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Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL

05-28-2017 , 08:20 AM
The Sunday Kick Off 100K
The Sunday Marathon 44$ 60K
The Big 44 75K
Bounty Builder 44$ 125K
55$ The Breeze 45K 888
55$ Monsoon 45K 888
3x 27$ 6 max Hyper
33$ 6 max Hyper
The Big 109 125K
350$ roll for sats @,bb 215$,Megadeep,Warm up etc...
Bounty Builder 109$ 200K
The Big 55 100K
Party 109$ 40K
Party 55$ Super-Ko Prog. re-entry 3x 50K
Party 109$ re-entry 150K 3x
Party Multiphase 55$ 50K 2x
Party Mutiphase 215$ 200K
Party 215$ re-entry 1x 300K
Bounty Builder 55$ 50K
The Sunday Stack 60K
The Hot 44 35K


Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL Quote
05-28-2017 , 08:26 AM
I will add Hot 55$,55$ 6 max Super-Ko Prog. and 888 55$ Deepstack Monsoon.
Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL Quote
05-28-2017 , 11:12 AM
Won sat @ BB 215$.Grinding hard for warm up and 888 215 MegaDEEP...
Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL Quote
05-28-2017 , 11:58 AM
Boom,won a sat for Warm up.
Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL Quote
05-28-2017 , 02:01 PM
Won sat for 888 megadeep as well but bust Warm up 88<AA bb vs btn.
Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL Quote
05-28-2017 , 02:01 PM
Good start in BB 44$,2.5x starting stack in 888 215$,Itm 33$ rebuy(in for 66$ total) but getting short after 99<QQ and 1010<AA...
Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL Quote
05-28-2017 , 02:04 PM
Just busted Sunday Kick off,had a Great stack there but got ul...
Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL Quote
05-28-2017 , 04:27 PM
I'll re-enter the Party 215$,think there will be a decent overlay there...
Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL Quote
05-28-2017 , 05:57 PM
Sigh,just bust Party 215$ (there was a 43400$ overlay)near the money bvb vs reg big stack QQ<KK for 75 bb pot ,annoying...

Last edited by Cedrick1; 05-28-2017 at 06:12 PM.
Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL Quote
05-28-2017 , 10:27 PM
Final table bubble Party 55$ Super-Ko Prog. Lost chip lead flip 4 handed bb vs btn QQ<AK and vilain shipped the tourney for almost 8K(including bountys) sigh... Playing some solid poker had lot of big stacks today(Bb 44$,Kick Off,Sunday 33$ rebuy,BB 109$ Party 109/215$(but somehow didnt reach $ there sigh...)Party 109$ 40K 888 215$ MegaDeep(off sat) I'll post some hands and do # later.
Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL Quote
05-28-2017 , 11:34 PM

The Sunday Kick Off 100K>>>>>>349$
Bounty Builder 44$ 125K>>>>>>>478$
27$ 6 max Hyper>>>>>>>>>>>>83$
Bounty Builder 109$ 200K>>>>>>>>50$
THE SUNDAY MILLION>>>>>>>>>>>452$
Party 109$ 40K>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>248$
Party 55$ Super-Ko Prog. re-entry>>706$
Party 109$ Super-Ko Prog. 50K>>>>25$
Sunday 33$ rebuy 75K>>>>>>>>>>>225$
Party 55$ FLIGHT 50K>>>>>>>>>>>>35$(overlay and weird payout structure so there was LOT of people cashing but less than buy in...)



Party 55$ Super-Ko Prog. re-entry 2x 50K
Party 109$ re-entry 150K 2x
Party Multiphase 55$ 50K 1x
Party 215$ re-entry 1x 300K - 215$
-Party 109$ Super-Ko Prog. 50K
-Hot 55 100K
-2x Titan Major -110$
- Sunday 33$ rebuy 75K(66$)
- Local site(Play on) major -155$




Posting hands a bit later,Thanks all for investing,pretty excited for the next 2 months,games will be very SOFT,people want to enjoy summer and are a bit oi after SCOOPS+ most of top players are in Vegas...


Last edited by Cedrick1; 05-28-2017 at 11:40 PM.
Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL Quote
05-29-2017 , 02:58 AM
Had a big stack Itm Kickoff but lost a big pot there,

Itm 33$ rebuy

BB 109$

For a triple near $

Deep bb 44$ wtf

Big 55 sick cooler vs a loose clicky bad player...


+ Chip lead FLIP on final table bubble QQ<AK @ Party Poker 55$ Ko Prog. with near 8K Ftw.

QQ<KK for 70bbs pot near Itm Party 215$

QQ<87 bvb to bust Party 109$ for a nice pot.

Big flip also Itm Party 109$ 40K.

Had up to 40K stack in MegaDEEP 888 215$ but lost a Monster pot with 95 ss on 9-8-6ss SIGH

Also won sats @ BB 215$ but lost QQ<AA there and 88<AA bb vs btn in Warm up.

Thanks for investing.
Cedrick89 SUNDAY(May 28th)RAIL Quote
