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11-13-2013 , 11:28 AM


$265 KO - $265
$55 10k - $55
The Hot 33 - $33
54 KO - $54
82 hyp 15k - $82
$33c - $93
82 hyp 14k - $82
The Big 22 - $22
100r - $409
12:15 27t KO - $27
The hot 11 - $11
54t KO - $54
$22 12k - $22
The Big 109 - $109
25 6m hyp - $25
55t 2x - $105
The hot 16.50 - $16.50
44t - $44
The Big 11 - $11
109t 2x - $209
$22 1r 1a - $62
51 hyp - $51
Hot 75 - $75
215t - $215
The Big $55 - $55
15:30 27t ko 20k - $27
The Hot $55- $55
$11r - $51
The Big $162 - $162
18:00 27t KO - $27
$109t 30k - $109
215t - $215
$55 6m turbo - $55
The hot 44 - $44
51 hyp - $51


75 7k guar - $75
The Benji - $109
Super Stack - $44
$75 6m 6k - $75
Wed Wiggle - $255
Trex (2x) - $324
Turbo Hundo - $109
Turbo Fiddy - $55



samesame - 2% (send me $70.52)
Tim_kremer - 2%
djmatz - 1.5%
luvstyle - 1%
cmore - 10%
spoonie - 4%
gagarin - 2%
putgold - 2%
maybird - 2%

To be a good loser is to learn how to win.
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 11:48 AM
Let's ship it big today!! GLGL
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 11:53 AM
gl y got the moneyzz

lucky $$$
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 12:09 PM
got it

AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 12:54 PM
11-13-2013 , 02:02 PM

lol wp - 6/25

holy wow - 13/19

lol at this setup and suck out

and also lo at how abd everyone is gg 18th

itm 55 10k - 31/45

Last edited by Aguskb; 11-13-2013 at 02:19 PM.
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 02:16 PM
holy balls.. ak>KK

lol nm
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 02:43 PM
66>A10 55 10k - 15/29

to bust 17th

Last edited by Aguskb; 11-13-2013 at 03:13 PM.
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 04:08 PM
i think i set a record for most chips at the break in the 109t 2x

KK>JJ 100r - 15/45

itm 33c - 11/27

itm 109t 2x - 2/35

1010<AK to bust 100r in 39th for heaps

Last edited by Aguskb; 11-13-2013 at 04:34 PM.
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 04:10 PM
Pretty funny to rail
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 04:41 PM

god mode continues - 1/23

KJs<AQ to bust 33c in 16th

QJ<A10 to bust benjamin in 21st (18 pay)
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 04:44 PM
Make sure the GOD switch keeps on the entire night and this could be a very healthy evening

Any FTP updates?

Keep up the nice grinding. Indeed very excited to rail!
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 04:53 PM

nothing exiting on ftp except i jsut bubbled the benjamin

ft 109t 2x - 1/9

oh ok

itm 22 12k - 65/143

Last edited by Aguskb; 11-13-2013 at 05:04 PM.
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 05:14 PM
gg 6th...ldo
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 06:25 PM
set over set to bust trex
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 07:19 PM
11-13-2013 , 07:56 PM
itm 109t - 45/70

gg 31st

just 51 hyp, turbo fiddy, and hot 44 left

Last edited by Aguskb; 11-13-2013 at 08:25 PM.
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 09:43 PM
itm turbo fiddy - 5/15


ft - 2/9

a pretty annoying 4th

Last edited by Aguskb; 11-13-2013 at 10:12 PM.
AGKB Wed Quote
11-13-2013 , 10:15 PM
$265 KO - $265 - ($250) cashed for ($365)
$55 10k - $55 - cashed for ($149)
The Hot 33 - $33 - busted
54 KO - $54 - busted
82 hyp 15k - $82 - busted
$33c - $93 - cashed for ($164.25)
82 hyp 14k - $82 - busted
The Big 22 - $22 - busted
100r - $409 - busted
12:15 27t KO - $27 - busted
The hot 11 - $11 - busted
54t KO - $54 - busted
$22 12k - $22 - cashed for ($40.12)
The Big 109 - $109 - busted
25 6m hyp - $25 - busted
55t 2x - $105 - busted
The hot 16.50 - $16.50 - busted
44t - $44 - busted
The Big 11 - $11 - busted
109t 2x - $209 - cashed for ($1962)
$22 1r 1a - $62 - busted
51 hyp - $51 - busted
Hot 75 - $75 - busted
215t - $215 - busted
The Big $55 - $55 - busted
15:30 27t ko 20k - $27 - ($15) busted
The Hot $55- $55 -busted
$11r - $51 - ($24.58)
The Big $162 - $162 - busted
18:00 27t KO - $27 - busted
$109t 30k - $109 - cashed for ($258.50)
215t - $215 - busted
$55 6m turbo - $55 - busted
The hot 44 - $44 - busted
51 hyp - $51 - busted


75 7k guar - $75 - busted
The Benji - $109 - busted
Super Stack - $44 - busted
$75 6m 6k - $75 - busted
Wed Wiggle - $255 - ($122.90) busted
Trex (2x) - $324 - ($199.10) busted
Turbo Hundo - $109 - busted
Turbo Fiddy - $55 - cashed for ($656)

total cashes/refunds: $4207

cmore - 10% ($420.70)
spoonie - 4% ($168.28)
gagarin - 2% ($84.14)
putgold - 2% ($84.14)
maybird - 2% ($84.14)
samesame - 2% ($84.14)
djmatz - 1.5% ($63.11)
luvstyle - 1% ($42.07)

frustrating 109t 2x ft, we had that one... ill be shipping back in a little bit... no package for tomorrow

k everyones been paid back... thanks guys.. next package prob fri

Last edited by Aguskb; 11-13-2013 at 10:31 PM.
AGKB Wed Quote
11-14-2013 , 03:30 AM
I think you miss me >
AGKB Wed Quote
11-14-2013 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by Tim_kremer
I think you miss me >
oh crap! :P sending now
AGKB Wed Quote
