Well cash was a disaster... 11.5 total gets 3 runs... but thankfully this is why we also play GPP's!
2nd for a solid $600 (also had a 4 man stack finish 4-7th in the 2.20 version)
Current BR's
FD: $2569 (-$431)
DK: 419.48 (-831.52)
Fantasy Feud: 716.93 ( +516.93)
Fantasy Aces: 129.43 (-145.57)
Reserve: $2765
Additionally we have the following tickets
2 x $109 Qual Tickets (Aces)
15 x $27 tickets to the 1 million tournament (DK)
Ticket Value: $623
So down just a couple hundred in spite of running terrible in cash, so far
Tomorrow is the 27 1 mil on DK, so will have a lot of tournament teams, first place is 100k so its a good day for us to run good!... we will have at least 15 teams (prolly closer to 20-22... will stack 15 teams once then another few teams a 2nd time)
In case you wonder if DFS is soft this is a 1k a player posted to twitter:
https://twitter.com/fantasysalary/st...53381532266496 (note the SP not playing lol)