

$34.28 Mini Sonic
$4.90 HU
$32.45 MM-57 1r zoom

+ $21.03

BR @$310.94
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-23-2018 , 08:21 AM
Starting up now
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-23-2018 , 10:13 AM
Today is the day!!!!

Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-23-2018 , 02:02 PM
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-23-2018 , 05:36 PM
satty into the BB 109 and cashed with some KOs for a day saver!!! Prob not back till thursday.

$22 Bounty Builder
$27 Big
$4.40 Hot
$11 4k Invitational
$5.50 Bubble Rush
$5.50 Sat to Marathon
$4.40 Sat to Big 44
$7.50 Bounty Builder
$5.50 Sat to Marathon *seat won
$7.50 Bubble Rush 1k
$4.40 Sat to Big 44
$16.50 Bounty builder
$3.30 Sat to Hot 33
$5.50 MM-61 8-max
$4.40 Sat to BB 44
$4.40 Bubble Rush
$7.50 Sat to BB 44
$22 PKO 10k
$7.50 Big
$5.50 Hot
$7.50 PKO 6k
$5.50 Turbo PKO 6k
$11 Sat to Bounty Builder 109 *seat won
$11 Bounty Builder
$22 Big
$11 Hot
$7.50 hyper 6-max PKO 7.5k
$5.50 hyper 6-max 5k



$10 PKO 10k 22
$1.70 PKO 6k 7.50
$5 Bounty Builder 11
$5.25 hyper 6-max PKO 7.5k 7.50
$243.76 Bounty Builder 109


$8.40 Bubble Rush 5.50
$15.24 Hot 5.50
$57.36 Big 22
$131.74 Bounty Builder 109

$478.45 - $262.30 =


BR at

Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-24-2018 , 12:17 PM
Scratch that, back this afternoon/evening
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-24-2018 , 01:05 PM
All the best!!!!

Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-24-2018 , 04:35 PM
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-24-2018 , 08:00 PM
Starting in a min with mini ST and BB 33 + a bunch of others. Feeling ready for a big session!
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-24-2018 , 08:12 PM
regged a few games and realized hud is down .... not going to reg anymore unless HUD starts working
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-24-2018 , 08:22 PM
the HUD can't save us from them always having AA(obv in the biggest buy-ins)
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-24-2018 , 08:31 PM
Prob going to fire some other small stuff and keep to 4 tables max. Can't force myself to 2 table a $5.50 micro mil and Big $7.50 all night
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-24-2018 , 10:30 PM
bleh, couldn't seem to get it in good very much. Hopefully will have HUD fixed for Thursday, not that it made any difference today.

$22 Mini ST
$33 Bounty Builder
$7.50 Big
$5.50 MM-76 6-max
$4.40 Hot
$3.30 hyper 6-max 1.5k
$3.30 hyper 6-max 1.5k (re-entry)
$16.50 Hot
$3.30 zoom hu TKO
$7.50 hyper 6-max 2.5k


$6.74 hyper 6-max 1.5k 3.30
$2.94 zoom hu TKO


Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-26-2018 , 11:11 AM
HUD is still down . Still going to play today but will keep tables very low
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-26-2018 , 11:24 AM
glgl, will you stream?
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-26-2018 , 12:08 PM
i will! On in 10-20 mins
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-26-2018 , 09:29 PM
Deep(ish) run in BB 7.50 and cashed Hot 22 and BB 33 after sattying them, so a slight profit today!

$7.50 Big
$11 zoom Hu TKO
$11 zoom Hu TKO(re-entry)
$11 Bounty Builder
$11 Sat to Mini Thrill
$5.50 Turbo PKO 6k
$11 Sat to Mini Thrill
$22 Big
$11 hot
$5.50 Sat to BB 33 *seat won
$5.50 MM-90 8-max
$11 Open
$7.50 turbo 6-max PKO 7.5k
$5.50 hyper 6-max 5k
$3.30 Hot
$3.30 Sat to Hot 22 *seat won
$3.30 MM-92 hyper 3-max PKO
$7.50 Hot
$5.50 Bubble Rush
$11 turbo DS PKO 10k
$11 zoom Hu TKO



$18.75 BB 33
$58.86 BB 7.50
$1.51 MM-92 hyper 3-max PKO
$14.70 zoom Hu TKO


$5.35 Hot 3.30
$33.27 Bounty Builder 33
$56.33 Hot 22
$15.72 Hot 7.50
$25.25 Bounty Builder 7.50


Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-26-2018 , 09:31 PM


Hud is working again !! Might play tomorrow, definitely planning to play the Main on Sunday. Probably won't be streaming much again unless tables get low
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-27-2018 , 08:06 AM
about to fire up a session. Plans tonight so will be a little shorter than usual.
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-27-2018 , 08:09 AM
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-27-2018 , 04:18 PM
Today felt really good in beginning but didn't have any deep runs. ALso bubbled a seat to Big 109 after losing two 70% equity spots(both would have locked a seat ). Lots of cashes and sattied B44 and BB44 but no big monies. It's coming Sunday!!!

$22 Bounty Builder
$5.50 MM-96 WTB
$27 Big
$4.40 Hot
$11 2.5k
$5.50 Bubble Rush
$4.40 Sat to Big 44
$7.50 Bounty Builder
$7.50 Sat to Big 44 *seat won
$4.40 Big
$16.50 Bounty builder
$3.30 Sat to Hot 33
$4.40 Sat to BB 44
$4.40 Bubble Rush
$7.50 Sat to BB 44 *seat won
$11 Sat to Big 109
$22 PKO 10k
$7.50 Big
$5.50 Hot
$7.50 PKO 6k
$11 Zoom hu TKO
$5.50 Turbo PKO 6k
$11 Hot
$7.50 hyper 6-max PKO 7.5k
$5.50 hyper 6-max 5k



$15 Bounty Builder 22
$1.70 Bounty Builder 7.50
$5 PKO 10k 22
$9.80 Zoom hu TKO 11
$1.25 Turbo PKO 6k 5.50


$24.26 Bounty Builder 22
$6.43 Bounty Builder 7.50
$26.20 2.5k 11
$6.90 109 sat
$22.81 Hot 11
$45.27 Big 7.50



BR @ $414.69
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
07-28-2018 , 01:09 PM
been really enjoying the Hu zooms so going to fire a bullet at the $22 Mini duel today
Days of summer with nutty_hamish Quote
