Originally Posted by Pay4MyRent
Yeah. I think it makes it impossible for him to call unless he has specifically KQ or a flopped set. His timing as well as the board set up quite well for the triple, I think he calls a lot on the flop and sometimes the turn with a lot of one pair hands or one-pair + draw hands and by the river facing the jam, being a booty-hunt, he probably is considering the fact I want all his chips in that spot so have a really strong value. With a bluff I'd size smaller almost always in his mind I expect and as it's a $7.50 tournament, he's probably more, though this is slightly generalizing, in the thought that bet bet jam = the nuts. Obviously, he hit a set on the river which sucked but I think the overbet gets him off so much of his range and my range looks like he can't call without a set or better.
Other than giving up , you think he's ever folding a pair of 7s or better with one medium pot sized bet?
I think a 3/4- pot sized bet looks so much weaker than a shove with the booty on the line, as well.